Search Results (691,418 titles)


Masse, Todd (X) PDF (eBook) (X) Social Sciences (X) American Political Science Association (X) Business Development (X)

Records: 691261 - 691280 of 691,418 - Pages: 
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U.S. Air Force White Paper on Long Range Bobers

By: by Department of Defense
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East Bay Public Safety Corridor Partnership

By: by Nancy E. Gist
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Military Law Review Volume 66

By: by Department of Justice
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U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs

By: by Jan M. Chaiken
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The Days of Vengeance

By: by David Chilton
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Fathers of the Third and Fourth Centuries : Lactantius, Venantius, Asterius, Victorinus, Dionysius, Apostolic Teaching and Constitutions, Homily, And Liturgies

By: by Philip Schaff
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Npnf210. Ambrose: Selected Works and Letters

By: by Philip Schaff
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Bulletin of the World Health Organization : 1967; Volume 36, Number 4, Year 1967, Pages 594-596: Factors Affecting the Oviposition of Aedes Aegypti

By: by G. Surtees
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World Health Organization Drug Information : Volume 8, No. 3, Year 1994 - Contents: World Health Organization Drug Information

By: by World Health Organization
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World Health Organization : Year 1993 ; World Health Organization, Family Health, Maternal and Newborn Health-Safe Motherhood, No. 93.8: Preventing Prolonged Labour ; A Practical Guide the Partograph Part I ; Principles and Strategy

By: by Christopher E. Lennox
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World Health Organization : Year 1996 ; World Health Organization, Control of Tropical Diseases Sip, No. 96.1: Report of the World Health Organization Ifformal Consvltation on Hookworm Infectiok and Anaemia in Girls Knd Women

By: by World Health Organization
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World Health Organization : Year 1996 ; World Health Organization, Tuberculosis, No. 96.200 Sea: TB a Clinical Manual for South East Asia

By: by Anthony Harries
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World Health Organization : Year 2001 ; World Health Organization, Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependance, Noncommunicable Disease and Mental Health Cluster 01.3: Ecstasy MDMA and Other Ring-Substituted Amphetamines

By: by Linda R. Gowing
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World Health Organization : Year 2003 ; The Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases Str Seb Vol, No. 03.1: The Behavioural and Social Aspects of Malaria and its Control

By: by Andrew Spielman
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World Health Organization : Report on a European Syposium Convened by the Regional Office for Europe, World Health Organization, Nursing, Technical Guide, No. 78.3: Guidelines for Nursing in Tuberculosis Control Programmes

By: by World Health Organization
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World Health Organization : Report on a European Syposium Convened by the Regional Office for Europe, World Health Organization, Tuberculosis Technical Info., No. 78.72, No. 78: Guidelines for Nursing in Tuberculosis Control Programmes

By: by World Health Organization
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Health Organisation, Malaria Comission; World Health Organization : Organisation Mondiale de la Sante; Serie de Monographies, Issue No. 77. 884: Seroepidemiological Investigations of Malaria in Guyana

By: by H. O. Lobel
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World Health Organization : Organisation Mondiale de la Sante ; Serie de Monographies, Volume Number 13: Malaria Terminology Report of a Drafting Committee Appointed by the World Health Organization

By: by Gordon Covell, M. D.
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World Health Organization : Organisation Mondiale de la Sante ; Serie de Monographies, Volume Number 60, (Part 1): Waste Stabilization Ponds

By: by Earnest F. Gloyna, D. Eng.
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World Health Organization ; World Health Organization Offeset Publication No. 65: Injectable Hormonal Contraceptives ; Technical and Safety Aspects

By: by World Health Organization
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Records: 691261 - 691280 of 691,418 - Pages: 

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