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Positive (Original) Chapter 1 The Way that can be followed is not the eternal Way. The name that can be called is not the eternal name. The Principle that can be explained is not the eternal Principle. “Nonexistence” is the name of the origin of heaven and earth; “Existence” is the name of creating the myriad things. Therefore, the essence of Principle always can be seen from “Nonexistence”; The operation of Principle always can be seen from “Existence”. These tw...

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By: by Daniel Fidel Ferrer, Mr.

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Army Reserve Medic : My Experience with the 691st Medical Team (fo...

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Aula de Sofia

By: by Manuel Sá Lopes

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Global Totalitarianism and the Working Animals : Essays, Citations...

By: by Florentin Smarandache

This so-called “globalization” is called on Internet in the following ways: global totalitarianism, neo-totalitarianism, new world order, global fascist order, neo-fascism, today’s new fascism, semi-colonialism, neocolonialism, global cyber hegemony (global control and manipulation of the Internet), global dictatorship, etc. where a few elites from some power countries try to take over the whole globe, which would become a prison planet. These unscrupulous, immoral, corr...

Dark Strategies in Politics. Various ideas, hints, possible methods These ideas are compiled from various readings. They are unethical, immoral, unfair, and devilish. They are unfortunately examples of bad behavior and intentions of some powerful elites and other malignant people. IN CONCLUSION, THIS IS A DO-NOT-DO LIST!... • Corruption, deception, betray to reach your goal; • To take someone’s property; • In nature it doesn’t exist equality, nor liberty; • Real...

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By: by Sam Starbuck

Colin Byrne is a pickpocket, an artist, and an occasional consultant for the police. He’s also an ex-felon, an initiate into the feral, unspoken magic that only prisoners know: how to vanish, how to tell fortunes, how to steal souls. Now the man who put him in prison wants him to return to Railburg State Correctional Facility to help investigate a case. Some things at Railburg haven’t changed. His protégé Noel is still the best ink artist in the prison, and their ment...

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Paradoxism's Manifestos and International Folklore

By: by Florentin Smarandache

The book is structured in two parts as follows: - in the first part, the theory of paradoxism through its first six published worldwide manifestos (1983, 1984, 1990, 1998, 2002, and 2010 respectively); - in the second part, the paradoxism collected from the international (English, French, Spanish/Arabic, and Romanian) folklore in images and paradoxist situations.

A) Folkloric Begining. It was in the years 1980’s when the paradoxist movement started. Together with childhood friends (I use their nicknames, since these are more colorfull: Cost, Geonea, Beca, Bigioc, Piciu, Boros, Covrig ăl mijlociu, Cris, Pilă, Chesa, Grasu, Babanu) in the little parks and restaurants of Bălcești – Vâlcea drinking beer and joking. They did not like to read or write!... They all were non-literators {excepting me and Co(n)st(antin) Dincă}. We built a...

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Paradoxism Si Post-Modernism : În Creatia Lui

By: by Ion Soare

'Parcă vrând să fie in ton cu paradotismul, să să l'confirm chiar modul de receptare a scriitorului matematician Florentin Smarandache este paradoxal : atat despre omul de stinta cat si despre smarandachism numele pe care i lai dat miscarii Ion Rotaru si Titu Popescu sau scris deja zeci de carti studii si articole insa paradoxistul numarul I al lumii este putin cunoscut in tara sa de origine. Pe de alta parte, unii cercetatori (Jacques Sarthou, Dan Tarchild, Doru Mot...

La începutul deceniului opt al acestui secol, un cunoscut dramaturg şi om de teatru - francezul JacquesSarthou, de la Theâtre de l'Île de France, primind de la Florentin Smarandache Manifeste non-conformiste pour un nouveau mouvement Iitteraire: le Paradoxisme, s-a simţit atât de entuziasmat la citirea. programului noii mişcări, încât l-a proclamat pe autor "le plusgrand lloete du XX -eme siecle". "Bravo pour votre genie et votre courage!" - îşi încheia francezul scrisoa...

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Hermeneutica Paradoxismului, Vol. 1

By: by Florentin Smarandache

o ... el rfunane in istoria literaturii, cum am spus ehiar de la ineeput, prin aeeea di este, vrem - nu vrem, "parintele" ParadoxismuluiOParadoxismul este un fel de avangardism, sau mai bine am ziee un neoavangardismODineolo de feluritele teribilisme si joeuri de artifieii (mai bine zis: spre a fi in tonul pe care si-I vrea), Florentin Smarandaehe este un seriitor mai eurfuld gravOFlorentin Smarandaehe serie ea mai toata lumea, eand are intr-adevar eeva de spusOeand seri...

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Beliefs that Bias Food & Agriculture : Questions I'm Often Asked: ...

By: by Dr. Lindsay Falvey

The answers cover such topics as: - why livestock are critical to food security - why free trade and markets can't solve food shortages - why aid shouldn't insist poor countries follow our model - how to reconcile science and commerce with popular ideals - how grass domestic happiness can be a serious topic - how more food can be produced with less land and fertilizer - why labels like Buddhist and vegetarian confuse life - what traditional wisdom is critical to...

Question and Answer How to reprise lost paradise, where clansmen were always content? On this we ever ask advice, not noting our command’s contempt. Replies arise if we ask right, as sages’ sayings still console, except when wished as black or white, thus missing their integral whole. Each answer’s angst makes us ask more – thus are our suspect lives sustained, supremely sure if we spark war, for our ideals are deep ingrained. We’re punished by our primal rite...

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Trialogue between Heidegger, Nietzsche, and Nagarjuna in Todtnauberg

By: by Daniel Fidel Ferrer, Mr.

Dialogue format between three great philosophers. Two German and one Buddhist monk from 200 AD India.

Nāgārjuna talks directly to Martin Heidegger. Martin, you had Parmenides and impossibility of thinking of non-Being. Supposedly, he wrote: “neither could you know what is not nor could you declare it”. Indeed, the rest of the western philosophical history is: Plato’s dialogue the Sophist and stranger’s position about non-Being and the simple discussion of the semantics of non-Being; or Hegel’s view of non-Being in the Science of Logic which is only thought in the general...

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