• Dr. Frank P Ferraro
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Understanding Human Good Production : Working for GOD - How GOOD i...

By: Dr. Frank P Ferraro

This is a comparison between the Human Good deeds which man can produce by his own efforts apart from God and the Divine Good deeds which man can produce only from motivation by Bible Doctrine in his soul and while under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit.

The PLAN of God is GRACE the PLAN of Satan is EVIL. These 2 plans are mutually exclusive and mutually antagonistic and therefore what is involved in one plan cannot ever be involved in the other plan. Under the GRACE Plan of God, God does ALL the work and man receives the benefit nonmeritoriously and God gets ALL the Credit. Under the EVIL Plan of Satan, Man does the work, God is supposed to accept that which is done by man in a meritorious way for the benefit of mank...

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Understanding Human Good, Working for GOD! : How GOOD is GOOD ENOU...

By: Dr. Frank P Ferraro

Can you work for Salvation or to be spiritual in the christian Life? How much can a believer in Jesus Christ DO to guarantee his place with him in Heaven after his death?

The PLAN of God is GRACE the PLAN of Satan is EVIL. These 2 plans are mutually exclusive and mutually antagonistic and therefore what is involved in one plan cannot ever be involved in the other plan. Under the GRACE Plan of God, God does ALL the work and man receives the benefit nonmeritoriously and God gets ALL the Credit. Under the EVIL Plan of Satan, Man does the work, God is supposed to accept that which is done by man in a meritorious way for the benefit of mank...

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The Power System of God : The Divine Dynasphere: The Divine Dynasphere

By: Dr. Frank P Ferraro

Pastor R. B. Thieme Jr. coined the term “dynasphere” to refer to Power Systems and it is derived from 2 Greek words: • (gr) “dunamis” meaning power ◦ From Dunamis we get in the English DYNO meaning power in words such as Dynamometer ▪ A dynamometer or dyno for short, is a device for measuring force, torque, or power. • (gr) “sphia” meaning sphere ◦ a subject or area of knowledge; a range or area of activity ▪ the poli...

There are 2 self sustaining functions for the believer who is consistently residing in the Power System of God, the Divine Dynasphere. The Rebound Procedure, Problem Solving Device #1, is the 1st self sustaining functions of the Royal Priesthood which is part of the equality of privilege under the doctrine of Election for every believer. It is the most important function for the believer to learn after making Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God in order for him ...

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Progressions in the Spiritual Life of the Christian

By: Dr. Frank P Ferraro

As there are in Human Life, progressions of development and maturation, so also do these exist in the Spiritual Life of the Christian. Unfortunately, most Christians do not recognize that there is PROGRESS to be made in the Spiritual Life in order to function effectively as a Christian. The believer is given a command in scripture to “Grow in Grace and Knowledge” (2Pet 1:2, 2Pet 3:18, 2Cor 10:5, 1Cor 1:5, 1Cor 15:34) but by and large believers ignore these passages and...

Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God is Phase I of the Plan of God for the believer and making Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God through faith alone in the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus, The Christ alone is entrance into that Plan. 2 things must occur for the individual to be “saved” and able to live with God in eternity. (John 3:16, 3:36) God the Holy Spirit must create or “regenerate” the Human Spirit, called being “Born Again”, (Jo...

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The Power System of God : The Divine Dynasphere: The Divine Dynasphere

By: Dr. Frank P Ferraro

Pastor R. B. Thieme Jr. coined the term “dynasphere” to refer to Power Systems and it is derived from 2 Greek words: • (gr) “dunamis” meaning power ◦ From Dunamis we get in the English DYNO meaning power in words such as Dynamometer ▪ A dynamometer or dyno for short, is a device for measuring force, torque, or power. • (gr) “sphia” meaning sphere ◦ a subject or area of knowledge; a range or area of activity ▪ the poli...

There are 2 self sustaining functions for the believer who is consistently residing in the Power System of God, the Divine Dynasphere. The Rebound Procedure, Problem Solving Device #1, is the 1st self sustaining functions of the Royal Priesthood which is part of the equality of privilege under the doctrine of Election for every believer. It is the most important function for the believer to learn after making Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God in order for him ...

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Progressions in the Spiritual Life of the Christian

By: by Dr. Frank P Ferraro

Presented here is a systematic breakdown of the levels of development in the life of the christian from salvation to maturity

The Spiritual Life of the believer begins like the Human Life of the individual with BIRTH. Human Life begins at physical birth when God imputes to the format soul, (heb) Neshamah, the Breath of Life. Spiritual Life begins when, at the point of nonmeritorious Faith alone in the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus, The Christ alone, the individual accepts this Divine Good production of Christ. The believer is then totally capable of living with God in eterni...

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Grace vs Evil and the Soul : The Influences on the Christian's Sou...

By: by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro

This short document provides a breakdown of the soul and how Evil or Grace influences each compartment or part of the soul and the results.

When there is consistent Negative Volition toward Bible Doctrine and the Plan of God the believer creates a vacuum in the soul because of a lack of Bible Doctrine filling the compartments of the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. Into this vacuum every aspect of Evil is then drawn.

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To an Understanding of GRACE Revised: The Grace of God and the Chr...

By: by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro

The Christian talks about GRACE but generally has little understanding of the incredible and overwhelming aspects of Grace provided for his life.

Grace is the Plan of God laid out in Eternity Past prior to any creation and is based on Who and What God is and is what he provides for man which man cannot ever earn, deserve nor work for. Grace is the genius of God, and doctrine is the revelation and manifestation of that genius. The principle here is that GRACE depends ONLY on Who and What God is and NEVER on any part of Who or What we are. Grace is the plan and policy of God which enables GOD to provide for man wi...

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War and Revolution and the Christian : Insurgency, Counter Insurge...

By: by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro

This book is to provide information and principles which can guide the believer in The Lord Jesus Christ in his understanding of War and when it is Just and Necessary and when it is NOT and what his responsibility is with regard to service for his nation. This is NOT a book on strategy or tactics in War, Insurgency, Counter Insurgency, Clandestine War nor Guerrilla War which each individually could be a lifetime study. The explicit purpose here is to clarify for the be...

n spite of man’s efforts for peace war will exist until the millennial reign of The Lord Jesus, The Christ. (Matt 24:6-7) People who don’t recognize the importance of war and the legitimacy of war are like those who do not recognize that people having Old Sin Natures are basically No Damned Good. This is having one’s head in the clouds and being completely divorced from reality. Jesus was saying in Matthew don’t be afraid of warfare or fighting in war, realize that wa...

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Essentials vs Non-Essentials in the Christian Life : Flexibility v...

By: by Dr. Frank P Ferraro

It is important for the Christian to know what is essential from God's Perspective and what he considers NON-Essential. It is also imperative to understand flexibility vs vacillation regarding Christianity and biblical truths. Discover the Essentials of the Christian Life, how to set them as your priorities and how to apply them to your life. This book provides examples of what is Essential and what is Non-Essential in life. For every individual the primary Essentials ...

It is an Essential in the Christian Way of Life to develop Humility as a virtue in order to be teachable and to accumulate Bible Doctrine into the soul. Humility is developed in 3 categories under 3 systems: • Organizational Humility developed as a result of being in some organization or group beginning with the family unit. • Enforced Humility developed as a result of being under the authority of some other individual person or group or in an organization o...

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Propaganda, Brainwashing & Psychological Warfare and the Christian

By: by Dr. Frank P Ferraro

A brief explanation as to how the christian can offset all propaganda and brainwashing methods.

This is historically the Age of Sennacherib in Assyria and as a great conqueror of the world at that time he had turned his attention to the west and had engaged in a 3 fold conquest of Egypt, Phoenicia and Philistea. It would seem that on his way to Egypt he passed into the Palestine area and attacked and was in the process of conquering all the fortified cities of Judah surrounding Jerusalem while Hezekiah the king of Judah ran to Egypt for help. In addition to tryin...

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The Interlocking System of Arrogance: Nuclear Destruction for the ...

By: by Dr. Frank P Ferraro

Arrogance is deceitful, deceptive and underhanded and will trap within its interlocking system anyone who is naive or stupid enough to enter into its functions. Arrogance was the basis for the fall of Satan and Arrogance was the basis for the Sin of Ishah and also of Adam. Therefore, Arrogance was the beginning of the downfall of the fallen angels and also of mankind in the garden. Arrogance permeates LIFE on this earth in more ways than are imaginable and will take t...

The Interlocking System of Arrogance is the worst of all problems to catch up with the mature believer. This is a complex for distortion of the Plan and Purpose of God developed for the angelic conflict history stage of His Plan. Arrogance destroys capacity for life, capabilities in life, results in resentment of others, motivates self pity under pressure and self righteousness under prosperity, lives on flattery and causes the believer or unbeliever to only believe th...

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Spiritual Common Sense : Volume First Edition

By: by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro

Spiritual Common Sense is based on a system of Principles of Christian Living including the Laws of Divine Establishment Principles AND Contemporary Historical Trends – 1976 to 2020. Common sense is NOT inherent but is something which has to be taught and Learned. Common sense is the application of things which you learn in life it is not instinctive. Principles have to be taught and the application of these principles are common sense. This book is a summary, not so...

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The Royal Family Honor Code : Living as a Christian: Living as a C...

By: by Dr. Frank P Ferraro

The Royal Family Honor Code is the Plan of God “The Good” (Rom 8:28) is the Plan of God and each of these verses has an honor code principle related to the Plan of God so that the Royal Family Honor Code is the Plan of God, and one is the principle and the other the function. (Rom 16:19, Rom 14:16, Rom 15:2-) The purpose of the Royal Family Honor Code is to provide the needed privacy and protection from bullying and for survival in life during advance to Maturity Adjus...

Honor & Aristocracy It is difficult to teach honor codes because they are related to aristocracy and when people begin to think like peasants they become peasants and as peasants it is almost impossible to communicate an honor code system to them. People who cannot think in terms of aristocracy will be petty and jealous and vindictive and bicker and play at being spiritual king of the mountain and see who can out do the other and they have all sorts of hangups and are ...

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