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Neutrosophic Computing and Machine Learning, Vol. 7, 2018 : A Quar...

By: by Florentin Smarandache, Editor; Maikel Leyva-Vázquez, Editor

"Neutrosophic Computing and Machine Learning" (NCML) es una revista académica que ha sido creada para publicaciones de estudios avanzados en neutrosofía, conjunto neutrosófico, lógica neutrosófica, probabilidad neutrosófica, estadística neutrosófica, enfoques neutrosóficos para el aprendizaje automático, etc. y sus aplicaciones en cualquier campo.

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Neutrosophic Computing and Machine Learning, Vol. 6, 2018 : A Quar...

By: by Florentin Smarandache; Maikel Leyva-Vázquez

"Neutrosophic Computing and Machine Learning" (NCML) es una revista académica que ha sido creada para publicaciones de estudios avanzados en neutrosofía, conjunto neutrosófico, lógica neutrosófica, probabilidad neutrosófica, estadística neutrosófica, enfoques neutrosóficos para el aprendizaje automático, etc. y sus aplicaciones en cualquier campo.

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Neutrosophic Computing and Machine Learning, Vol. 5, 2018 : A Quar...

By: by Florentin Smarandache; Maikel Leyva-Vázquez

"Neutrosophic Computing and Machine Learning" (NCML) es una revista académica que ha sido creada para publicaciones de estudios avanzados en neutrosofía, conjunto neutrosófico, lógica neutrosófica, probabilidad neutrosófica, estadística neutrosófica, enfoques neutrosóficos para el aprendizaje automático, etc. y sus aplicaciones en cualquier campo.

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Neutrosophic Computing and Machine Learning, Vol. 4, 2018 : A Quar...

By: by Florentin Smarandache; Maikel Leyva-Vázquez

"Neutrosophic Computing and Machine Learning" (NCML) es una revista académica que ha sido creada para publicaciones de estudios avanzados en neutrosofía, conjunto neutrosófico, lógica neutrosófica, probabilidad neutrosófica, estadística neutrosófica, enfoques neutrosóficos para el aprendizaje automático, etc. y sus aplica-ciones en cualquier campo.

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Neutrosophic Computing and Machine Learning, Vol. 3, 2018 : A Quar...

By: by Florentin Smarandache, Editor; Maikel Leyva-Vázquez, Editor

"Neutrosophic Computing and Machine Learning" (NCML) es una revista académica que ha sido creada para publicaciones de estudios avanzados en neutrosofía, conjunto neutrosófico, lógica neutrosófica, probabilidad neutrosófica, estadística neutrosófica, enfoques neutrosóficos para el aprendizaje automático, etc. y sus aplica-ciones en cualquier campo.

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Neutrosophic Computing and Machine Learning, Vol. 2, 2018 : A Quar...

By: by Florentin Smarandache, Editor; Maikel Leyva-Vázquez, Editor

"Neutrosophic Computing and Machine Learning" (NCML) es una revista académica que ha sido creada para publicaciones de estudios avanzados en neutrosofía, conjunto neutrosófico, lógica neutrosófica, probabilidad neutrosófica, estadística neutrosófica, enfoques neutrosóficos para el aprendizaje automático, etc. y sus aplica-ciones en cualquier campo.

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Neutrosophic Computing and Machine Learning, Vol. 1, 2018 : A Quar...

By: by Florentin Smarandache; Maikel Leyva-Vázquez

"Neutrosophic Computing and Machine Learning" (NCML) es una revista académica que ha sido creada para publicaciones de estudios avanzados en neutrosofía, conjunto neutrosófico, lógica neutrosófica, probabilidad neutrosófica, estadística neutrosófica, enfoques neutrosóficos para el aprendizaje automático, etc. y sus aplica-ciones en cualquier campo.

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Waters, skies, and feelings. A photoalbum

By: by Florentin Smarandache

“During my many trips around the world, I sometimes captured images of waters and skies, mostly in conjuction, and associated them with not very common English words – in an attempt to describe the instant feelings which the visual sceneries transmitted to me. In this photoabum, I amalgamated images from a trip to France and England made in May – July 2010, and from two trips to Central America (Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua in December 2010 - January 2011; and Dominica...

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Texturized Hoodoos. A photoalbum from Bryce Canyon National Park

By: by Florentin Smarandache

This photoalbum contains photos taken in Bryce Canyon National Park of the Paunsaugunt Plateau in Southern Utah, USA, during a trip I made in November 2012. The colorful formations of limestones, sandstones, and mudstones are shaped by erosion, and collectively called "hoodoos". The pictures herein were computer-texturized, and personalized in color saturation or tone. Geographical, geological, ecological, historical, cultural, and touristic information about Bryce Canyo...

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Neutrosophic Evolution as extension of Darwin’s Evolution: The Cav...

By: by Florentin Smarandache

This photoalbum presents images from the caves the author visited in the Southwestern United States, and wants to popularize the theory of neutrosophic evolution (degrees of evolution, indeterminacy, and involution), offering new evidences in favor of it, extracted from biospeleology.

During the process of adaptation of a being (plant, animal, or human), to a new environment or conditions, the being partially evolves, partially devolves (degenerates), and partially is indeterminate i.e. neither evolving nor devolving, therefore unchanged (neutral), or the change is unclear, ambiguous, vague, as in neutrosophic logic. Thank to adaptation, one therefore has: evolution, involution, and indeterminacy (or neutrality), each one of these three neutrosophic c...

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Lapis flavus. A photoalbum

By: by Florentin Smarandache

This photoalbum contains photographies made during a trip to Yellowstone National Park in October 2009. The title-lines are words and expressions in Latin, describing instant feelings, thoughts and impressions.

A few titles: fulminare: to flash with thunderbolts in posse: potentially januis clausis: with closed doors lex loci: law of the place non obstante: notwithstanding prima facie: at first sight ex mero motu: out of pure simple impulse quieta non movere: don't move the settled vis inertiae: power of inaction punctatim: point by point fons et origo: source and origin nunc pro tunc: now for then apricus: full of sunlight rebus sic stantibus: things thus standin...

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Hit the road, Florentin Smarandache! Pedibus calcantibus / En piét...

By: by Florentin Smarandache

“J'aime voyager. J'adore les routes. Je conduis, je regarde, je médite, j'écoute de la musique ou des livres audio, arfois j'écris avec la maine droite même de courtes notes dans un cahier, tandis que je garde le volan avec la main gauche. J'ai beaucoup roulé, surtout sur les routes du sud-ouest des États-Unis. Les photos qui composent cet album sont sélectionnées parmi les centaines de photos avec des routes que j'ai réalisé au fil du temps. J'ai ajouté une méditation ...

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Dor. Fotoalbum

By: by Florentin Smarandache

“România este țara mea. M-am născut, am crescut, am învățat în România. Când am hotărît să plec din țara mea, nu de dânsa am fugit, ci de relele care o cuprinseseră. În lagăr, în exil și în toată lumea pe unde am străbătut, am rămas român. Limba română e limba în care merg, în care matematicesc, în care dorm (și nu prea), în care mă sfădesc și mă împac cu gândurile mele, cu mine, cu lumea și cu ceilalți. Căci, mai presus de orice, limba română e, pentru mine, limba sent...

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Chasing the light. A photoalbum

By: by Florentin Smarandache

Antelope Canyon is a scenic canyon in Arizona state, USA, on Navajo land, near city of Page, including two sections, The Crack (Upper Antelope Canyon), and The Corkscrew (Lower Antelope Canyon), accessible only via guided tour; it is the photographer’s dream, but photography is very difficult due to the exposure range (10 EV or more). Carved from the sandstone for millennia by flood rains and wind, Antelope Canyon - one of nature's most wondrous creations - is located...

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Cacti et comp. Rememberings I want or don't want to remember anymo...

By: by Florentin Smarandache

“This photo album combines images with cacti and other desert plants with some memories from my youth. The photos are taken in the American deserts, near the town where I lived for two decades, Gallup. The memories that sometimes I want, and other times I don't want to remember come from my youth spent in Romania.” “Cet photo album combine des images de cactus et autres plantes du désert avec quelques souvenirs de ma jeunesse. Les photos sont prises dans les déserts a...

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Alaska: The Snowbound World. A photoalbum

By: by Florentin Smarandache

This photoalbum contains photographies made during Smarandache’s trip to Alaska in august 2009 (Anchorage, Fairbanks, Portage Creek, Prince William glacier, Tiulana lake, Ship Creek, Chugach park, Seward, Mouse Pass, Denali National Park & Preserve). The title-lines are distinctive poetry lines of poets in connection with Alaska: John Burroughs (6, 7, 8, 14, 19, 20, 21, 36), Charles Keeler (5, 9, 15, 17), Robert W. Service (16, 34, 37, 38, 40, 43), John Haines (25, 26, ...

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Los caminos de Neruda. Álbum de fotos

By: by Florentin Smarandache

Este es un álbum de fotos de Chile, realizado por Florentin Smarandache durante una visita científica y cultural planificada, interrumpido por la crisis del coronavirus en marzo de 2020. Los versos que acompañan a las fotografías son extraídos de la obra poética del gran escritor chileno Pablo Neruda. This is a photo album from Chile, made by Florentin Smarandache during a planned scientific and cultural visit, interrupted by the coronavirus crisis in March 2020. T...

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Lisboa, sangue ultramarine. Seqüências fotográficas portuguesas

By: by Florentin Smarandache

Este álbum de fotos reflete uma viagem a Portugal no final de 2018 e início de 2019. Os títulos das fotos geralmente são metafóricos. This photo album reflects a trip to Portugal in late 2018 and early 2019. The photo titles are generally metaphorical.

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Colombia, una constante neutrosófica. Álbum de fotos. Títulos extr...

By: by Florentin Smarandache

Este es un álbum de fotos de Colombia, realizado por Florentin Smarandache durante una visita científica y cultural, en Bogotá, Bucaramanga y otras localidades, en julio y agosto de 2019. Colombia está abierta a dos océanos: Atlántico y Pacífico. El clima es tropical, pero más fresco en la zona montañosa, y cálido en las zonas de baja altitud. En cada área, la temperatura es relativamente constante durante todo el año, ± 2 veces 3˚C. Yo lo llamaría una constante neutr...

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China, 5G. A photoalbum

By: by Florentin Smarandache

This is a photoalbum of my fifth visit to Popular Republic of China, accomplished in December 2019 mainly with the occasion of The International Conference on Data Intelligence & Neutrosophic Sets with Applications (DINSA 2019), held in Xi'an, at the Shaanxi University of Science and Technology. I also lectured at or visited the Xi'an Polytechnic University, the Historical Museum of the Polytechnic University of Xi'an, the Library of Shaanxi University of Science and Tec...

“My Chinese colleagues are proud of their country's achievements, competing with the United States. In cyberspace, China is the only country that has entered 5G through their Huawei company, and the only one that uses quantum telecommunication. The dam on the Yangzi River is the largest dam in the world. The Chinese train is the fastest and most modern in the world, surpassing the Japanese and the French. In 2011, I traveled from Beijing to Xi'an on a very comfortable Ch...

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