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A journey to Jeddah and Medina. A photoalbum

By: by Florentin Smarandache

The present album is a collection of photos from my travel to Saudi Arabia in the cities of Jeddah and Medina, in December 2018. The trip was occasioned by the invitation of King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah to deliver a presentation at the seminar "History of Neutrophic Set and Logic and their Applications", regarding the evolution and development of neutrosophic set, logic, probability and statistics.

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Un domingo dominicano. Instantáneas de República Dominicana

By: by Florentin Smarandache

Este álbum fotográfico es una extensión del fotovideolibro de viajes Dominicana-mente (Florentin Smarandache: Dominicana-mente. Sibiu, Rumania, 2018, 90 p. En rumano), después de una visita científica que hice a la República Dominicana en julio y agosto de 2018. Los títulos de las fotos de este álbum son un rompecabezas compuesto exclusivamente de fragmentos de los poemas de Pedro Mir (1913-2000), el gran escritor dominicano, considerado el Poeta Nacional de la República...

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The Island of Quelpart. A photoalbum

By: by Florentin Smarandache

This album displays instant photos of Jeju Island in South Korea, which I visited in scientific purposes in January 2018. The photos were taken in common places and touristic spots, like Manjanggul Lava Tube, Seongsan Ilchulbong, a volcanic tuff cone and crater, Mount Hallasan, the island's central dominant peak, or Seongeup Folk Village. The Jeju island is the largest island in South Korea, 73km wide and 41km long, with a total area of 1,848 km. Jeju came into existe...

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PhotoGrooks. Snapshots from Denmark. In homage to Piet Hein

By: by Florentin Smarandache

This photoalbum follows the instant photovideojournal VENI, VIDI, VIKING (in Romanian, 2018), and consists in a set of photographies taken in Copenhagen, Slagelse and surroundings during Smarandache’s short visit in Denmark in May 2018 – with scientific purposes. The photographies hold as “title” almost exclusively a line, a few words, or a title extracted from Piet Hein’s grooks, and they should be consequently connectedly “read”&”regarded”. The grooks created by Piet H...

Piet Hein (1905-1996) was a Danish polymath (mathematician, inventor, designer, game inventor, poet). Hex, Tangloids, Morra, Tower, Polytaire, TacTix, Pyramystery, Soma cube are creative games developed by Hein. He created a new form of poetry, 'Grook' ("gruk" in Danish, short for 'GRin & sUK' - "laugh & sigh", in Danish), characterized by irony, paradox, brevity. He wrote over 10,000 of grooks, most in Danish or English, published in more than 60 books. Grooks are tange...

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Pakistanibbles. An instant photoalbum

By: by Florentin Smarandache

This album displays instant photographies taken in Pakistan, during a two-week scientific visit to the Department of Mathematics of the COMSATS Information Technology Institute in Abbottabad, where Smarandache was invited in December 2017 to lecture on neutrosophic topics to professors and PhD students. The title of this photoalbum combines metaphorically the country name with the verb nibble, meaning, according to Cambridge Dictionary, to eat something by taking a lot o...

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Icelandicity. A photoalbum

By: by Florentin Smarandache

This is a photoalbum from Iceland: Reykjavík, Þingvellir National Park, Bláskógabyggð, Geysir, Haukadalur valley, Strokkur Geyser, Laugarvatn Lake, Sigriður path, Sólheimajökull, Mýrdalsjökull and Vatnajökull glaciers, Borgarnes, Hvannayri, Selfos and Hvolsvöllur cities, Eyjafjallajökull volcano, Reynisfjara beach, Vík í Mýrdal village, Borgarfjörður and Kollafjørður fiords, Hafnarfjall mountain, Gullfoss, Gljúfurárfoss, Hraunfossar and Barnafossar waterfalls, Húsafell g...

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2,565,000,000,000,000. A photoalbum

By: by Florentin Smarandache

This is a photoalbum from Greenland. It follows Smarandache’s instant photovideo journal Nopțile Polare Inuite (Inuit Polar Nights), published by Agora Editions, Romania, 2018. 2,565,000,000,000,000 Tonne Ice Cube sits on top of Greenland, weighting 2.565 quadrillion tonnes, with its mean height of over 2 km, and over 3 km at its thickest point. The global sea levels would raise by 23 feet if the ice of Greenland were to melt.

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Nigerian Snapshots. A photoalbum

By: by Florentin Smarandache

This photo album illustrates a scientific and cultural journey in Nigeria, at Universities in Abeokuta, Ibadan, and Lagos cities, where the author lectured about neutrosophic logics, information fusion, and their applications.

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La mitad de la tierra, la mitad del cielo

By: by Florentin Smarandache

Invited by the Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences of the University of Guayaquil (Ecuador) to hold a conference, in Spanish, on applications of Neutrosophy (the scientific discipline he founded), Florentin Smarandache finds the perfect opportunity to produce a new photo album. If the precedent was given to us from the extreme south (Antarctica), this one is from the middle of the Earth (Equator). Beyond the neutrosophic conference, the author is fully sweetene...

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Galápagos Neutrosophic Syndrome

By: by Florentin Smarandache

After following the footsteps of Emil Racoviţă in Antarctica (December 2015), I walked on the footsteps of Charles Darwin in the Galápagos Islands (December 2016). Observing different phenomena, I therefore introduced for the first time the Neutrosophic Theory of Evolution, Involution, and Indeterminacy (or Neutrality). During the process of adaptation of a being (plant, animal, or human), to a new environment or conditions, the being partially evolves, partially devo...

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Vietnam regaining the smile

By: by Florentin Smarandache

This album is a photolog of a three-weeks-long scientific & touristic trip in Vietnam; a country that - in the last century - surpassed wars and uncertainty and unrest, being nowadays in the midst of a new battle: that of regaining the smile. The brave nation of Vietnam - Smarandache asserts - proves it again and again, more and more: this battle is won every day.

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By: by Florentin Smarandache

This album is a photolog of a one-week long scientific & touristic trip in Vancouver and surroundings (Capilano river and canyon, Stanley Park, Vancouver Aquarium), also with the seaplane, with the occasion of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI 2016), held at the Convention Center in Vancouver, Canada, end July 2016.

A few titles: under the wing steel seal journeyfication uncanny&eldritch respite&go marginal composition partir c'est rappeler soulfulness

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HieloFuego. En el sur de Sudamérica

By: by Florentin Smarandache

Un álbum de fotos (fotolog) de un viaje en el sur de Sudamérica, entre glaciares, lagos y montañas en Argentina y Chile, después de regresar de una expedición en la Antártida. A photo album (photolog) of a trip in southern South America, between glaciers, lakes and mountains in Argentina and Chile, after returning from an expedition in Antarctica.

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Heidelberg Fusion

By: by Florentin Smarandache

This album is a photolog of a one-week-long scientific & touristic trip in Germany, at Heidelberg, Frankfurt and Speyer, along Neckar river and Odenwald valley, with the occasion of the International Fusion Conference, held at the beginning of July 2016.

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Antarctica: The Empire of Whiteness

By: by Florentin Smarandache

This album is a photolog of a cruise made by the author with the ship “Plancius” in the empire of whiteness which is Antarctica.

A few titles: blue holes in the whiteness white story piercing the whiteness antartification running contest reaching the sky sleepology the blue definition of whiteness been there, done that the end of a journey

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Okeanos. A photolog

By: by Florentin Smarandache

From the Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology: "Ôkeanos is the god of the river Oceanus, by which, according to the most ancient notions of the Greeks, the whole earth was surrounded." This photolog relates through images a travel in French Polynesia, and it constitutes a love photoletter to the ocean, the islands, and its inhabitants.

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Strecurându-ne printre viruși în Chile. Fotovideojurnal instantaneu

By: by Florentin Smarandache

În ciuda coronavirusului – virus cunoscut sub numele științific de 2019-nCov apoi COVID-19 (…) – și a riscului călătoriei externe, nu m-am putut abține de la un nou voiaj: de data aceasta, în Chile. (…) M-am pornit spre Chile cu treburi științifice, dar și cu ideea că orice nouă călătorie înseamnă o nouă învățătură. În doar câteva zile, planurile mele au fost date peste cap de COVID-19. Conferința științifică a fost anulată și era să rămân blocat în Chile, de unde m-am ...

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Topologia Neutrosofică Saudită. Fotojurnal instantaneu

By: by Florentin Smarandache

Cartea de față este un fotovideojurnal instantaneu de călătorie al profesorului Florentin Smarandache în Arabia Saudită, în orașele Jeddah și Medina. Călătoria a fost prilejuită de invitația Universității King Abdulaziz, din Jeddah, de a susține seminarul „History of Neutrosophic Set and Logic and their Applications”, privind înființarea, evoluția și dezvoltarea logicii, mulțimii, probabilității și statisticii neutrosofice.

“Dr. Mohammed Alshumrani m-a întrebat: - Dacă rămâneai în România, ai mai fi putut introduce, dezvolta și răspândi la nivel internațional logica neutrosofică? … Este, de fapt, o întrebare pe care mi-am pus-o și eu de nenumărate ori…” (Florentin Smarandache)

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Scurtcircuit lusitan. Fotovideojurnal instantaneu

By: by Florentin Smarandache

Jurnalul de față este rezultatul unui scurt circuit lusitan de o săptămână, efectuat la finele anului 2018, în tranzit între Jeddah (Arabia Saudită), unde autorul a susținut un seminar de neutrosofie la Universitatea King Abdulaziz, și Gallup (Statele Unite), unde predă în mod curent matematica studenților de la Universitatea New Mexico.

“Fiecare țară are câte ceva special și toate țările la un loc, au multe părți similare. Societățile converg una către alta - după care diverg din nou.” (Florentin Smarandache)

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Mulțimi neutrosofice: Conferință Internațională în China. Fotovide...

By: by Florentin Smarandache

“Colegii chinezi sunt mândri de realizările țării lor, ajungând să concureze cu Statele Unite. În cyberspace, China e singura țară care a intrat ȋn 5G prin compania lor Huawei. Și singura care folosește tele-comunicarea cuantică. Barajul de pe Fluviul Yangzi este cel mai mare de pe glob. Trenul chinez este cel mai rapid și modern din lume, depășind pe cel japonez și pe cel francez (Très Grande Vitesse). Am parcurs în 2011 de la Beijing la Xi’an distanța într-un tren chin...

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