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By Spyri, Johanna

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Book Id: WPLBN0002951566
Format Type:
File Size: 281.07 MB
Reproduction Date: 2006

Title: Heidi  
Author: Spyri, Johanna
Language: English
Subject: Fiction, Children
Collections: Audio Books Collection, Heidi; by Johanna Spyri
Publication Date:
Publisher: LibriVox Audio Books


APA MLA Chicago

Spyri, B. J. (1880). Heidi. Retrieved from

Hear Heidi if you’ve ever longed to see the Swiss mountain slopes. This story transports the listener from the fine air and freedom of the mountaintop to the confines of Frankfurt, back to the peaks again, bounding in flowered fields with goats at your heels and sky utterly surrounding you. We meet Heidi when she is 5, led up the mountain by her aunt who has raised the orphan but must leave now for a position in Frankfurt. In a mountain cottage overlooking the valley is Heidi’s grandfather, and there with him the girl’s sweet, free nature expands with the vista. The author’s voice is straightforward, and so is our reader’s, with the child’s wonder, devotion, and sometimes humorous good intentions. When Heidi is taken from the mountains and nearly doesn’t make it back again, the most humorous as well as most heart-wringing scenes occur. All she learns during her absence from the mountain she brings back as seeds that will grow to benefit everyone around her. (Summary by Anita)

Electronic recorded live performance of a reading



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