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Yest Ye Become One

By Pacione, Nickolaus, A.

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Book Id: WPLBN0003760745
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 1.0 MB
Reproduction Date: 8/3/2015

Title: Yest Ye Become One  
Author: Pacione, Nickolaus, A.
Language: English
Subject: Fiction, Drama and Literature, Urban Legends
Collections: Authors Community, Horror
Publication Date:
Publisher: Writings From The Grave Holdings Ltd.
Member Page: Nickolaus Pacione


APA MLA Chicago

A. Pacion, B. N. (2015). Yest Ye Become One. Retrieved from

Complete short story by me as something that will offer up access to a story where it will be offered up for the masses to read and enjoy. This is part of the Gutenberg shorts series from me as I hope some of you can take this story in the spirit I've written this. Advance Warning: Graphic Tough Language (Come on this is Chicago you're expected to hear an f-bomb or two.)

Horror short story exclusive to this location as I came up with a unique idea from an urban legend born here of a shark that lingers around the Chicago Waterway. The idea came from seeing a news posting on WGN in Chicago, Illinois, in 2014.

Excuses as one collects; everything they fabricate becomes everything someone believes as they hang on every other word. One lie leads to destruction of another man – a question we see coming to mind; how many collate and then trim and past a plethora of statements to make someone look like they’re criminal. “How do you mean?” Small town busy bodies calling their version of Barney Fife within their nonfictional version of Mayberry – unable to handle little bit of controversy when it comes to when they seek out monsters; don’t they realize they do that. They do end up becoming one… Yest ye become one as Nietzsche had warned us. That’s the history of Chicago for you; seeking out monsters. Chasing an urban legend or two; or that’s how it goes or follows. When one is chasing old news articles and capturing classmate’s adult infamies; I don’t always know when to capture their nightmarish traits as some things become the territory of those who feel brimstone and fire engulfing their lungs. A realization what happens when they had been bit in half or had a limb chewed off in the waters of Lake Michigan by our urban legend in the waters. Our world as I realize, yest ye become one… Becoming what Nietzsche warned us about. I know what that is – does the masses reading this narrative realize this.. What they are – the horror that is mankind. “I don’t want to hear about this urban legend talk…” What is this creeping at the thought you out – if you nod you know exactly what I am speaking about as this one has flesh and teeth? If you’re a classmate this narrative may save your life knowing our urban legend is a living thing but doesn’t speak; though very real and its siblings were found in the Mississippi River near Alton, Illinois. Yes is that time of the year again; as I am sure some of you are out swimming and carefree though one year ago a photographer captured a protruding fin out of the Chicago waters. I will say right now he the one who splits the surface will have a name; named for the H. P. Lovecraft short story and shares the title with a God from ancient Iraq known as Dagon Tell me as one read the articles and the imagination had been captured as last hear WGN NEWS asked the question, “Tell me this…. You mean there is a shark in within Lake Michigan?” That’s the urban legend guys – plausible when you realize how far a Bull Shark can swim up river or through the St. Lawrence. Though it’s a question how it would end up in Lake Michigan? Speculation and imagination become fodder for speculative fiction writers when one sees something like this and read the articles. I am sure someone might be looking at this with speculation well that’s the power of suggestion throttling one’s imagination (like someone grabbing someone by their neck like Joan Crawford of her adoptive daughter.) Well the things you read and hear on the news before one goes swimming; one may never know when that urban legend will pop up and a fin will be staring one down. The lake one swims in Nietzsche had the cryptic warning, yest ye become one as the monster glides under the freshwater inland sea. The world within the imagination born of urban legend among the things dwelling of horror how Dagon had five gills on each side of him along with 12 inch dorsal fin protruding from the water – does one really want 300 lbs of bad attitude clamping down upon their limbs. Dagon here is not the creature aka the demi-God from H. P. Lovecraft’s work or the Fish-God from the mythology of the ancient past as I relate but the urban legend who emerged in 1955 where it’s frighteningly plausible.

Table of Contents
Yest Ye Become One: Complete Short Story


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