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A Hair's Breadth : A Leap Beyond Chance, Volume 1: A Leap Beyond C...

By: by Ms. Lotten Säfström

Altered Destiny Paving Magnificence Fooling Destruction Cheating Destruction Exceeding Destiny Surpassing Expectations Bypassing Evolution Unhinged Evolutionary Beyond Malignant Evolution Accelerated Maturation Expanding Maturation Surpassing Battered Earth Earth Matters Proper Rule Tapping Splendour Geniality Unfolding Unfolding Genius When the young of the species lose all hope, when apathy and despair subdue the energy of their natural li...

"Hard working people from all walks of life who have never been truly safe in their unrelenting efforts to support themselves. Always being at the mercy of circumstance. Whether it be that the company or department no longer needs them or the workplace is affected by some catastrophe or another. It could also simply come down to health issues, be they personal or of someone in your family. Then it wouldn’t matter how much effort you had put into your profession or how go...

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