This book is a larger version of a previous publication, "Into Composition" but expanded to include advice and details from the art, painting and lecturing experience from a career teaching, demonstrating and lecturing in painting and graphic composition.
I do not pretend to be a particularly talented or naturally outstanding practitioner with an inborn ability to arrive at the right solution instinctively. After acquiring enough skill as a competent painter most of my efforts have been directed into developing into a good art teacher. The more I learn from artists I respect the more I realise that full competence is a combination of consistent hard work and the willingness to learn from practitioners who have gained thei...
Yapay zekâ kavramı, modern teknoloji ve bilim dünyasında önemli bir dönüm noktası olarak kabul edilen bir toplantıda, ilk kez 1956 yılında Dartmouth Konferansı’nda resmi bir terim olarak tanımlanmıştır. John McCarthy, Marvin L. Minsky, Nathaniel Rochester ve Claude E. Shannon gibi bilgisayar bilimlerinin öncü isimleri tarafından sunulan bir öneri mektubunda, yapay zekâ, insan zekâsına benzer şekilde bilgi işleyebilen, öğrenebilen ve problem çözebilen makineler geliştirme...
"Pradeep Bhanot Maitreya" is a work of non-fiction that explores spiritual and metaphysical themes, while also drawing inspiration from the author's personal reality. The narrative encourages readers to interpret and engage with its content in a way that resonates with their own beliefs and experiences. It seems to serve more as a source of inspiration and reflection rather than a prescriptive guide.
**Discover the Transformative Power of the Sabbath** In the relentless pace of modern life, *Remember the Sabbath Day: Embracing Rest, Renewal, and Reverence in a Busy World* offers a profound and refreshing invitation to pause, reflect, and reconnect with what truly matters. This compelling book unveils the timeless wisdom of the Sabbath, exploring its rich biblical roots, its spiritual significance, and its relevance in today’s society. With heartfelt insight...
Jesus’ approach to the Sabbath did not disregard its sanctity but fulfill its true purpose. He reframed the Sabbath as a day meant to reflect God’s mercy, healing, and restoration, rather than a burdensome set of rigid rules. By His actions and teachings, He revealed that the Sabbath was made for humanity’s benefit, not as an oppressive obligation but as a gift that pointed to God’s compassion and care. In doing so, Jesus confronted the legalism that ...
¿Te sientes atrapado en el ritmo frenético de la vida moderna, anhelando un momento de descanso y conexión espiritual? Este libro te invita a redescubrir el día de reposo como un oasis divino en medio del caos. Más que una simple pausa semanal, el día de reposo es un regalo sagrado que renueva el alma, une a las familias y nos acerca al corazón de Dios. "Recuerda el Día de Reposo" combina reflexiones bíblicas profundas, teología inspiradora y consejos prácticos para a...
El enfoque de Jesús hacia el sábado no hizo caso omiso de su santidad, sino que cumplió su verdadero propósito. Reformuló el día de reposo como un día destinado a reflejar la misericordia, la sanidad y la restauración de Dios, en lugar de un conjunto oneroso de reglas rígidas. Con sus acciones y enseñanzas, reveló que el día de reposo se hizo para el beneficio de la humanidad, no como una obligación opresiva, sino como un regalo que señalaba la compasión y el cuidado de ...
Classical physics states heat is transferred by conduction, convection and radiation at the macroscale level. According to simple QED, the classical theory does not apply at the nanoscale level. Diverse applications of simple QED heat transfer are described. A discussion of sonoluminescence is included with the suggestion of a possible application of simple QED, as the exact mechanism behind sonoluminescence currently remains unknown.
In this book, you’ll uncover how the power of childlike curiosity can unlock transformative breakthroughs in coaching. It explores how curiosity fosters self-discovery and sparks creativity and growth, offering practical tools like the Childlike Curiosity Coaching Compass to guide clients toward actionable insights. You’ll learn the value of reflective silence, how to ask powerful questions that shape conversations, and how to balance judgment with empathy in the coachin...
Curiosity is the key to unlocking transformative breakthroughs in coaching. By embracing a childlike wonder, we create space for self-discovery and growth, encouraging both coaches and clients to explore deeper possibilities. Through powerful questions and reflective silence, we move beyond problem-solving and invite purposeful exploration. The Childlike Curiosity Coaching Compass guides us toward actionable insights, fostering lasting change without rushing to judgment....
A Guide for all Two Dimensional work drawing on classical and contemporary sources with comprehensive illustratration.
I see composition as the basic skeleton of a painting, all the flesh of colour, texture, detail and technique need strong bones to carry the weight. I believe that composition is the secret key to success in painting. To give some meaning to the term composition two aspects need to be considered. First, in a good composition the parts of the painting should link to or have a special relationship to the frame. Second the various parts of the painting should have an inte...
Eugene Onegin is a novel in verse by Alexander Pushkin. It is considered a classic of Russian literature, and its eponymous protagonist has served as the model for a number of Russian literary heroes (so-called superfluous men).
Dear Readers, The book you are holding is the product of an effort to shed light on Islamophobia, one of the most pressing and complex issues of our time, through the lenses of various academic disciplines. This work not only examines the impacts of Islamophobia on individuals and societies but also delves deeply into its sociological, psychological, educational, exegetical, historical, and philosophical dimensions. The sociology of religion explores the societal manifes...
In times past, the Occident enlightened the world when confusion reigned; the crepuscular reason of some righteous nations used to restore order, but this lighthouse is diseased: it seems that it is unable to show societies the ways to reality and goodness. Unfortunately, if the Statue of Liberty drowns in the port of New York, there will be no future, for the rest of the world is not able to exert a civilizing influence on mankind. Hence, the aim of this book is to unde...
Societies, by their very nature, are dysfunctional because they are formed by individuals who, most of the time, have difficulty perceiving reality. If 30% of people have personalities that are organized at the psychotic level, 50% of people are immature, which determines the characteristics of our unbalanced societies. Hence, this book aims to identify this problem so that humanity may be enlightened and may establish viable social organizations by means of individual c...
Sandy is a Californian girl who does not want to conform to the democratic nonsense that induces women to remain social inferiors. Hence, she decides to change the world and starts a coup d'état. Unfortunately, the Chinese capture her and sentence her to a thousand years in prison! However, her adventure shows that women can decide their fates and build a better society.
Alexandre fuit Paris, sa vie de veuf esseulé, ses mensonges de psychiatre nanti pour une retraite prématurée à Sète. Il profite de ce voyage initiatique pour se débarrasser de ses fausses certitudes et atteindre un niveau de conscience qui le ramène dans le cadre de l'humanité la plus pure, mais à une certaine distance de la raison. Observant néanmoins avec lucidité un monde qui s'enfonce dans la sauvagerie, il hésite sans cesse entre la nécessité de le fuir en s'imagina...
La Terre se meurt: le magma des vices de l'espèce humaine la submerge pour la faire succomber. Cinq individus réussissent à échapper au désastre et partent dans une direction qui devrait les mener vers des planètes habitables par l'homme. Cependant, le destin, mais surtout l'implacable volonté du Néant, les fait errer dans l'univers pendant des milliards d'années. Ne sont-ils pas tous morts au bout de tant de temps? Non, le Créateur et l'Eternité ne l'ont pas voulu. D'ai...
In the immensity of the universe, there is the Earth: a blue crystal turning black. In the vastness of the Creation, there is Empycrist II: the illusion of paradise on Earth. Between them, man, a strange creature, is about to destroy the former, which compels him to go to the latter in order to survive. Five brilliant scientists go to this planet and, at the same time, realize during a journey into their souls that the survival of mankind is not a geographical issue. If ...
The roof of Notre Dame is burning. All the onlookers but one are appalled. I stare at him. There is something strange in his eyes: a kind of amethyst precipice that frightens and kills all the people who look at him. It seems that he is a kind of pillar of salt that turns vice into eternal sorrow. Our eyes meet. I am mesmerized by his purplish gaze. I decide to follow him throughout the sinful city…
Kevin is an adolescent who lives in a world that is collapsing. The climate change has led up to war and famine. Adults have been unable to establish civilization. Drought threatens the survival of mankind. So the lad decides to head for the north of Europe in order to find water and survivors with whom he will certainly create a better society.
Under the omnipresent moon, Gypsies and Andalusians live and suffer. Women die because of the absence of men, and men shed their blood along the banks of the Guadalquivir. Everybody devours everybody! This human precipice is observed by petrified angels. When God appears, he is not the peaceful Christ in Majesty but an unborn child who is already waiting for his crucifixion. Man, the image of God, is doomed, but why? Lorca does not reply, since the answer lies within us.
All humans do not become humane human beings automatically. As a matter of fact, humanity is a quality which one brings forth if one decides to do so. Hence, free will enables barbaric children to become intelligent adults who should build a civilized society based on reason. Jean Valjean, the protagonist of that novel, is a brute who decides to rid himself of social pressure in order to become a righteous man. His history is remarkable because it proves that people of...
Dans les contes de Charles Perrault, la vie n'est pas facile, spécialement pour les jolies filles: elles sont souvent dévorées par des loups ou maltraitées par leurs sœurs, mères, pères et maris. En ce qui concerne les garçons, quand ils sont laids ou faibles, ils sont également malmenés. En fait, il y a toujours un ogre cruel qui cherche de la chair fraîche! Il est inutile de dire que les fées, ces créatures fantasques, peuvent intervenir et changer le cours des choses,...
Charles Marlow is a young man who is looking for a position. Thanks to his aunt, he becomes the captain of a steamboat which belongs to a company that trades in ivory. Hence, he goes to Africa and soon discovers a barbaric world where black people are mistreated by lazy white men. Thanks to his work, he penetrates the heart of the jungle, where he meets Kurtz, a strange individual worshiped by the natives. This man is a kind of monster manipulating other monsters in a pl...
Quelle frontière ténue que celle qui sépare le rêve de la réalité. C’est d’ailleurs ce qu’expérimente Alice lorsque, par un bel après-midi d’été, elle s’assoupit et glisse alors, lentement, dans le royaume des songes. Un lapin pressé attise sa curiosité. Elle le suit dans sa course folle et rencontre des situations, et des personnages, plus loufoques les uns que les autres, mais qui décrivent, néanmoins, ces comportements humains situés entre la raison et la folie. Alice...
Don Juan est une jeune gentilhomme inconstant. Sa vie est une fuite en avant dans l'illusion des plaisirs charnels. Faussement sûr de lui-même, ses multiples conquêtes féminines lui donnent l'impression d'être un homme considéré. Mais il n'est pas un homme, car il ne consomme jamais le fruit dérobé; considéré, il ne l'est pas, car il s'attire la haine de la famille des femmes qu'il a trompées. Don Juan, être incomplet, vieux petit garçon monstrueux, tu cours à ta perte. ...