Search Results (151 titles)


Major John S. Chilstrom, USAF (X) United States (X) Historical Publishing Co. (X) International Relations (X)

Records: 81 - 100 of 151 - Pages: 
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Ground-Aided Precision Strike : Heavy Bomber Activity in Operation Enduring Freedom

By: by Lieutenant Colonel, Eric E. Theisen, USAF
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Operation Allied Force : Golden Nuggets for Future Campaigns

By: by Lieutenant Colonel Michael W. Lamb Sr., USAF
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Star and Crescent : Turco-Israeli Partnership in a Tough Neighborhood

By: by Lieutenant Colonel Joseph M. Codispoti, USAF
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A Separate Space Force : An 80-Year-Old Argument

By: by Colonel Michael C. Whittington, USAF
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China as Peer Competitor? : Trends in Nuclear Weapons, Space, and Information Warfare

By: by Lieutenant Colonel Kathryn L. Gauthier, USAF
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Operations Other Than War : Who Says Warriors Don't Do Windows?

By: by Lieutenant Colonel Charles W. Hasskamp, USAF
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Core Values Foundation for the Twenty-First Century

By: by Lieutenant Colonel Daniel R. Simmons, USAF
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Military Culture A Paradigm Shift?

By: by Karen O. Dunivin, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF
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Airpower in the Context of a Dysfunctional Joint Doctrine

By: by Carl R. Pivarsky Jr. Lieutenant Colonel, USAF
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The National Guard Citizen-Soldier

By: by Mark P. Meyer, Colonel, ANG
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Cultivating National Will : An Introduction

By: by Lawrence E. Key, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF
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Thinking Effects : Effects-Based Methodology for Joint Operations

By: by Edward C. Mann III; Gary Endersby; Thomas R. Searle
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The Long Search for a Surgical Strike : Precision Munitions and the Revolution in Military Affairs

By: by Dr. David R. Mets
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Command in Air War : Centralized versus Decentralized Control of Combat Airpower

By: by Lt. Col. Michael W. Kometer, USAF
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The Quest : Haywood Hansell and American Strategic Bombing in World War II

By: by Charles Griffith
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Implementing Joint Vision 2010 : A Revolution in Military Affairs for Strategic Air Campaigns

By: by Christopher G. Warner
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Organizational Structure for Air National Guard Tactical Aircraft Maintenance

By: by Rudolph Ventresca
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Apollo's Warriors : United States Air Force Special Operations during the Cold War

By: by Michael E. Haas
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Military Airpower : The CADRE Digest of Airpower Opinions and Thoughts

By: by Col Charles M. Westenhoff, USAF retired
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Making Strategy : An Introduction to National Security Processes and Problems

By: by Dennis M. Drew; Donald M. Snow
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Records: 81 - 100 of 151 - Pages: 

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