Neuropharmacologist with degrees in pharmacy and biochemistry who has also had a teaching career in neuroscience, philosophy, and psychology. She is head of the Neurophysiology Department at the Centre of Neurobiological Research, Ministry of Health of the Argentine Republic, Full Professor of Neurophysiology in the Department of Neuroscience, and researcher in charge of projects in the Laboratory of Electroneurobiological Research of the Neuropsychiatric Hospital J.T. Borda, Buenos Aires City Government. She has also worked in several CONICET (Argentinian Council of Scientific Investigations) research projects for the Laboratory of Sensory Research and the Physiology Department of the Pharmacy and Biochemistry Faculty, University of Buenos Aires, and is editor of the journal Electroneurobiology. The central focus of her work is investigating brain biophysics and neurochemical microprocesses in relativistic perspective.

General Information:
Head, Neurophysiology Dept., 
Neurobiology Research Center,
Ministry of Health of the Argentine Republic.
Researcher in charge of projects,
Laboratory of Electroneurobiological Research,
Neuropsychiatric Hospital J. T. Borda, Buenos Aires City Govt.

Executive Director Electroneurobiology Journal,
ISSN: ONLINE 1850-1826 - PRINT 0328-0446.
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Un palindrome: las criaturas vivas conscientes como instrumentos d...

By: by Ph.D. Mario Fernando Crocco

A Palindrome: Conscious Living Creatures as Instruments of Nature; Nature as an Instrument of Conscious Living Creatures (English). It is reported a palindromic relationship between the astrophysical-biological evolution and the experiencing beings in it. The issue is related with ascertaining if nature is an instrument (as merely a means), instead of having any intrinsic value (an end in itself); and, likewise, if conscious beings are merely a means (one to entropize ...

Abreviado resumen de resultados harto más amplios, Palindrome se ocupa de la naturaleza extramental y de los psiquismos. Vale decir, de lo que se transforma sólo regularmente y de lo que además puede ponerse a cambiar, a voluntad. ¿Cómo distinguirlos?

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Algunos aportes de Mario Crocco a la neurobiologia y psicofisica :...

By: by Dr. Norberto Cesar Contreras

Aspectos físicos de la conexión entre psiquismo y cerebro ("alma" y cuerpo) y la producción de emociones, en la más importante tradición neurobiológica iberoamericana; énfasis en física contemporánea. Excelente resumen de una de las líneas de trabajo científico divulgada por The MIT Press ese mismo año, desarrollada en el Hospital Borda (Buenos Aires), donde la tradición originada hacia 1767 está activa desde 1899 (Monumento Histórico Nacional) y formó más de 4500 profes...

Palabras clave / keywords: acción física, alma, amnesia, antropología filosófica, Argentina, causalidad, consciencia, cuántica, cuantización del presente, delgadez interválica del presente, Disco de Crocco, Dr. José T. Borda, EEG, electroencefalografía, electromagnetismo, embriones, EMG, electroneurobiología, entonaciones subjetivas, espíritu, evolución de la biósfera, filosofía, física relativística, historia de la ciencia, historia de la física latinoamericana, histori...

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