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Class Heroes: A Class Apart

By: Stephen Henning

Teenage twins James and Samantha Blake are caught up in a seemingly random terrorist bombing while on a school trip. Many of their friends are killed. When the twins wake up in hospital, their lives have changed forever.The doctors are amazed at the speed with which James and Sam recover from their injuries and, when the twins begin to exhibit extraordinary powers, it is obvious that something incredible has happened.As James and Sam attempt to overcome their fears and embrace their new talents, a series of murders and disappearances start plaguing the hospital. The twins aren’t the only ones with special abilities and it becomes apparent that someone is coming for them.Will James and Sam be able to survive the nightmare into which they have been plunged? Who, or what, is behind the murders at the hospital? And was that terrorist incident quite so random after all?...

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Honolulu Star Advertiser : Special Sunday Tabloid

By: Honolulu Star Advertiser

Appeared in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser, Sunday, 10/23/11

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Ielts Speaking Topics : Ielts Task Two Speaking Topic Questions for Students and Educators

By: Mark W. Medley Mba

"IELTS Speaking Topics" provides both educators and students with a collection of photocopiable speaking two topics. Each question is designed to be used to supplement current materials related to the IELTS academic and general modules of the test. Educators can provide their students with up-to date, and authentic examples of speaking two questions, whilst their students could use each example for stimulated practice outside their classroom. All the questions are indexed under a topic heading, photocopiable and covers a wide range of subjects needed to master this most challenging part of the IELTS speaking test. "IELTS Speaking Topics," is suitable for both instructors and students as an ideal supplementary resource, with a free bonus ebook containing each question. Published by the Asian European University Press, and is available internationally....

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City of Dreams- an Extraordinary Journey, Inside the Heart of Indonesia's Capital- Jakarta

By: Mark W. Medley

The city of Jakarta is described as the "City of Dreams," by visitors usually overwhelmed by its sheer size, and the unique lifestyles of the people who live there. Discover a collection of true to life stories from the "City of Dreams," that can amaze, amuse, or simply confuse you. Find out what really can happen when East meets West in a downtown club, and explore the crumbling old city that was once- Batavia. Meet Chicken Harry an expatriate in love with the cities diverse nightlife, or experience a rainy season flood. Journey into Jakarta, with each unique story, and truly discover the city of dreams....

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Sundara Kanda

By: BS Murthy

If Mahabharata's Bhagvad-Gita is taken as a philosophical guide, Ramayana's Sundara Kãnda is sought for spiritual solace. What is more, many believe that reading Sundara Kãnda or hearing it recited would remove all hurdles and usher in good tidings! Well miracles apart, it's in the nature of Sundara Kãnda to inculcate fortitude and generate hope in one and all. After all, isn't it a depiction of how Hanuman goes about his errand against all odds! Again, won't it portray how Seetha, on the verge of selfimmolation, overcomes despair to see life in a new light? Besides, how Hanuman's Odyssey paves the way for Rama to rescue his kidnapped wife! One is bound to be charmed by the rhythm of the verse and the flow of the narrative in this sloka to sloka transcreation of Valmiki's adi kavya - the foremost poetical composition in the world. After all, it was the saga of Rama that inspired Valmiki the barbarian to spiritualize the same as Ramayana in classical Sanskrit!...

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Margele Risipite

By: Florentin Smarandache

În mai 1997 treceam prima data Nistrul, mergând în vizita la Odesa. Eram curios Õi atent la vorbirea basarabenilor, în trenul care ma purta de la ChiÕinau, iar în jurnal îmi notam expresii tipice, din partea locului. Lilia îmi traducea din rusa - când era cazul. Mai târziu, în vara anului 2000, aveam sa cunosc Tighina Õi câteva localitaÛi din jurul Corotnei. Domnul Pavel m-a plimbat cu maÕina prin Nezavertailovka, Krasnoe, oraÕelul Dnestrovsk, Õi centrul raional Slobozia. Am târguit în Tiraspol, unde Andreica - fratele Liliei - era student la Facultatea de Geografie, în grupa moldoveneasca. Corotna este un sat moldovenesc, înconjurat de aÕezari ucraineÕti Õi ruseÕti, iar Turunciucul, un braÛ al Nistrului, trece pe la marginea satului. Oamenii locului pastreaza dulcea limba româneasca Õi aici, în Transnistria. Am selectat Õi prelucrat o parte dintre aceste poezii melancolice, de jale, de parasire, bucolice de la Svetlana Garabaji, profesoara - Õi ea - de matematica (!) la Ôcoala Româneasca din Corotna. M-am gândit atunci sa public aceste giuvaieruri de versuri idilice, folclorice: fabule moralizatoare, imnuri, cântece, poezii pentru ...

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Third International Anthology on Paradoxism

By: Florentin Smarandache

In 1980's a new movement of avant-garde arised in literature, art philosophy and science. This is based on an excessive use of antinomies. antitheses. contradictions, oxymorons, paradoxes in the creative work at both small level and global level of the creative work. The goal is the enlargement of the artistic sphere through non-artistic elements. But especially the against-the-hair, counter-time. counter-sense creation. Also, to experiment....

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Rebus Umor Paradoxism

By: Gheorghe Niculescu

This book contains a collection of poems compiled by the author.

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Probleme Compilate Si Rezolvate de Geometrie Si Trigonometrie

By: Florentin Smarandache

Geometrie (clasa a IX-a). 4 -- Geometrie §i trigonometrie. 27 -- Probleme diverse. 47 -- Probleme recapitulative. 56 -- Geometrie spatiala. 61 -- Drepte §i plane. 85 -- Probleme recapitulative. 97 -- Proectii. 128 -- Geornetrie §i trigonormtrie (clasa a X-a). 144 --...

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Intamplari Cu Pacala

By: Florentin Smarandache

(Peisaj de iama un drum inzapezit intr-un sat; ninge Pe toata durata acestui tablou ca ~i in tabloul III se vor impra$tia de sus (dilllr-IIII loe lIevi=ihil pllhhclIllli) confetti albe sau vata (lIatlirald. artificiald) etc. pentru a da copiilor senzalia de fulgi de nea. care Ie plac alaI de mult')...

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G-Dimensional Theory & the Smarandache Quantum Paradoxes : Comparative Logic and Modern Quantum Theory

By: L. Stephen Young

The author's motivating interest the past few years has been the development and dissemination of G-dimensional theory (GDT). K. Toshihara, from Japan, proposed the concept of a paper defining G-Dimensional theory in relation to the Smarandache quantum paradoxes. After reviewing a draft, Dr. M. L. Perez, Editor of the SNJ, suggested the inclusion of the Smarandache (FTL) Hypothesis as well. So it is hoped that a determination of parametric relationships between the quantum paradoxes and GDT proves helpful in advancing interest and research in both areas. It became apparent from preliminary research that, although described in several forums and papers, e.g., the Smarandache quantum paradoxes have not been analyzed in depth or in terms of their relevance to modern science theory; so that, for example, "ask the expert" type online forums offer little in the way of explanatory relevance of these paradoxes....

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Interval Neutrosophic Sets and Logic : Theory and Applications in Computing

By: Florentin Smarandache

This book presents the advancements and applications of neutrosophics. Chapter 1 rst introduces the interval neutrosophic sets which is an instance of neutrosophic sets. In this chapter, the denition of interval neutrosophic sets and set-theoretic operators are given and various properties of interval neutrosophic set are proved. Chapter 2 denes the interval neutrosophic logic based on interval neutrosophic sets including the syntax and semantics of rst order interval neutrosophic propositional logic and rst order interval neutrosophic predicate logic. The interval neutrosophic logic can reason and model fuzzy, incomplete and inconsistent information. In this chapter, we also design an interval neutrosophic inference system based on rst order interval neutrosophic predicate logic. The interval neutrosophic inference system can be applied to decision making. Chapter 3 gives one application of interval neutrosophic sets and logic in the eld of relational databases. Neutrosophic data model is the generalization of fuzzy data model and paraconsistent data model. Here, we generalize various set-theoretic and relation-theoretic operations...

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Hermeneutica Paradoxismului, Vol. 1

By: Florentin Smarandache

o ... el rfunane in istoria literaturii, cum am spus ehiar de la ineeput, prin aeeea di este, vrem - nu vrem, "parintele" ParadoxismuluiOParadoxismul este un fel de avangardism, sau mai bine am ziee un neoavangardismODineolo de feluritele teribilisme si joeuri de artifieii (mai bine zis: spre a fi in tonul pe care si-I vrea), Florentin Smarandaehe este un seriitor mai eurfuld gravOFlorentin Smarandaehe serie ea mai toata lumea, eand are intr-adevar eeva de spusOeand serie non-teatru, teatru "meta-istorie", Florentin Smarandaehe este un autor demn de luat in seama, in eateva punete ehiar extraordinarO Florentin Smarandaehe vede ... Paradoxism peste tot! Este foarte probabil ea pentru el Lumea aeeasta, Universul, Cosmosul, ExistenJa sunt un PARADOX, in frunte eu ehiar aeela care il gandeste. 0...

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Fat Frumox Din Lacrima de Paradox”

By: Florentin Smarandache

Pâna în 1984, când publica a doua editie a volumului „Le sens du non-sens”, în limba franceza, la Fés, în Maroc (prima tot în Maroc, 1983), Florentin Smarandache îsi cioplise deja câteva pietre pentru templul sau: „L’heure de la planète”, 1980, Craiova, „Formules pour l’esprit”, 1981, Bucuresti, „Problèmes avec et sans …problèmes”, 1983, Fés, Maroc (în limba franceza). Eugen Ionescu, citind volumul „Le sens du non-sens” în manuscris, l-a gasit interesant: „J’ai bien reçu votre travail et je le trouve trcs interessant. Je vous remercie de me l’avoir envoyé”. (Paris, le 6 octobre, 1983). Mai toate volumele lui Florentin Smarandache sunt precedate de manifeste nonconformiste. Matematicianul ne pune în fata proiectul si cladirea. Constructorul este, în acelasi timp, ideologul faptei. Ideea da seama de act, actul da seama de idee. Chintesenta olteanului universal este sângele libertatii. Versurile paradoxiste îsi arata coltii înca din fasa. Daca matematica, ditamai stiinta, suporta paradoxurile pe pielea sa, de ce nu si literatura, care, oricum, este cu un picior în lumina iar cu celalalt în ceata?...

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Paradoksisticki Dvostihovi

By: Florentin Smarandache

Paradoksisticki Dvostih je saCinjen od dva suprotstavljena stiha koji se sjedinjuju u celinu, definisuci (iii cineci vezu) sa naslovom Po pravilu, drugi stih negira prvi sadrzavajuci pojam sintagmu), suprotnu ideju (antinomsku, antagonisticku)...

iii recnik antonima i recnik sinonima, pa pravite egzibicije po pojmovima (sintagmama) protivrecnim izrazima, homogenizujuci heterogene elemente; birajte odgovarajuce naslove i udite u paradoksizam....

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Colpotul Tacerii

By: Florentin Smarandache

Semhatarul acestor randuri se ana confruntat cu doua asertiuni. Prima. Cine este Florentin Smarandache? A doua Poetul nu are biografie; poezia este biografia sa Dar a doua asertiune vrea sa 0 elimine pe prima Nemaifiind doua nu se pune problema optiunii. Cand l-ar interesa t~i pe cititor viata unui poet? Un cititor impmimit de poezie ar putea raspunde, "niciodata". Mul, impresionat in mod deosebit de poezia sa ar simti nevoia sa posede unele date lJi despre viata lui. POOlii se impun mai greu lumii cititorilor. Un volum de poezie, in zile bune, are un tiraj de doua, trei mii de exemplare. pupa zece titluri scrise in 15-20 de ani, un poet nu este cunoscut decat in perimetru: celor treizeci de mii de cititori, posesori, uneori al numai unuia din ceIe zece titluri. Daca cei care l-au citit sunt de zece ori mai mu~i, poetul respectiv se poate considera bine situat in con~iinta natiunii. Aceste consideratii pot fi at~e poetilor care au trait in tara lJi lJi-au publicat carte cu carte la editurile roman~i. Nu de acee~i situatie"se bucura" Florentin Smarandache care, din cele cincisprezece titluri aparute, il1i vede doar doua car...

Time opens; the window of a moment; and watches me.

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Circles of Light

By: Florentin Smarandache

This book contains a collection of poems compiled by Florentin Smarandache.

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Cantece de Mahala

By: Florentin Smarandache

This book is a collection of poems compiled together by Florentin Smarandache. Book translates in Romanian---

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Antichambers, Antipoesies, Bizarreries

By: Florentin Smarandache

Un costaud force une traInee a fuir sa villa. II entretient des relations avec une autredes relations de sang. Le gars court la gueuse jusqu' au bOI-del, ou il est -a la botte d'une prostituee dlkllaussee. Le male lui rcgarde en face son dos puis il met a nu cette femelle deja deshabillee....

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Sacred Books

By: M. Winternitz

THE period covered by the inception, the publication, and the completion of the Sacred Books of the East exactly coincides with the thirty-four years that I have spent in Oxford. When I matriculated, Professor Max Muller, the editor of the series, was about to begin work on the first volume, which appeared while I was still an undergraduate. I lost no time in making his acquaintance, for it was the influence of one of his works that had stimulated me to begin under Professor Benfey the study of Sanskrit at the University of Gbttingen, when I left school nearly two years before. During my undergraduate days and later lowed much to Professor Max Muller's advice and encouragement in regard to my studies, which have ever since followed, as far as Sanskrit is concerned, much the same lines as his. I consequently always took a lively interest in the Sacred Books edited by him as they successively appeared during the course of a quarter of a century, no fewer than thirty-six volumes having a more or less direct bearing on my own work, and fourteen of the translators being personally known to me. Professor Max Mi.iller lived to see all...

Habeltt sua lata libelli-not only after they have been published, but sometimes even before they are printed. It was in the spring of 1894 that the late Professor Max Muller first suggested to me that I should compile a General Index of the names and subject-matter for the complete series of the Sacred Books of the East. Such an Index, he thought, would be a great help to all students of the Sacred Books of tile East, and of the greatest value for the study of the history of religions....

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