Gunatitanand Swami’s life confirmed the fact that Bhagwan Swaminarayan is ever manifest on this earth through Aksharbrahman and has kept the door of liberation for jivas open through a Godrealized Sadhu. This book is an overview of the divine life of Gunatitanand Swami highlighting his devotion, spirit of service, spiritual understanding and the impact he had in transforming and inspiring the lives of others. It is based on the comprehensive biography Anadi Mul Aksharmur...
We read in Ghanshyam Charitra about Shriji Maharaj’s divine, inspiring and miraculous childhood. After the passing away of his parents Ghanshyam Maharaj renounced the world and sojourned in the forests. He was then known as Nilkanth Varni. He travelled to various pilgrim places in India for seven years. Many interesting anecdotes found in the various accounts of Nilkanth’s life are narrated here. We hope that they will enlighten and inspire youths to higher spiritual endeavours.
Bhagwan Swaminarayan, the supreme God, manifested on this earth, together with his divine abode, Akshardham, in the form of Aksharbrahman Gunatitanand Swami. Bhagwan Swaminarayan taught the Vedic tradition of Bhakta-Bhagwan in the form of Akshar and Purushottam. He taught that the goal of life is to attain the virtues of Akshar and offer devotion to Purushottam. However, through the efforts of Brahmaswarup Shastriji Maharaj, the Akshar-Purushottam philosophy became wid...
Purna Purushottam Shri Sahajanand Swami out of compassion and grace incarnated on this earth. During his life on earth, he inspired many to attain the highest spiritual state. The lives of these sadhus, and male and female devotees serve as an example for all on how to worship God and attain his divine bliss. Shriji Maharaj’s work has been continued by the lineage of God-realized Sadhus he established. Spiritual seekers who have associated with them have also attaine...
His childhood teaches us the virtues that should be developed from a young age. Ghanshyam’s devotion to God, sincerity in studies, service to others, regularity, compassion and other noble qualities convinced everyone that he was the manifest form of God. Swaminarayan Sampradaya, Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha, BAPS, the culture and heritage of the Hindu religion.
The Core of Swaminarayan Philosophy, concepts of Akshar and Purushottam Upasana, Upasana important in spiritual aspirant, The Significance of Aksharrup, the realization of God as the all-doer lead to liberation, ‘Akshar’ as the abode of Purushottam Narayan
Freiheit ist kein Privileg, sondern ein Recht, das jedem Menschen von Natur aus zusteht. Dieses Buch argumentiert für eine staatenlose Gesellschaft, welche vollständig auf freiwilligen Interaktionen zwischen Individuen beruht. Der Staat hält uns gefangen in einem System, in dem wir dazu gezwungen sind, immer wieder das geringere Übel zu wählen. Doch ich glaube, eine Gesellschaft, in der gar kein Übel notwendig ist, ist möglich.
Die Demokratie und der Staat gelten in der westlichen Welt als Inbegriff des Guten. Wer Demokratie ablehnt, muss zwangsläufig Diktatur und Tyrannei befürworten. Wer den Staat ablehnt, fordert Chaos und das Recht des Stärkeren. Doch all diese Annahmen sind falsch. Der Mensch hat gezeigt, dass friedliches Zusammenleben auch ohne zent-rale Autorität möglich ist.
The Story of Philosophy by Will Durant, in which he profiles several prominent Western philosophers and their ideas, beginning with Socrates and Plato and on through Nietzsche. Durant attempts to show the interconnection of their ideas and how one philosopher's ideas informed the next.
The presented book, called Aptavani 7, is a compilation of Dadashri’s discussion and answers to questions about day-to-day life. Gnani Purush (the enlightened one) sees simple incidences of life with great vision and understanding. Such incidences will give the informed reader a new vision and entirely new thought process in their routine life. The topics discussed here are - jagruti (alertness) in life, handling money, how to remain peaceful in conflicting situation...
Bhagwan Swaminarayan, a spiritual leader and social reformer, was born on 2 April 1781 in Chhapaiya, near Ayodhya, and was known as Ghanshyam in his childhood. Displaying extraordinary intellect, he mastered Sanskrit scriptures and defeated scholars in debates by the age of ten. At eleven, he renounced worldly life and became Nilkanth Varni, embarking on a seven-year journey across India. He eventually settled in Gujarat, where he met Ramanand Swami, who appointed him...
An artfully handwritten book containing lots of ideas to use in any new video game. The help here is anonymous and free. This is a new public domain book.
An artfully handwritten book containing lots of ideas to use in any new video game... anonymously and free.
Here is a handwritten book containing many new free ideas to use in any new video game.
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Recognized as Aksharbrahman, the eternal abode of God, he renounced worldly life and was initiated as a sadhu in 1810. Known for his humility, obedience, and austerity, he tirelessly preached the Akshar-Purushottam philosophy, emphasizing devotion to a God-realized Sadhu. His profound discourses, compiled as Swamini Vato, continue to guide spiritual seekers. As the Mahant of Junagadh Mandir for 40 years, he strengthened the Satsang community and transformed countless l...
Gunatitanand Swami holds a unique place among the five hundred paramhansas of Bhagwan Swaminarayan. The life of Gunatitanand Swami is the very embodiment of pure divinity, hence he is revered as an ideal sadhu and guru. Gunatitanand Swami was among the first to reveal and spread the supremacy of Bhagwan Swaminarayan on this earth.
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Through these books, it is intended to impart systematic, sustained and pure knowledge in simple language on a scholastic basis to children and youth of the Swaminarayan Sampraday. It is hoped that this Sanstha, established by Brahmaswarup Shastriji Maharaj for implementing and propagating the Vedic ideals propounded by Bhagwan Swaminarayan, will, through this activity, spread the ideals and noble traditions of the Sampraday and through it, the culture and ...
A Heartwarming Series for Little kids Suitable for kids aged 4-9, this charming book makes a delightful bedtime story for parents to read aloud. Each tale ends with a "Lessons Learnt" section, encouraging kids to think critically and develop essential life skills. Snuggle Up and Read Together! Share Aari's thrilling escapades with your child, fostering a love for reading, empathy, and kindness. Get ready for a journey of discovery, delight!!
Aari followed a path that sounded like happy whispers. Look! A sparkly stream was gurgling and curling cheerfully The water bounced over smooth, round pebbles, making tiny splashes that looked like they were giggling. 8
I have left all these matters to my God. I know that when my God brings justice, no lie will remain. I am still waiting for this justice with dry tears in my eyes. One day justice will definitely come. And on that day everyone will be held accountable.
Those who did wrong to me, time will surely repeat it all with them. The world is an illusion.
આ પુસ્તિકાઓ દ્વારા પાઠશાળા ધોરણે સત્સંગનાં બાળકો તથા યુવકોને વ્યવસ્થિત એકધારું અને શુદ્ધ જ્ઞાન સરળ ભાષામાં આપવાનું વિચાર્યું છે. ભગવાન સ્વામિનારાયણે સ્થાપેલ આદર્શોના પાલન અને પ્રચાર માટે બ્રહ્મસ્વરૂપ શાસ્ત્રીજી મહારાજે સ્થાપેલ આ સંસ્થા, આ પ્રવૃત્તિ દ્વારા એ આદર્શોનો, સંપ્રદાયની એ ભવ્ય પ્રણાલીનો અને તે દ્વારા મહાન હિંદુ ધર્મની સંસ્કૃતિનો પ્રચાર કરશે.
Introduction to Swaminarayan Satsang beliefs, traditions and history
બ્રહ્મસ્વરૂપ સ્વામીશ્રી યોગીજી મહારાજે સ્થાપેલી અને પોષેલી યુવકપ્રવૃત્તિ ઘણા વેગથી વિસ્તાર પામતી જાય છે. આ યુવકપ્રવૃત્તિમાં જોડાતા યુવકોની આકાંક્ષાઓ અને જ્ઞાનપિપાસાને સંતોષવા અને તેમને ભગવાન સ્વામિનારાયણે સ્થાપેલ અક્ષરપુરુષોત્તમના સિદ્ધાંત અભિમુખ કરવા બી.એ.પી.એસ. એટલે કે બોચાસણવાસી શ્રી અક્ષરપુરુષોત્તમ સ્વામિનારાયણ સંસ્થાએ અભ્યાસક્રમ નિયત કરેલ છે તેની ક્રમબદ્ધ પુસ્તિકાઓના પ્રકાશનની યોજના સ્વામિનારાયણ અક્ષરપીઠે ઘડી છે. આ પુસ્તિકાઓ દ્વારા પાઠશાળા ધોરણે સત્સંગનાં બાળકો તથા...
, દરરોજ મંદિરે જવું, ભગવાનના દર્શન કરવા, સંતોના દર્શન કરવા, ભગવાનની સેવા કરવી, ભગવાનને રાજી કરવા, સંતોની સેવા કરવી, નાનપણથી જ ભગવાનની ભક્તિ કરવી, ભક્ત ધ્રુવની ભગવાનની ભક્તિ, ભક્ત પ્રહ્લાદની નાની ઉંમરે ભગવાનની ભક્તિ, ભગવાનના ભજનની ટેવ પાડવી, ભગવાનની ભક્તિમાં પ્રવૃત્ત થવું, આજની પેઢી માટે ભક્તિનું મહત્વ, ભગવાનના ઉપકારો અને માનવજીવન, સંતોના દર્શન અને સેવા કરવાનું ફળ, ભક્તિ અને સંસ્કારનો બાળપણથી પ્રભાવ, ભગવાનની અનમોલ દયાળુતા અને આશીર્વાદ, સંતો અને સાધુઓની સેવા દ્વારા પરમ આનંદ.