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The Secret Life of Sweat

By: by Ronald H Blumer

There is a secret life to sweat. It can secretly tell others when we are afraid or when we’re ready to have sex. It tells us who we should mate with in order to have healthy babies. Our two million sweat glands keep us alive, and makes us better than other animals Why does sweat smell bad? Well actually, sweat doesn’t smell at all. We’ll explain. And where do we sweat the most, on our hands and feet? Why? And why are armpits so stinky? A clue; it has to do with sex. ...

In some cultures in Eastern Europe, a woman’s sweat was thought to have magical properties. Hungarian girls were said to be able to put a spell on men by rubbing dough on their sweaty bodies, baking it into a cake, and then giving it to some unsuspecting victim as a philtre, or love potion. There was a long tradition in Europe for a woman to place a slice of apple in her armpit at the beginning of an evening of dancing. At the end of the evening, she would give the swea...

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