

It does look quite a peculiar penname, in many sense of the word. Many persons do get perturbed by this quite seemingly cantankerous penname. I started my online writings with the name VED around 2004. However, there were some incidences that slowly redirected and shaped the name to VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS. I do not intent to go into those incidences here. May be I might mention them in some later-day writings. 

General Information:
My books: 

Most of these books are available on Amazon Kindle. Printed versions might be available on CreateSpace (Amazon subsidiary). These books might be available in printed-in-India version also. They might be cost-effective for buyers in India. For more information, please send a message via Telegram Messenger/ Whatsapp to: 91 9656100722

01. Software codes of mantra, tantra, witchcraft, black magic, evil eye, evil tongue.
03. The SHROUDED SATANISM in FEUDAL LANGUAGES! Tribulations and intractability of improving others!! 
04. Codes of reality! What is language? 
05. Software codes of Reality, Life and Languages! 
06. Obama as what? A different perspective on International Relationship 
07. The machinery of Homoeopathy 
08. Gandhi and his ‘Ji’; Grooming up of a fake 
09. Vintage English 
11. Indian Culture! What is it exactly?
12. INDIAN MARRIED LIFE: The undercurrents!
13. MEIN KAMPF by Adolf Hitler - A demystification!
14. Idiocy of the Indian Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act!
17. Horrendous India! A parade of facade in verbal codes! 
18. Hindi in Australia: Behold the future!
19. Teaching Hindi in Australia! What is dangerous about it? 
20. VEILED routes to resources in Computers & on the Internet, unVEILED! 
21. British sailors in Indian stinking jails! 
22. What is different about pristine ENGLISH?
23. An urgent appeal for ENGLISH RACISM
24. Compulsory Formal Education: A travesty 

English & Vernacular mix
1. Old Malayalam Film Songs’ Annotation 
2. Dangers of making Malayalam the language of administration in Kerala 
3. Writ Petition against Compulsory Malayalam Study: An argument against teaching feudal languages  
4. Words from Malabar Language 
5. FENCE EATING the CROPS! A treatise on the bureaucratic loot & swindle of India. 

Commentaries attached to famous books
03.     Castes & Tribes of Southern India - Volume 1

Research proposal
01. Prospects for research studies in language codes


Telegram/Whatsapp: 91 9656100722

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ദക്ഷിണേഷ്യൻ ഉപഭൂഖണ്ഡ ചരിത്രത്തെകുറിച്ചുള്ള ഒരു അനുഭാവ്യചിത്രീകരണം ...


The digital book version contains Vol 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

എഴുതാൻ പോകുന്ന വിഷയം ചരിത്രം ആണെങ്കിലും, ഇതിനോടനുബന്ധിച്ച് മറ്റ് പല വിദഗ്ദ പഠന വിഷയങ്ങളും പ്രതിപാദിപ്പിക്കപ്പെടുകയോ, സൂചിപ്പിക്കപ്പെടുകയോ, അതുമല്ലെങ്കിൽ, ചർച്ച ചെയ്യപ്പെടുകയോ ചെയ്യപ്പെട്ടേക്കാം. ശാസ്ത്രം (Science), ഭാഷാ ശാസ്ത്രം (Linguistics), സാമൂഹിക ശാസ്ത്രം (Social Science), രാഷ്ട്രതന്ത്രം (Political Science), വിദ്യാഭ്യാസം (Education), നരവംശശാസ്ത്രം (Anthropology), നരകുലശാസ്ത്രം/വംശീയശാസ്ത്രം (Ethnographic studies), മനശ്ശാസ്ത്രം(Psychology), ശരീരഘടനാശാസ്ത്രം (Anato...

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പല പഴയ മലയാള സിനിമാ ഗാനങ്ങളും കേള്ക്കാതൻ വളരെ സുഖമുള്ളവയാണ്. മാത്രവുമല്ല, പ്രേംനസീര്‍, ഉമ്മർ, വിജയശ്രീ, ഷീല, ശാരദ, ജയഭാരതി തുടങ്ങിയവരുടെ അഭിനയവും ഭാവങ്ങളും, അതീവ ആനന്ദം നല്കു്ന്നവയുമാണ്. വാക്കുകളുടെ ഒഴുക്കും ഗാംഭീര്യവും മനസ്സില്‍ ഒരു പ്രത്യേകതരം പ്രതീതി ഉളവാക്കുന്നവയുമാണ്. ഇങ്ങിനെ നോക്കുകയാണെങ്കില്‍ മലയാളം വളരെ സുന്ദരമായ ഒരു ഭാഷയാണ്. ഇങ്ങിനെയൊക്കെയാണെങ്കിലും, ആളുകളെ മലയാളം പഠിപ്പിക്കാന്‍ ഇവിടുള്ള മലായള ‘പ്രഫസര്മാസരും’ മറ്റ് പണിയില്ലാതെ നടക്കുന്ന സാമൂഹികപ്രവര്ത്ത കരും...

Old Malayalam film songs are wonderful. Most of them lend a most mesmerising sensation to the hearer. The style and tone has been set and led by Vayalar Ramavarma. Such others as P Bhaskaran, Sreekumaran Thampi, and others have more or less tried to equal him in calibre. However, with the demise of Vayalar, there was no compelling standards or parameters to which film songs could remain loyal to. Standards deteriorated. There were attempts to cover the defects with loud...

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The Native Races of South Africa : Along with a Commentary by VED ...

By: by George W Stow; VED from Victoria Institutions, Compiler

This file contains the full book ‘THE NATIVE RACES OF SOUTH AFRICA’. Along with that there is a commentary also. The commentary may have its own significance. The commentary does stand on this platform of being a commentary to the book. However, the commentary does not actually confine itself within this boundary. Instead, there is a wider attempt to understand non-English social systems. Attempts can be seen made to mention things that are there in these soc...

4. What has been missed This book, THE NATIVE RACES OF SOUTH AFRICA written by GEORGE W. STOW, F.G.S., F.R.G.S. does suffer from this defect. That is, the writer of this book has written this book containing a huge content of details. However, everything does sort of skim over the surface. The hidden codes and their machine-work have been totally missed. Or rather, there is not even a thought that such hidden things, non-tangible to a native-English mind, would be the...

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Software codes of mantra, tantra, witchcraft, black magic, evil ey...

By: by Ved from Victoria Institutions

Prologue This is not a guide-book for studying any occult art. Instead it is a writing that proposes to take up the possibility of there being a real machinery behind the working of socalled mantra, tantra, evil eye, black magic, voodoo etc. This book does not teach any of the above mentioned arts. Yet, it does try to find a pathway or opening by which we can find or enter the supernatural arena from where the supernatural software codes of reality and life is desi...

3 The deeper themes Now, let me mention the deep themes which I would like to delve upon, by basing my words slightly on the textual matter of the book. It is a book that seems to have gone into the depths of the descending layers of the social canyons and absorbed the various tangible and non-tangible aspects over there. It is a book that has listed out Omens, Superstitions, the effects of the anecdotal Evil Eye, Evil tongue, Charms, Magic, Mantra, Tantra, Divinat...

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The Prophet : Along with Malayalam translation.

By: by Kahlil Gibran; VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS, Translator

Malayalam translation

Almustafa, the chosen and the beloved, who was a dawn unto his own day, had waited twelve years in the city of Orphalese for his ship that was to return and bear him back to the isle of his birth. And in the twelfth year, on the seventh day of Ielool, the month of reaping, he climbed the hill without the city walls and looked seaward; and he beheld the ship coming with the mist. Then the gates of his heart were flung open, and his joy flew far over the sea. And he ...

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Oscar Wild and Myself : Along with commentary by VED from VICTORIA...

By: by Lord Alfred Douglas; VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS, Editor

As part of my continuing personal endeavour to create very readable digital versions of old books, I had placed my attention on books by and about Oscar Wilde. I came across this book, Oscar Wilde and Myself written by Lord Alfred Douglas. I thought of taking up this book for the conversion into a readable digital book. The steps involved copying the text from certain scanned versions of the original book and recreating them as text in MS Word. It had its travails in...

THE manuscript of this book was completed by me and handed over to the publishers as long ago as last July. Certain persons thereupon deemed it advisable to apply to the Court for an injunction restraining me from including in my book any of the letters from Oscar Wilde which were in my possession, and they further applied for an injunction restraining me from quoting from the unpublished portion of the "De Profundis" manuscript which is now sealed up at the British Muse...

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Castes and Tribes of Southern India


The book is great. It was a pioneering attempt at understanding ethnographic differences inside the South Asian subcontinent. However, the most powerful factor that actually influences ethnographic differences in closely connected populations has not been mentioned or detected. This most powerful factor is the verbal codes in the native feudal languages, and the exact position of a caste or tribe or individual inside these languages

PREFACE In 1894, equipped with a set of anthropometric Instruments obtained on loan from the Asiatic Society of Bengal, I commenced an investigation of the tribes of the Nilgiri hills, the Todas, Kotas, and Badagas, bringing down on myself the unofficial criticism that "anthropological research at high altitudes is eminently indicated when the thermometer registers 1000 in Madras." From this modest beginning have resulted :-( 1) investigation of various classes which ...

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There are many insights in this book. The writer of the main part of this book is V. NAGAM AIYA. I think that many Indian academic historians, who have endeavoured to write the history of ‘Modern’ India, should take lessons from this most unassuming writer, V. NAGAM AIYA. For, they have written the history of ‘Modern’ India in terms of and the perspective from, the Party congresses, meetings, terror activities, splits in political parties, and the doings, and ways and m...

State of the country and chief events Travancore at this period extended from Attungal to Nagercoil. The dynasty of Jayasimha still continued to rule the country between Azhikkal (Karunagapalli Taluq) in the north and Paravur in the south, and, as noted above, there was an alliance in 1727 A.D., between the chiefs of Chinganad and other States to crush the power of Travancore. Nanjanad which once formed part of Travancore was at this time occupied by the Pandyans. The d...

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Malabar Manual : Along with commentary by VED from VICTORIA INSTI...

By: by William Logan; VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS, Editor

COMMENTARY My aim First of all, I would like to place on record what my interest in this book is. I do not have any great interest in the minor details of Malabar or Travancore. Nor about the various castes and their aspirations, claims and counterclaims. My interest is basically connected to my interest in the English colonial rule in the South Asian Subcontinent and elsewhere. I would quite categorically mention that it is ‘English colonialism’ and not Britis...

APPENDIX XII COLLECTION OF DEEDS No. 1 a. Hail ! Sri—The King who has taken the supreme rule, King (Perumal) Sri Bhaskara Ravi Varman, wielding the sceptre and ruling for many 100,000 years, in his time, in the thirty-sixth year against1 the second cycle (literally, year), on the day when he was pleased to sit in Muyirikodu, he was pleased to grant this favour. [N.B. - The Jewish translation, particularly incorrect in the rendering of this sentence, deserves perhap...

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An Impressionistic History of the South Asian Subcontinent : Feuda...

By: by VED from Victoria Institutions

This is a writing that goes into the very depth of feudal language social systems. The writing commenced as a regular broadcast through Whatsapp and still continues. The language of the original writing was a vernacular language of the southern parts of the South Asian Subcontinent. As of now, the broadcast has gone beyond 280 chapters. In this book only the first 100 and odd posts are given. This is so because the translation of only that many chapters has been comp...

Chapter Five Feudal languages and planar languages This writer, after a lot of observations and experimentations, has defined languages as of two different categories. Languages like English were categorised as planar languages. Languages which have word-codes of feudal lowliness versus heights were defined as feudal languages. In connection with this, a draft form of the book MARCH of the EVIL EMPIRES: English versus the feudal languages was first written in the yea...

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Native Life in Travancore along with Commentary by VED from Victor...

By: by Rev. SAMUEL MATEER; VED from Victoria Institutions, Editor

Commentary The work Designing this old book into a digital book version had its own travails and hard work. I took the text from various online sources. The text needed a lot of corrections, when it was converted into a MS Word file. Moreover, there were lots of pages missing. I think I have been able to get most of the pages intact by cross-referencing the sources, all of which had similar problems, but not in the same locations. I think I c...

To the present day Pulayars and others are thrust into cages not much better. One which I measured was fifteen feet long by eight feet wide, and five and three-quarters in height, in which twenty-five persons have at times been incarcerated, supplied with stocks all round, and no separation of the sexes. Another was eighteen by eight feet, in which thirty persons have been confined at once; and another was a “black hole” about eight feet square and five and a quarter hig...

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Alternative General Knowledge : Multiple Choice Questionnaires

By: by VED from Victoria Institutions
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Why can’t you speak English? നിങ്ങൾക്ക് എന്ത്കൊണ്ട് ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷ് സംസാ...


Learn English through Malayalam

എങ്ങിനെയാണ് ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷ് പഠിക്കേണ്ടത് ഉച്ചാരണവും അക്ഷരവിന്യാസ രീതിയും: ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷ് എന്നുള്ളത് ഇങ്ഗ്ളണ്ടിന്റെ പൈതൃകമായ ഭാഷയാണ്. ഇന്ന് പലനാട്ടുകാരും അവർക്ക് ഇഷ്ടമുള്ളരീതിയിൽ ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷ് സംസാരിക്കുകയും വാക്കുകൾ ഉച്ചരിക്കുകയും എഴുതുകയും, പദങ്ങളിൽ അവർക്ക് തോന്നുന്നത് പോലെ ലിപികൾ ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നുമുണ്ട്. അങ്ങിനെ നിലവാരത്തകർച്ച ഉള്ള പലതരം ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷുകളുടെ പേരുകളിൽ ഏതാനും പേരുകൾ ഇവയാണ്. ചൈനീസ് ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷ്, ഇന്ത്യൻ ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷ്, അമേരിക്കൻ ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷ്, തുടങ്ങിയവ. ഈ വക ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷുകൾ കാലക്രമേണെ പലതരം...

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The Shrouded Satanism in Feudal Languages : Tribulations and Intra...

By: by Ved from Victoria Institutions

This book I wrote, I presume, in 2013. It is a huge book of epic parameters. The basic underlying theme is the essential difference, planar-languages has with feudal-languages. Feudal languages are quite powerful, in that, the moment they are spoken, the social structure and human relationships change powerfully into a custom-design hierarchy, depending on the language. When planar-languages are spoken, the social system and human relationship shift towa...

Essence of improving Now this brings us to the essential question of: what is improving others? The easiest ideas would be giving them food, giving them education, giving them dress and such other things. Well, food is an essential requirement. Since the word education is a wide one, for the time being one can say, giving information. Dress is also a part of social living. Well, these are only the minimal things, which only make a person barely sustain himself or hers...

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March of the Evil Empires : English versus the Feudal Languages

By: by VED from Victoria Institutions

This is a book containing a revolutionary idea about understanding society, human behaviour, history, anthropological features and many other aspects of human beings. The basic understanding that is being put forward is that languages, which are the software for human communication, are powerful media, which not only can help in communication, but also does contain extremely powerful designs and programs, which literally design all societies. Languages are actually power...

A QUOTE from this book about what is in the offing for the USA as feudal languages enter inside the social system: QUOTE: Yet the continuous and incessant bombardment of alien cultural ideology embedded in feudal languages, could create experiences, which are not English and will lead USA to social tensions. Though the extreme emotional disturbances, it causes would be understood as racial feelings and colour discrimination, the real reasons could be the strange, and...

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Prospects for Research Studies in Language Codes

By: by VED from Victoria Institutions

There is a huge expanse of information waiting to be explored in the field of language studies. I would say that what waits deciphering would beat even modern science, in its possibilities. A new non-physical reality A new sphere of ‘reality’ has opened up for exploring. This is the world of Software. Even though no one seems to mention this exactly, the truth is that it is a domain from where physical sciences can be seen as bare elementary knowledge. Scope of lang...

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A Brief Page on Kerala

By: by Ved from Victoria Institutions

Excerpt from MARCH of the evil empires: English versus the feudal languages

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An Urgent Appeal for English Racism

By: by Ved from Victoria Institutions

It was written as part of my desperate attempts to inform the naive, gullible and stupid Englanders of how they have been cunningly deluded to appear as a most evil nationhood, when actually they ought to be acclaimed as the greatest of social engineers in various far-off, semi-barbarian and totally barbarian geographical locations.

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What is Different about Pristine English?

By: by Ved from Victoria Institutions

This is a post that I had done on Telegraph.UK blog pages. The first chapter was posted on the 27th of May 2014. It was part of my desperate attempts to inform the naive, gullible and stupid Englanders of what is dangerously different in most other languages, which have feudal or three-Dimensional word-code structure. Without any information on this most powerful evilness, the nation is singing praise and glory to its misinformed national policy of multiculture. ...

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British Sailors in Indian Stinking Jails!

By: by Ved from Victoria Institutions

can mention something from my own experiences. I started by schooling in a Cambridge-University certification school (I think), wherein initially the teachers and priests were more or less Anglo-Indians of the English variety. (There is the Indian variety of Anglo-Indians also. The first version has vanished from India now). However, after around after around one and half years of such schooling, the Anglo-Indian group vanished and a native converted-to-Christian priests...

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