Rav Michael Laitman is a Ph.D. in philosophy and Kabbalah, and an MSc in Medical Cybernetics. He has been researching and teaching Kabbalah since 1976. Between 1979-1991, he was personal assistant and prime student of Kabbalist Rabbi Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag, the firstborn son and successor of Kabbalist Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag, known as Baal HaSulam for his authoritative Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar. Rav Laitman has published more than 30 books in 10 languages and is a world-renowned expert in the wisdom of Kabbalah. He is also a member of the World Wisdom Council, a global think tank headed by Prof. Ervin Laszlo, including prominent scientists, thinkers, and spiritual leaders such as the Dalai Lama, Mikhail Gorbachev, Elie Wiesel, and Bianca Jagger.
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What is the meaning of my life?, by foremost Kabbalist Michael Laitman, PhD, of Israel, and present one of the clearest explanations on the practice of Kabbalah that can be found in English today. They are introductory in nature, touching on the major points of Kabbalah and why it is vital for our generation to discover it. We offer these books in the hope that they will be available to people searching for a fulfilling answer to the eternal question: “What is the meaning of my life?”
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The Baobab that Opened Its Heart

By: by Rav Michael Laitman

“Long ago, when the big island of Madagascar was but a small village, there lived a young baobab tree.” Like all good stories, the tale of the baobab tree is not just a beautiful story but one that carries a specific message, a message of love. The stories in this collection were all written with the love of nature, of people, and specifically with children in mind. They all share the desire to tell nature’s tale of unity, connectedness, and love.

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Children of Tomorrow: Guidelines for Raising Happy Children in the...

By: by Rav Michael Laitman

For children of all ages: ten enchanting tales that describe how Miracles Can Happen when we open our eyes to the joy and beauty that comes from being connected with others. This heartfelt collection of children's stories creates an appreciation for Nature's wondrous ways, revealing the eternal truth that only together can we do something truly wonderful.

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Miracles Can Happen

By: by Rav Michael Laitman

For children of all ages: ten enchanting tales that describe how Miracles Can Happen when we open our eyes to the joy and beauty that comes from being connected with others. This heartfelt collection of children's stories creates an appreciation for Nature's wondrous ways, revealing the eternal truth that only together can we do something truly wonderful.

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The Wise Heart: Tales and Allegories of Three Contemporary Sages

By: by Rav Michael Laitman

The Wise Heart introduces a lovingly crafted anthology of tales and allegories by Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman, his mentor, Rav Baruch Ashlag (Rabash), and Rabash’s father and mentor, Rav Yehuda Ashlag, author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar. The allegories herein provide a glimpse into the way Kabbalists experience the spiritual world, with surprising, and often amusing depictions of human nature, with a tender touch that is truly unique to Kabbalists.

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Unlocking the Zohar

By: by Rav Michael Laitman

The Book of Zohar (Book of Radiance) is perhaps the most mysterious composition ever written. It contains the secrets of the whole of Creation, but until recently these secrets were shrouded in mystery and misconceptions. Now the Zohar is openly unfolding its wisdom, to show humanity a way forward. Unlocking the Zohar is an invitation to a wondrous journey as we fine-tune our thoughts to maximize the spiritual benefit derived from reading in The Zohar.

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The Point in the Heart

By: by Rav Michael Laitman

When you need a moment to reflect, to be alone with your thoughts, this book will help you rediscover your inner compass. The Point in the Heart is a collection of excerpts from a man whose wisdom has earned him devoted students worldwide. Michael Laitman, a scientist and a Kabbalist, presents ancient wisdom in a compelling style. These stormy days, his site,, offers a silver lining for those who seek true and lasting comfort.

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The Zohar: Annotations to the Ashlag Commentary

By: by Rav Michael Laitman

The Book of Zohar (The Book of Radiance) is an ageless source of wisdom and the basis for all Kabbalistic literature. Since its appearance nearly 2,000 years ago, it has been the primary, and often only, source used by Kabbalists. For centuries, Kabbalah was hidden from the public, which was considered not yet ready to receive it. However, our generation has been designated by Kabbalists as the first generation that is ready to grasp the concepts in The Zohar. Now, we...

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By: by Rav Michael Laitman

One evening in September 1991, Kabbalist Rabash summoned his prime student, Michael Laitman, to his bedside and handed him a notebook, whose cover contained one word-Shamati (I Heard), containing transcripts of Rabash's conversations with his father, Yehuda Ashlag, author of a complete commentary on The Zohar. The following morning the Rabash perished.Following Rabash's legacy to disseminate the Kabbalah, Laitman published the notebook just as it was written, retaining t...

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Kabbalah for the Student

By: by Rav Michael Laitman

The great Kabbalists, Rav Yehuda Ashlag, and his son and successor, Rav Baruch Ashlag, offer modern readers valid answers to life's most vital question: What is the meaning of my life? Their interpretations of The Book of Zohar and The Tree of Life explain how we can benefit by using the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah on a day-to-day basis. Additionally, clear illustrations accurately depict the evolution of the Upper Worlds as Kabbalists experience them.

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Awakening to Kabbalah

By: by Rav Michael Laitman

Your world is ready for change. Make it happen, with guidance from one of the greatest Kabbalists of our generation.Rav Michael Laitman, PhD, sees Kabbalah as a science that deals with drawing near to the Creator. It studies the system of creation, examines how the Creator conducts this system, and how creation can rise to the level of the Creator. It is a method of reaching spiritual fulfillment. Through the study of Kabbalah, you too can learn to direct your heart--and...

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Bail Yourself Out

By: by Rav Michael Laitman

Everything that exists is an outcome of interaction between two forces--giving and receiving. When they work in harmony, life flows peacefully in its course. When they collide, we must deal with calamities and crises of great magnitude, says Prof. Michael Laitman. These forces are at work in every aspect of life: family, economy, politics, ecology, and health. Bail Yourself Out: How You Can Emerge Strong from the World Crisis is a guide to mastering these forces on the p...

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From Chaos to Harmony

By: by Rav Michael Laitman

Laitman's new book not only demonstrates with examples from science and Kabbalah that the ego stands behind all human suffering, but also shows how we can use it to our benefit. With clear analyses of the human soul and its problems, the book provides a 'roadmap' indicating how we can achieve a new level of existence and fulfillment.

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Kabbalah for Beginners

By: by Rav Michael Laitman

The Kabbalist Rabbi Laitman, who was the student and personal assistant to Rabbi Baruch Ashlag from 1979-1991, follows in the footsteps of his rabbi in passing on the wisdom of Kabbalah to the world. This book is based on sources that were passed down by Rabbi Baruch's father, Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag, the author of the commentaries on The Book of Zohar, who continued the ways of many great Kabbalists throughout the generations before them. The goal of this book is to assist ...

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Together Forever: The Story About the Magician Who Didn't Want to ...

By: by Rav Michael Laitman

In Together Forever, the author tells us that if we are patient and endure the trials we encounter along our life's path, we will become stronger, braver, and wiser. Instead of growing weaker, we will learn to create our own magic and our own wonders as only a magician can.In this warm, tender tale, Michael Laitman shares with children and parents alike some of the gems and charms of the spiritual world. The wisdom of Kabbalah is filled with spellbinding stories. Togethe...

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Kabbalah Revealed

By: by Rav Michael Laitman

Kabbalah Revealed: The Ordinary Person’s Guide to a More Peaceful Life is a clearly-written, user-friendly guide to making sense of the surrounding world while achieving inner peace. Each of the six chapters in this book focuses on a different aspect of the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah, shedding new light on a teaching that has too often been shrouded in mystery and misconceptions. A subtle, yet profound idea weaves the book’s chapters into a coherent and concrete whole.Th...

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Introduction to the Book of Zohar

By: by Rav Michael Laitman

Introduction to the Zohar is the second in a series written by Kabbalist and scientist Rav Michael Laitman, which will prepare readers to understand the hidden message of The Zohar. Among the many helpful topics dealt with in this companion text to The Science of Kabbalah, readers are introduced to the 'language of root and branch', without which the stories in the Zohar are mere fable and legend. Introduction to the Zohar will certainly furnish readers with the necessar...

For many centuries, the wisdom of Kabbalah was inaccessible to anyone who could not read Hebrew. Now, for the first time in the history of the Western World, readers of the English language and serious students of Kabbalah have the opportunity to learn the Wisdom of Kabbalah from the 20th Century's greatest Kabbalist, Baal HaSulam. In this text,* the student will find a systematic, graduated exposition of Kabbalah unlike any treatment found in other available texts. This...

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The Open Book

By: by Rav Michael Laitman

The Open Book presents the principles of the ancient scientific wisdom of authentic Kabbalah, along with explanations of its basic rules. Kabbalah is a practical method for transcending the limits of one's senses and acquiring a new sense that opens the gate to the Spiritual World, while still living in this world. Rav Laitman clearly explains what goes on behind the scenes in the development of one's soul and the step-by-step attainment of the Upper Worlds. For anyone w...

Excerpt: But sooner or later everyone finds out that they can no longer deny reality. Humanity continuously seeks logical justification to our existence. Man has tried to inquire and interpret nature for thousands of years. Contemporary scientists have learned that the more they progress in their scientific research, the more the picture of the world that they discover becomes obscure and difficult to grasp. Contemporary science books look more and more like science fict...

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The Kabbalah Experience

By: by Rav Michael Laitman

The Kabbalah Experience is one of the most fascinating books ever published in Kabbalah. It is a journey in time from the past to the future, in situations we might all experience at some point. Anyone who wants to learn how to make the most of every moment in his or her life, anyone who wishes to find a happy, fulfilling life, will find the answers in this book. Since the days of The Zohar and the Tree of Life, the language of Kabbalah has never been as clear as it is i...

Introduction: The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us how to live in the reality that is spread before us. It is a systematic method that has evolved over thousands of years, taught by a handful of unique individuals in every generation. Their task has been to ensure that the truths of Kabbalah would be given to those ready to receive them. During all that time, Kabbalah was concealed from the public (which was not yet ready to receive it), until the current generation; it was...

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The Path of Kabbalah

By: by Rav Michael Laitman

Kabbalists state that there is no reality at all, but something called His Essence, the Upper Force, and this is what we perceive as our world. As uncanny as it sounds, this notion hides in its wings the very prospect of freedom, for every person, for every nation, and for the entire world. The structure and the perception of reality are the surface of this book. But the story of humanity, or more accurately, of the human soul, is the undercurrent that drives the reader...

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Kabbalah, Science and the Meaning of Life

By: by Rav Michael Laitman

Kabbalah, Science & the Meaning of Life traces the milestones of the evolution of science with which we are familiar, such as Newton’s and Einstein’s theories but goes further to present the science of Kabbalah as the basis for understanding the hidden parts of reality which scientists are now discovering. While other sciences research the definable world around us, Kabbalah teaches us how the spontaneous changes occurring within us affect our surrounding reality. The wi...

Foreword: The essence of human nature is its perpetually evolving desire for pleasure. To realize this desire, we feel compelled to discover, invent, and improve our reality. The gradual intensification of the desire for pleasure has been the force behind human evolution throughout our history.

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