• Danny Hall
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The Center of the Cyclone

By: by M.D. John Cunningham Lilly

In this new-age classic of scientific research, Dr. John C. Lilly shares his ground-breaking theory of the interaction between the mind and the brain. Using his personal experiments in solitude, isolation, and confinement, he combines these states with LSD, mysticism, and other catalysts to gain a new understanding into the inner spaces of the human consciousness. Dr. Lilly details his experiments in researching the far-out spaces and demonstrates how he programs such sp...

"I have spent much time in rather unusual, unordinary states, spaces, universes, dimensions, realities - the young Americans call these places “far out." In the far and near East, they are called by a variety of names - the terms "Satori" and "Samadhi" turn up frequently." - p1

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The Scientist : A Metaphysical Autobiography

By: by M.D. John Cunningham Lilly

The author of Mind of the Dolphin and Center of the Cyclone tells the story of his astonishing discoveries - from his early experiments mapping the brains of monkeys and communication with dolphins to his awesome breakthroughs with consciousness expanding drugs and isolation tanks. His revelations in The Scientist are staggering - his latest report on the "solid state conspiracy", on communication with extraterrestrials and the imperative of dolphin/human dialog will gri...

"From the usual consensus point of view, this book chronicles the inner and outer experiences of the author." - Notice to the Reader

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Dolphin Connection : Interdimensional Ways of Living

By: by Joan Ocean

A great book on Joan Ocean's experiences with Dolphin consciousness, exploring future realities and possibilities that arise with the symbiotically intertwined connection between Dolphin and Human.

"Over the years, as my contacts with dolphins increased, I found. this definition to be an apt description of our interactions with each other. Being with dolphins and whales in any possible intimate circumstances led to a blending of feelings and ideas that produced new mind-sets, new ways of understanding life, new projects that were stimulated by art and an appreciation of beauty and nature." - p26

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The Dyadic Cyclone : The Autobiography of a Couple

By: by M.D. John Cunningham Lilly; Antonietta Lilly

The Dyadic Cyclone comprises the combination of two personal centres, a male and female combination - two rotating cyclones with their enclosed centres, centres which merge in such a way that there can be a rising, quiet centre shared by both.

"In one's life there can be peculiarly appropriate chains of related events that lead to consequences that are strongly desired. After such experiences, one wonders how such a series of events developed; sometimes there is a strong feeling that some intelli­gence (greater than ours) directed the course along certain lines which It/He/She was/is programming. In such a series, life be­comes greater than one expected, planned/programmed/realized as possible." - p19

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The Dolphin in History

By: by M.D. John Cunningham Lilly; Ashley Montagu

A historical book of the Cetacean Dolphin throughout history.

"The history of the dolphin is one of the most fascinating and instructive in the historiography and the history of ideas in the western world. Indeed, it provides one of the most illuminating examples of what has probably occurred many times in human culture—a virtually complete loss of knowledge, at least in most segments of the culture, of what was formerly well understood by generations of men. “Not in entire forgetfulness” in some regions of the world, but certainl...

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Adventures Among Spiritual Intelligences : Dolphins, Extraterrestr...

By: by Timothy Wyllie

The book is a written account of Timothy Wyllie's chronicle of events which you, the reader, might simply allow to percolate within you: Allow it to resonate with your own personal truths. The book challenges many preconceived notions exploring the interplay of the nature of existence. And delving into the timestream we live and exist within, Dolphins, Extraterrestrials and Angels have an important part to play in the cosmic Universe.

"Dolphins * Extraterrestrials* Angels turned out to be an experience which challenged some of our most dearly held truths about the nature of Reality itself." - INTRODUCTION xii

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Adventures Among Spiritual Intelligences : Angels, Aliens, Dolphin...

By: by Timothy Wyllie

An interesting book of Timothy Wyllie's personal experiences with various spiritual encounters, epiphanies and self-realizations.

"The subject of dolphin telepathy and the transformation of our planet is a far-reaching affair, and a vast and evergrowing number of people are intimately involved. I take this opportunity to acknowledge all those beings, visible and invisible, who have the heart and the mjnd for such an exhilarating adventure. Great things will come of this work." - XI Acknowledgements

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Reincarnation, Key to Immortality

By: by Marcia Moore; Mark Douglas

Exciting and thought provoking, this unusual book has a vital new approach to the fascinating subjects of reincarnation, karma and immortality.

"Once we realize that the issue of what happens to man after death is similarly a matter to be resolved scientifically, then we shall find that this question, too, can be examined on the basis of available evidence." - p5

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John Lilly, so far...

By: by M.D. John Cunningham Lilly; Francis Jeffrey

At the age of 74, John Lilly stood as the twentieth century's foremost scientific pioneer of the inner and outer limits of human experience. He is a relentless adventurer whose "search for Reality" has led him repeatedly to risk life and limb, but whose quests have resulted in astonishing insights into what it means to be a human being in an ever more mysterious universe.

"He still urges us to learn to communicate with large-brained "extrahumans"-dolphins, whales, and elephants-so that we will be prepared to communicate intelligently with extraterrestrials." - p272

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Yoga, Science of the Self

By: by Marcia Moore; Mark Douglas

An in-depth book on the ways Yoga can transform and improve your life and health. The book also explores the spiritual implications yoga creates on a personal level. Providing a summary of the philosophy and practice of Yoga.

"Yoga is gaining popularity because so many people are now capable of understanding its basic concepts and are ready to learn its age-old techniques. In a deeper sense this growing demand for enlightenment is possible because the earth as a whole has reached a point in its evolution where a planetary yoga of synthesis is occurring." - p8

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Diet, Sex, and Yoga

By: by Marcia Moore; Mark Douglas

A great in-depth book on how to create fulfillment and improvement health through the power of yoga, helping to create changes in diet and nutrition. Its a comprehensive system of physical and mental discipline.

"This book discusses attitudes about the body and presents ways of gaining increased physical control by means of diet, exercise, deep breathing, relaxation, and creative visualization." - pX (Introduction section)

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Journeys into the bright world

By: by Mrs. Marcia Moore; Howard Alltounian

Pioneering a new path to higher consciousness, a personal account by a couple who risked everything to pursue their research with Ketamine Hydrochloride. It's an inner-space adventure story, more exciting and more profound than any novel. And every word true.

"As a final word, we would like to affirm our belief that samadhi therapy will soon be a demonstrable power on this planet. We intend to continue to investigate ketamine's remarkable properties and to give guidance where needed. We pray that people everywhere will use it wisely and well." - p 183

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Communication Between Man and Dolphin : The Possibilities of Talki...

By: by M.D. John Cunningham Lilly

Groundbreaking research was conducted by John C Lilly which was some of the first research efforts of communication between Man and other species. Especially with the research successes Dolphin communication that are included in the book.

"Seventy-one percent of the surface of our planet is covered with oceans, inhabited by the Cetacea. Let us learn to live in harmony with that seventy-one percent of the planet and its intelligent, sensitive, sensible, and long-surviving species of dolphins, whales, and porpoises." - p10

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Man and Dolphin : Volume First Edition

By: by John Cunningham Lilly

Groundbreaking research began on a new scientific frontier, the first early experiments of attempting to establish communication with another species. Dr. Lilly's research has led to the discovery of the Dolphin's amazing ability to mimic certain human conversational sounds. Man and Dolphin catalogs the first early experimentation of interspecies communication between Man and Dolphin.

"Eventually it may be possible for humans to speak with another species. I have come to this conclusion after careful consideration of evidence gained through my research experiments with dolphins." - p21

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Hypersentience : Exploring your past lifetime as a guide to your c...

By: by Mrs. Marcia Moore

"Hypersentience" is a book of past-life exploration, the book delves into altered states of consciousness, psychology, meditation, social programming and conditioning, karmic and yogic principles that all interplay and interweave with understanding the exploration of the soul through Marica Moore's own unique perspective.

"Hypersentience is a method of inducing an altered state of consciousness which affords valuable new insights into the nature of man and the universe" - p XI

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