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THE INTELLIGENT HEART, THE PURE HEART : An Insight Into the Heart Based on the Qur'an, Sunnah and Modern Science: An Insight Into the Heart Based on the Qur'an, Sunnah and Modern Science

By Mushtaq , Gohar, Dr.

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Book Id: WPLBN0100302465
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 1.19 MB
Reproduction Date: 1/6/2006

Title: THE INTELLIGENT HEART, THE PURE HEART : An Insight Into the Heart Based on the Qur'an, Sunnah and Modern Science: An Insight Into the Heart Based on the Qur'an, Sunnah and Modern Science  
Author: Mushtaq , Gohar, Dr.
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Science
Collections: Authors Community, Islam
Publication Date:
Publisher: Ta-Ha publishers limited
Member Page: Gohar Mushtaq


APA MLA Chicago

Gohar Mushtaq, B. D. (2006). THE INTELLIGENT HEART, THE PURE HEART : An Insight Into the Heart Based on the Qur'an, Sunnah and Modern Science. Retrieved from

The book "The Intelligent Heart, The Pure Heart" by Dr. Gohar Mushtaq is a bold effort to render concept to the ubiquitous adage in almost all literary writings and in common verbal usage of using the heart as an organ of intellect with the capacity for rational thought, inference and discrimination. The reader will also find, given the abundance of facts and quotes, substantiated to an extent scientifically in conjunction with sufficient present understanding of literary writings and experiences that the heart does possess an ability to affect the brain and play a role in understanding and intellect. This book contains compelling examples to initiate a process of thinking for the curious and the investigative mind.

The role of the human heart according to Islamic writings in comparison with modern scientific research.

A few decades ago, Rudolf Steiner, a German philosopher and education expert, noted that "the greatest discovery of 20th century science would be that the heart is not a pump but vastly more, and that the great challenge of the coming ages of humanity would be, in effect, to allow the heart to teach us to think in a new way." It seems that now the time has come to show us that the human heart is not just a pumping organ but much more than that. The days of Newtonian mechanics, in which human heart was regarded as a mere pumping organ, will soon become a matter of past.

Table of Contents
Introduction 8 Chapter 1 12 Human Heart is more than Just a Pump 12 Human Heart in Light of the Qur'an 12 Human Heart in Light of the Prophet Sayings (Hadeeth) 14 Heart Rhythm Changes as mentioned in Prophetic Sayings 16 Human Heart according to Muslims Scholars 17 Human Heart in Light of Modern Science 21 Research about Two-Way Conversations between the Heart and the Brain 23 Chapter 2 24 Human Heart - A Unique Organ in the Body 24 Human Heart and Circumambulation of Kaa'ba (Tawaaf) 25 Heart Heart and Congregational Prayers (salatul Jama’ah) 26 Human Heart and Remembrance of Allah (Zikr) 31 Human Heart and Intuition of Men and Women 33 Human Heart and the Acceptance of Islam 35 Chapter 3 38 Human Heart and Mother-Child Bond 39 Unconscious Memory of Mother's Heartbeat in a Child 40 Effects of Mother's Heartbeat on Child during Breast-feeding 42 Chapter 4 45 Human Heart’s Influence on the Brain and Emotions 45 Intelligence of Heart versus Intelligence of Brain 46 What is Intelligence? 48 Four Ways in which the Heart Communicates with the Brain 51 Role of the Heart with respect to Emotions 53 Dualist Nature of Human Beings and the Importance of Heart 55 Chapter 5 58 Importance of Purification of the Heart 58 Physical diseases of the heart 59 Story of Luqman the Wise and his master 62 First Open-Heart Surgery – Purification of the Heart of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by Angels 63 Spiritual strength of the heart 65 Importance of the Science of Tazkiyyah (purification) 69 Chapter 6 74 Spiritual Diseases of the Hearts and Their Cures 74 Love of this world and Dislike of death (wahn) 77 Unnecessary Talking 80 Backbiting (gheebah) 83 Corruption of Heart through Ears 85 Unrestrained Glances and Seduction by the Media 89 Envy (hasad) 91 Arrogance (kibr) 95 Anger (ghadhab) 98 Stinginess (bukhal) 101 Ostentation (riyaa) 101 General Cures for Diseases of the Hearts 104 Chapter 7 110 Concluding Remarks 110


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