
Steven Kim is the founder of MintKit Institute, a think tank on investing for sound growth in a global marketplace. The research program spans the spectrum from global trends and market dynamics to world-class ventures and investment strategies. The author has counseled and trained self-starters of diverse backgrounds, ranging from budding entrepreneurs and senior executives to international investors and public officials.

General Information:
MintKit Hub is a gateway for investors focused on sound growth in a global marketplace. The resource is grounded on a holistic approach to the field: divining the true nature of financial markets along with robust techniques for investment planning.

The purpose of the hub is to unveil trends, pinpoint patterns, and explore paths for the future in order to support a wholesome program of investment. The topics of interest span the gamut from sprouting markets and unsung assets to novel tools and counterintuitive results.

The vehicles for investment in the financial arena range from stocks, bonds and funds to options, futures and forex. Meanwhile, the assets in the real economy center on commodities and real estate.

The hub is designed for genuine investors at all levels of experience, from the complete beginner to the seasoned veteran. The broad scope may sound like a tall order, and it surely is.

Despite the lofty goal, though, the objective is not as quixotic or impractical as it seems at first blush. The reason is that the site makes no effort at all to catalog every crumb of information known to humankind about the financial forum or the real economy.

Instead, the aim is simply to pinpoint the nuggets which are most likely to be helpful for the prudent investor. On one hand, the crucial concepts and results are applicable to all types of participants in the marketplace. On the other hand, the program of research is not addressed directly toward peripheral parties such as hyperactive traders or hard-core speculators.

A basic theme of the site lies in high growth adjusted for risk. To this end, a primary task is to lay bare the misconceptions regarding flimsy schemes that claim to snag high returns in exchange for high risk.

An example of the pitfalls in store is the unseen menace of complete ruin in addition to the obvious bogey of nauseous volatility due to a shaky gambit. Another sample is the baneful impact of frenetic trading, as in the case of darting in and out of the market in the grip of the latest fad, whim or fear.

In this way, the resources are meant to uplift the productivity of the steadfast investor. The aim is to boost returns with less risk over the long haul.

The agenda of course defies the usual grind of great toil and low yield for the mass of players in the arena. In pursuing the hearty course of action, the germinal task is to glean the wheat from the chaff, the signal from the noise, the fact from the myth.

Hallmark of the Research

The research at MintKit takes an integrated view of the marketplace. For starters, the linkages between the financial forum and the real economy are taken into express account.

The systematic approach bucks the usual routine of academics as well as practitioners. Faced with the immense complexity of the marketplace, the common recourse is to sweep the irksome details under the rug. In resorting to unrealistic assumptions and simplistic models, the facile ploy is tantamount to throwing out the baby with the bath water.

By contrast, the research program at MintKit does not shy away from the host of knotty issues just for the sake of coming up with a tidy answer. Rather, the posture is to confront the ball of confusion in a forthright way, even if the puzzler happens to be hairy or the outcome contrary to the conventional wisdom.

A second, and related, goal is to identify a convoy of promising vehicles for pursuing growth at a moderate level of risk. The asset classes at hand cover the gamut from stocks and commodities to currencies and real estate.
  • Cover Image

Forecast of Top Index Funds for Investing in the Stock Market : Lo...

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The ebook begins with a survey of the main drivers behind the stock market. The financial forum responds to a slew of factors ranging from the pep of the economy to the mood of the investors. In that case, an orderly approach to prediction has to integrate a heap of forces in the tangible economy as well as the financial forum. The second item on the agenda is a brief review of the history and nature of the leading benchmarks of the bourse. A couple of yardsticks have...

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What is an ETF or ETN? : Guide to Exchange Traded Funds and Notes ...

By: by Steven Kim

An exchange traded fund (ETF) is a communal vehicle for investment, as is an exchange traded note (ETN). This primer profiles the duo of instruments and compares them to mutual funds. The relative merits of the securities are explained, along with the grave risks both blatant and subtle. The serious investor has to juggle the crucial factors in order to thrash out a robust program of investment.

As a supple tool for investment, the exchange traded fund (ETF) has enjoyed explosive growth since its debut on the stock market. To a lesser extent, the story is similar for the exchange traded note (ETN). The popularity of these vehicles stems from the ease of investing in a diversity of assets at low cost. An ETF is an investment pool whose shares are listed on a bourse. For this reason, the securities can be bought and sold just like any other stock by way of an e...

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Charade of the Debt Crisis

By: by Steven Kim

A common mistake in real and financial markets is a mix-up of means and ends. A showcase cropped up during the financial crisis of 2008 and its aftershock including the debt crisis in Southern Europe. In response to the fiasco, policymakers round the world wasted trillions of dollars worth of public funds on makeshift schemes that ended up hobbling the financial forum and the real economy. Upon closer inspection, however, the epic blowup was a consequence of excessiv...

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Guide to Global Investing

By: by Steven Kim

The markets of the world continue to merge into a single ball of complexity. The ties that bind stretch across national borders as well as asset classes. Amid the ferment, the opportunities in the marketplace can crop up in diverse forms in distant countries as well as nearby locales. The same is true of the threats, whether blatant or subtle, that lie in wait for the rash investor in a hurry. As an example, a crash of the stock market in the U.S. is sure to whomp the...

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