• Maria Victoria Navajas Claros
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The Endgame A Memoir

By: Maria Victoria Navajas Claros

This memoir chronicles the life of an Argentine child, who was taken as a political prisoner and illegally adopted by a foreign intelligence officer during the Jorge Rafael Videla military dictatorship. Raised in the United States, she grew up with a unique perspective into the world of counterintelligence and weapons research, while also bearing witness to the inner collapse of a nation. As an outsider, the author reflects on the harrowing realities concealed beneath th...

"I used to ask myself, why would they use lies that put them in such a horrible light? The words had to be true, because what could possibly be worse? Then I saw what they were hiding under all that dirt."

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Weight of the Wait : Public Deception and the Endgame 1980 - 2020:...

By: Maria Victoria Navajas Claros

From AIDS to COVID, from Argentina to the United States, wartime trafficking, military classification rules, manipulation, shortsightedness, and coercive recruitment strategies have consequences.

With the welcome invitation of Argentina, U.S. and foreign forces walked right in via Operation Condor. They selected the best people from the academic and scientific communities in Argentina and then framed them as the political opposition in order to force them into what was very much a coerced “come work for us or die here” scenario. They were in a post-World War II phase and wanted as many people as they could get to create bigger and better weapons and strate...

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