• Manal Khalil
    Author's photo GeneralInfo
Manal Samir Hafez Khalil) 
  Khaled ibn Al Waleed street/ n18 /mashtoul al souq ,Sharkiah / Egypt
(+2 01007482171       
Email : manalkhalil1973@gmail.com 

High School degree.  1989/1991

(Bachelor of Arts Department of Mass Communication)1996/1999
(Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Media) 2010

Work Experience: 
2009– septomber/2009: Egyptian life magazine
2009 – december/2010: Mother of the world magazine
2010 – november/2010 : Photographer Magazine

ENGLISH:         Medium.
AMAZIGH :      
ARABIC :           Advanced
Skills:                                                                                                          Additional Information:      
         Writing short stories and literary novels.
        Writing literary articles.
          Writing scripts for radio and television.            series    
        Skin care, skin and make-up.

I am good at writing creative and descriptive content for literary and creative writing,marketing and advertising.
ICDL Certificate 27/1/2009

 writer and writer I have a set of books published on Amazon Kindle such as / (A different woman), (Betrayal), (When you love the Queen), (Yesterday and today) and tomorrow).
I have a novel in print called (Waiting for Something). I have a published collection of short stories called (The Talk of Silence).

I am good at writing scripts for series, and I have two written scripts  

General Information:
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Inverted Image : A Fantasy Novel, Volume 450: A Fantasy Novel

By: Manal Khalil

A fantasy novel about a tyrannical king and ruler who oppresses his people and practices all kinds of oppression, injustice and tyranny on them. One day, he thinks about turning into a god, claiming that he is the one who created the universe and created all humans and all other creatures, and that he is their creator and they must worship him and that he created them in order for them to worship him. He follows with them methods of enticement and intimidation, and...

With heavy, slow steps playing a tune, yawning and boredom, Antar was wandering about his garden singing as he used to do every morning Antar with interest and anticipation: What is behind you, O (Noor), say, and what brought you in such a hurry Eagle: I know that, my master, with full knowledge, but I forgot, sir, how our ruler, Antar, was most opposed to the construction of the five statues of them, and that they did not remain silent about this matter and did no...

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Someday is not a day of the week : A compilation of satirical essa...

By: by Manal Khalil

A group of satirical articles and two short satirical stories that criticize some wrong social conditions and some wrong ideas and complexes in society, which enjoy and obtain an irrational sanctity based on myths and illusions.

With science and reason we seek help and let the great enlightening logic live The little boy sat in front of his old grandfather and took the child in amazement and admiration as he contemplated his grandfather while he was busy making a clay statue. It is always wanted, desired and loved because it has artistic shapes and ornaments and eye-catching artistic zigzags and twists.

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يوماَ ما ليس من أيام الأسبوع : مقالات وقصص ساخرة, Volume 43: مقالا...

By: by Mrs. Manal Khalil

مجموعة من المقالات الساخرة وقصتين ساخرتين قصيرتين والتى تنتقد بعض الأوضاع الاجتماعية الخاطئة وبعض الأفكار والمعقدات الخاطئة في المجتمع،والتى تحظى وتنال قدسية غير منطقية مبنية على الخرافات والأوهام وللأسف يستغل ذلك أصحاب المصالح المشتركة في المجتمع والمسئولين واستغلال ذلك أسوأ استغلال مما يعود ذلك بالسلب على المجتمع.

دخل الفلاح البسيط الى حظيرته الكبيرة في أحد الأيام وأقترب من حماره بهدوء قائلا: ياحماري العزيز قد أوحشتني طوال اليوم وأنا في الحقل أشتاق لصوت نهيقك دائما .حتى وأنا أمارس هوايتي المفضّلة في الصيد دائما تعن على بالي ياحماري , ولاتنسى ياعزيزي الحمار أنّ قريتنا تقع على النهر أو البحيرة الكبيرة كما يحلو لأهالي القرية أن يسمّونها , ونحن منذ زمن نمارس الفلاحة والصيد معا , ثم إقترب الفلاّح من أذن حماره الطويلة بعد أن شنّف...

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Love outside the box : Short story collection, Volume 182: Short s...

By: by Manal Khalil; Manal Khalil

A collection of stories that describe the relationship of a woman to a man in terms of emotional, social and love in a different way from the traditional ways of love and thinking outside the box and the importance of loneliness and isolation for a person and that it gives him strength of will and pursuit of goals, especially women.

You wanted to make me a fake princess in your snowy palace, but I preferred to be a tramp in the wilds of my freedom, stay away and careless to love you I melt in unfinished love to keep hovering around the forbidden tree so that I don't fall asleep.

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