The opinions, polemics, and general factuals of those thus sainted in the silly juice— with exposition of the Anglo-Quadratic phenomena in general, and in particular. Goofiísmé can
not be captured— only channeled and directed, as if astral fluid or luminiferous æther. No weapon may prosper
against Goofiísmé, as it stands above any measure which
man may produce in his psœudo-eternal and often occulted thirst for powá and refléxion. And how can this
be?— It is so because God has allowed it, for if he had
not, it would not be. We are enlightened enough to
know that what is passé becomes nouveau, and what is
nouveau— becomes passé....
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The opinions, polemics, and general factuals of those thus sainted in the silly juice— with exposition of the Anglo-Quadratic phenomena in general, and in particular. Goofiísmé can
not be captured— only channeled and directed, as if astral fluid or luminiferous æther. No weapon may prosper
against Goofiísmé, as it stands above any measure which
man may produce in his psœudo-eternal and often occulted thirst for powá and refléxion. And how can this
be?— It is so because God has allowed it, for if he had
not, it would not be. We are enlightened enough to
know that what is passé becomes nouveau, and what is
nouveau— becomes passé....
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The opinions, polemics, and general factuals of those thus sainted in the silly juice— with exposition of the Anglo-Quadratic phenomena in general, and in particular. Goofiísmé can
not be captured— only channeled and directed, as if astral fluid or luminiferous æther. No weapon may prosper
against Goofiísmé, as it stands above any measure which
man may produce in his psœudo-eternal and often occulted thirst for powá and refléxion. And how can this
be?— It is so because God has allowed it, for if he had
not, it would not be. We are enlightened enough to
know that what is passé becomes nouveau, and what is
nouveau— becomes passé....
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