Search Results (147,881 titles)


Symposium On the Respiratory Enzymes and the Biological Action of Vitamins (X) English (X) Biology (X) Appleton (X) Genetics (X)

Records: 147801 - 147820 of 147,881 - Pages: 
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The Golden Bough Vol. 2 : Chapter 57, Section 4, On Scapegoats in General

By: James George Frazer, Produced by Klaus- Dieter Mundt. Rügener
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Bulletin of the World Health Organization : 1953; Volume 9, Number 4, Year 1953: Bulletin de Organisation Mondiale de la Sante

By: World Health Organization
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Bulletin of the World Health Organization : 1981; Volume 59, Number 3, Year 1981 59 (3), Pages 305-324: Viral Respiratory Diseases ; Vaccines and Antivirals

By: World Health Organization
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Bulletin of the World Health Organization : 1985; Volume 63, Number 4, Year 1985 63 (4), Pages 745-750: Prospective Serological and Clinical Studies on Infants Born in Kuwait with an Elevated IGM in Cord Blood

By: L. V. Deverajan
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Bulletin of the World Health Organization : 1991; Volume 69, Number 1, Year 1991 69 (1), Pages 107-111: Evaluation of a Computerized Field Data Collection System for Health Surveys

By: D. Forste
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Bulletin of the World Health Organization : 2001, Issue10, 79 (10) 983-987: Prevention is Both Moral and Cost-Effective

By: Anthony Mbewu
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World Health Organization : Year 1991, World Health Organization, Hereditary Disease Program Icbdms Icbd, No. 91.4.1: Report of a Joint WBO/ICBDNS/ICBD Meeting on Methodology for Birth Defects Monitoring

By: World Health Organization
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World Health Organization : Year 1993 ; World Health Organization Dbo Tfrd, No. 93.1: Report of the F I W Joint World Health Organizationn Task Force Meeting

By: A. O. Adebajo
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World Health Organization : Year 1995 : Communicable Diseases and Emerging Infectious Diseases ; Vph, No. 95.145: Report of a World Health Organization Consultation on Public Health Issues Relaced to Human and Animal Transmissible Spongiform Encophalopathies

By: World Health Organization
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World Health Organization : Year 1996 ; World Health Organization, Global and Integrated Environmental Health, No. 96.9: Report of the Sixth Coordination Meeting of World Health Organization Collaborating Centres in Rempan

By: Wilfried Kreisel
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World Health Organization : Year 1999 ; World Health Organization, Department of Nutrition for Health Development, No. 99.11: Scurvy and its Prevention and Control in Major Emergencies

By: World Health Organization
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World Health Organization : Year 2002 ; Assessment Document, A73566: Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 37

By: Stuart Dobson, Dr.
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World Health Organization : Year 2004 ; Assessment Document, A83743: Food and Nutrition Needs in Emergencies

By: World Health Organization
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World Health Organization : Report on a European Syposium Convened by the Regional Office for Europe, Environmental Pollutants Ehc, No. 74.1: World Health Organization Organisation Mondiale de la Sant

By: World Health Organization
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World Health Organization : Report on a European Syposium Convened by the Regional Office for Europe, Veterinary Public Health, No. 71.28: Guidelines for Surveil Lance, Prevention and Control of Ech/Nococcos/S/H Yda Tdosis

By: J. Eckert
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World Health Organization : Organisation Mondiale de la Sante ; Serie de Monographies, Volume Number 27, (1Ed): Chemotherapy of Malaria

By: Gordon Covell, M. D.
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World Health Organization Publication : The First Ten Years of the World Health Organization - Foreword: The First Ten Years of the World Health Organization

By: World Health Organization
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World Health Organization : Technical Report Series, No. 373: Specifications for the Identity and Purity of Food Additives and Their Toxicological Evaluation ; Some Emulsifiers and Stabilizers and Certain Other Substances

By: World Health Organization
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World Health Organization : Technical Report Series, No. 434: African Trypanosomiasis

By: P. Dorolle
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World Health Organization : Technical Report Series, No. 611: Use of Ionozing Radiation and Radionuclides on Human Beings for Medical Research Training,And Nonmedicalpuposes

By: B. Kwadu Adadevoh
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Records: 147801 - 147820 of 147,881 - Pages: 

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