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By: by Avyakta Anaamika

This is the only authentic and complete edition of the Asamvedopanishad, which proclaims, “Being begins where bhaava ends” to reinforce the ancient vedaantic Nirguna/ Non-identity as both the Means and End of Self-Realization/ Enlightenment. The mind is all bhaava, fabricating endless identities, the network of Maayaa. The root identity, Ahambhaava, seals off Being/ Truth, which defies all identity. The Upanishad resurrects the sovereign Socratic Enlightenment, freeing ...

People around tell you that if you had spiritual freedom you could get out of your sad predicament and you seek freedom accordingly. So it honestly becomes freedom for you, not the real freedom from yourself, as Nisargadatta Maharaj so happily puts it. (100.1) Q. Whatever one’s limitations, one’s constraints, there is tremendous joy in bhakti … A. Yes ... even so, please understand to be unworldly in fact is true bhakti. There is nothing indeed godly in all the commo...

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By: by Avyakta Anaamika

This is the only authentic and complete edition of the Asamvedopanishad, which proclaims, “Being begins where bhaava ends” to reinforce the ancient vedaantic Nirguna/ Non-identity as both the Means and End of Self-Realization/ Enlightenment. The mind is all bhaava, fabricating endless identities, the network of Maayaa. The root identity, Ahambhaava, seals off Being/ Truth, which defies all identity. The Upanishad resurrects the sovereign Socratic Enlightenment, freeing ...

People around tell you that if you had spiritual freedom you could get out of your sad predicament and you seek freedom accordingly. So it honestly becomes freedom for you, not the real freedom from yourself, as Nisargadatta Maharaj so happily puts it. (100.1) Q. Whatever one’s limitations, one’s constraints, there is tremendous joy in bhakti … A. Yes ... even so, please understand to be unworldly in fact is true bhakti. There is nothing indeed godly in all the commo...

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Anarchist Apartheid : The Weltanschauung of Indian Unipluralism

By: by Balasundaram Subramanian, Ph.D.

“The genius of Indian social life lies in living together separately.” Humayun Kabir (at the inaugural of IIT Madras, 1959). This essay seeks to highlight segregation as the keynote of traditional Indian life and caste as the key to the evolution of segregation. Caste in India could, over the centuries, unfold a truly pluralist polity, though each caste in itself was quite monolithic. The coexistence without coalescence of numerous castes could facilitate a polycentr...

“Contraries of belief and diversities of religion…are in fact part of the scheme of Providence; for as a painter gives beauty to a picture by a variety of colours, or as a gardener embellishes his garden with flowers of every hue, so God has appointed to every tribe its own faith, and every sect its own religion that man might glorify him in diverse modes, all having the same end and being equally acceptable in his spirit.” [Statement made by the learned Brahmin pundits...

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Essential Materia Medica: Esmame

By: by Cynthia Young

FOREWORD The first edition of the Esmame (Essential Materia Medica) aimed only at a basic knowledge of homeopathy for summary therapy. In revising the book for the present, second, edition, considerable care has been taken to make it much more comprehensive, with a view to a broader and deeper understanding of the materia medica. Nineteen more healants have been added now to the ninety of the first edition. But as Bacillinum has been integrated with Tuberculinum, t...

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