«Secrets of Solomon» is a book easy to read, full of quotations from ancient and contemporary sages: Publilius Syrus, Seneca, Marquês de Maricá, John C. Maxwell, Steven K. Scott, T. Harv Eker, among others. The book was inspired by Proverbs of Solomon, who is considered by many as the wisest and richest king of all time. After studying the life and work of King Solomon, and the reason for his great wisdom and wealth, the author gives to know the 12 secrets of Solomon to ...
What is the secret of one of the most powerful men
who ever lived?
Solomon, son of King David, was the third king of
Israel and lived during the tenth century BC. He became
famous because of his great wisdom and wealth, higher than
any other king on earth who lived before and after him. His
reign was long (about 40 years), full of peace and
prosperity. And even without war, he received the voluntary
tribute of all neighboring kingdoms (a...