Search Results (5 titles)

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Authors Community (X) Mystery Fiction (X)

Records: 1 - 5 of 5 - Pages: 
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Nothing You Can Say or Do

By: Donald Harry Roberts; Donald

I was standing at the variety store checkout counter when you entered the store. You were wearing a ski-mask that covered your entire face except your eyes. You had a handgun in your right hand and a bag in the left making your intentions absolute....

I was standing at the variety store checkout counter when you entered the store. You were wearing a ski-mask that covered your entire face except your eyes. You had a handgun in your right hand and a bag in the left making your intentions absolute....

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Werelove Dusk Conspiracy

By: Lakisha Spletzer

Seventeen-year-old Laylah Le Croix has a rich father, mansion, and servants. Yet she is lonely and neglected. Her father would rather work than speak to her. At the academy she is bullied and mistreated. When Weres attempt to kidnap Laylah, she is saved by the mysterious Donil Silentshadow. Donil rouses feelings in Laylah that make her question her life and her father's animosity toward her handsome rescuer. Confused by these emotions, she seeks answers from those closest to her and is rebuffed. She must make a choice. Obey her father's edicts or follow her heart to learn the truth about her past....

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By: Janaki Sooriyarachchi

Far above the clouds, stars, moon and sun, was fairyland. It was a magnificent place filled with exotic flowers of rainbow colors, snow-dusted mountains, sapphire lakes, and trees greener than green itself. Of course, there were many fairies too, dazzling the exquisite land as far, and farther than eyes can see. The loveliest fairy in the fairyland, was Eleena. She had a little brother whom she loved very much. He was her best friend and companion. Wherever she went, her brother accompanied her....

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By: Lakisha Spletzer

Special Lieutenant Jewels Enbran, a human telepath unable to shield her mind from thoughts, uses telepathic anchors who protect her vulnerable mind. Her current anchor, Colonel Jeremy Lingley, is nearing burnout. An alien race is seeking an alliance with Earth and the pair are assigned the mission of discovering the aliens' secrets. Crown Prince Dex LoudRoar is a Gatoan warrior and a royal with a terrible secret. His people wage a constant war against their enemy, the Lupinious empire. But the tide of battle is turning and his people seek help from a new source: the humans of Earth. With an interstellar war looming, Jewels and Dex seek salvation for their planets and find their destinies changed forever....

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A Courageous Battle

By: Susan Bracken

Lacey Wilson overcomes neglect in childhood and abuse in her first marriage to achieve fame and riches as a popular author, and finds true love and happiness with wealthy entrepreneur, Jake Edmonds. Then cancer strikes. Lacey is afraid of the pain and indignity she thinks is coming and wants to die. Her beloved daughter, Jana, will help her. But her doctor does not approve. To complicate matters, Jana and the doctor are in love. Will Lacey get her wish?...

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Records: 1 - 5 of 5 - Pages: 

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