• Maria Victoria Navajas Claros
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book cover
Title:   The Endgame A Memoir
Author:   Maria Victoria Navajas Claros
Publisher:   Maria Victoria Navajas Claros
Language:   English
Date:   2024
Collections:   Authors Community, Biographies
Book Id:   WPLBN0100750315
Format Type:   PDF (eBook)
Average Rating:   (0)
Subjects:   Non Fiction, History of the Americas (Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, etc.)
book cover
Title:   Weight of the Wait : Public Deception and the Endgame 1980 - 2020: Public Deception and the Endgame 1980 - 2020
Author:   Maria Victoria Navajas Claros
Publisher:   Maria Victoria Navajas Claros
Language:   English
Date:   2023
Collections:   Authors Community, War
Book Id:   WPLBN0100750018
Format Type:   PDF (eBook)
Average Rating:   (0)
Subjects:   Non Fiction, Medicine
Records: 1 - 2 of 2 - Pages: 

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