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Air Force Research Institute Papers 2012-5 : Air Force Command and Control; The Need for Increased Adaptability

By Hukill, Johnson, Carter, Lizzol, Redman, Yannakogeorgos

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Book Id: WPLBN0002170899
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 2.01 MB
Reproduction Date: 10/24/2012

Title: Air Force Research Institute Papers 2012-5 : Air Force Command and Control; The Need for Increased Adaptability  
Author: Hukill, Johnson, Carter, Lizzol, Redman, Yannakogeorgos
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Military Science, Command and Control
Collections: Authors Community, Technology
Publication Date:
Publisher: Air University Press
Member Page: Air University Press


APA MLA Chicago

Johnson, Carter, Lizzol, Redman, Yannakogeorgo, B. H. (n.d.). Air Force Research Institute Papers 2012-5 : Air Force Command and Control; The Need for Increased Adaptability. Retrieved from

On 23 November 2010, the chief of staff of the Air Force tasked the Air Force Research Institute to review Air Force command and control (C2) to determine whether doctrine and organizational structures require changes to ensure success in uncertain and dynamic future scenarios. The research team concluded that, to maximize effectiveness, the Air Force must organize, train, and equip its C2 structure to increase adaptability, building improved integration with partners— especially below the combatant commander level. The study’s recommendations should lead to more effective and efficient operations in support of the joint force commander’s requirements. The study presents six questions to aid a commander in the design of an adaptable C2 structure. The answers to these questions will assist the commander in identifying the lowest appropriate organizational level to integrate operations. The questions address the following issues: the nature of an operation, available resources, capabilities of subordinate units, degree of trust and confidence, political risk, and the desire to exploit interaction among the speed, range, flexibility, versatility, and battlespace perspective of Air Force capabilities. When designing a C2 approach, a commander must assess how these items will influence an operation. The study’s concluding analysis identifies three overarching problems that the Air Force must overcome in order to attain an adaptive C2 structure: lack of clarity among command relationships, lack of confidence and trust, and lack of capability and capacity regarding Air Force integration elements. Although these three problems manifested themselves in different ways during each operational example, they accurately describe the fundamental issues requiring Air Force action to reach the goal of unity of effort through integration at the appropriate level, enabling agility and speed of action in delivering effects.

Table of Contents
introduction 1 A Framework for Analyzing Command and Control Structures 2 Analytical Model 2 results of the Analysis 5 Guidelines for Adaptive Command and Control 6 Using the Influences to Design Adaptive Command and Control 10 Organize, train, and equip: Observations and recommendations 12 Observation: Unclear Command Relationships 12 Recommendation: Broaden Airmen’s Understanding 14 Recommendation: Educate Airmen 15 Recommendation: Review Plans 17 Observation: Lack of Confidence and Trust 18 Recommendation: Create Organizational Structures to Produce Command and Control Capabilities at Appropriate Echelons 20 Recommendation: Establish Habitual Relationships 20 Observation: Lack of Capability and Capacity 20 Recommendation: Organize, Train, and Equip 23 Recommendation: Develop a Subtheater Force Development Strategy 27 Recommendation: Update Nuclear Command and Control Communications 29


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