Search Results (94 titles)

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2014 (X) Drama and Literature (X)

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Space Force Grunts : A Science Fiction Novel

By: Ingo Potsch

Space Force Grunts is a Science Fiction novel playing several generations into the future. After the human race has invented hyperspace flight, thousands of planets are colonised. Those new societies maintain their independence until the human race encounters an alien civilisation that also masters space flight and hyperspace travel. Being so very different from the human race, those aliens are at first not even recognised as an eminent civilisation commanding over impressive, seemingly sheer unlimited means and a proficient use of advanced technologies. When the mistake is discovered, it is too late already for avoiding a clash of civilisations and a violent conflict has already started. The worlds settled by the human race gradually unite ever more under the leadership of a political movement. Conscription is introduced to provide for the military forces’ need for soldiers. People with sufficient means can purchase freedom from conscription and escape the draft. The funds obtained by the administration via that purchase of freedom are used to supply the military with materials means like weapons and to pay the soldiers who get dra...

Base 18 on Planet DN-DU-144/5 was a place that could only be found on detailed military maps. This planet was circling a sun situated at the border between our Local Bubble of stars in the Milky Way and the much bigger Loop 1 Bubble, another assembly of suns and planets. DN-DU-144/5 was the fifth planet in outward direction, when counted from the local star as centre. Base 18 now consisted of a dozen bunkers, a few deep wells and a couple of cisterns appendant to them, a makeshift front-line spa, and most importantly a maintenance station for fighter robots and combat drones. Base 18 on planet DN-DU-144/5 was in principle a bleak place. Though at that moment it was officially day-time at the location of base 18, there was actually just a little twilight. The far sun, going by the less-than-poetic name of DN-DU-144, illuminated only the abundant clouds enfolding the planet decently. Little light ever made it through to the surface. ‘I just love it’ Master Sergeant Koon had sarcastically said when arriving at this place, together with all the other soldiers of the 5th company. They had taken this base over from a unit that had suffe...

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Circumstantially Evolved Relationship

By: Manohar Asija

Description Two bank employees, one married male and the other unmarried female happened to mark affinity for self in the other. This unmarried person was the boss of the other one. In view of the mutual affinity, this boss visited the other’s residence for delivering in person the `invite` on the occasion of her marriage with an NRI doctor. In a couple of years, the marriage of both these persons reached the stage of irretrievable breakdown, as both were feeling suffocated with the behaviour and attitude of their spouses. By the by, they happen to divulge to each other the emotional injuries suffered at the hands of their respective callous spouses. However, they happen to be neighbours by virtue of the flat allotted to them by their bank under the self-financing scheme for its employees envisaged to reach them a surprise bonanza in a unique `no profit, no lost` basis. The events at the inlaws family in the case of both of thembrought them physically closer, with the blessings of their parents. Thus, they happen to be `a circumstantially evolved couple`. ...

Excerpts: “It appears to me that almost every religion tends to circumscribe the reasoning potentials of its followers. The self-styled custodian of the religious beliefs would not take it upon himself as a duty to seek the explanations of the `deviating folk`, unless an explosive situation emerges,” Nidhi expresses her opinion in the presence of the lone listener … She says, “Even at this moment, some kuchcha structure is visible. A notice board is also clearly visible from here. I think, let’s move towards that hut, to check, if that hermit is still using that hutment even after a period of fifty five years has gone by.” He looks undecided, but his wife almost drags him towards that sign-board. It reads the same contents. The door seems to have been bolted from inside. They move away awfully, lest they disturb the hermit’s peace. …. Nidhi often happens to recall her days when she had once heard from Anirudh that Smriti’s father is a doctor in a government dispensary and has been living an ostentatious type of life. It had resulted in his daughter always complaining of the total absence of modern amenities for leading `a...

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The Boy Who Never Slept

By: Chandra F. Allen

A short story about a boy who did not sleep

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The Second Request

By: AnElephant Cant; Emmy L Gant, Editor

Set in newly-independent Scotland, this short thriller covers a range of controversial topics including: War, and how to avoid it Peace, and how to ensure it Independence, and how to attain it Education, the why and the how And, of course, Myth and Magic. And in the process adds a whole new dimension to the Independence debate. It contains the astonishing twists you have come to expect, but never foresee, from AnElephantCant. ...

Chapter 1 The Children Chapter 2 The Commander Chapter 3 The Background Chapter 4 The Visitor Chapter 5 The Requests Chapter 6 The Analysis Chapter 7 The Threat Chapter 8 The Strike Chapter 9 The Agreement Chapter 10 The Failure Chapter 11 The Game Chapter 12 The Arrival Chapter 13 The Aftermath Chapter 14 The First Minister Chapter 15 The Breakdown Chapter 16 The Plan Chapter 17 The Escalation Chapter 18 The Truth Chapter 19 The Proof Chapter 20 The Explanation Chapter 21 The Catalyst Chapter 22 The End ...

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Charlotte the Pup Book 3 - The Wannabe Wallaby: Dawgie Tales by J. Christian

By: J. Christian; J. Christian, Editor

Charlotte, the adorable Shih Tzu, has a new grooming experience and makes new friends. They go to The Magical Garden to enjoy The Lollipop Tree, The Sea of Chocolates and The Ice Cream Igloo. A new game is also born, with Wally the Wannabe Wallaby being the inspiration for it. When she is back, Charlotte and her Mommy are saved from marauding canines by her four faithful “buddyguards”, Chandler, Dobby, Chip and Bully. Charlotte’s Mommy then starts caring for them. While Charlotte and her new friends are on a play date at Joe’s, he is attacked by Stinky and The Stench, who are duly dealt with by the buddyguards, too. Truly, this is a magical tale of the magic of doggies....

Today was different, though. What had started out as innocent playtime for the bigger dogs had quite alarmingly and even more quickly descended into a cacophonous brouhaha. It turned violent equally quickly, too. Over the obstreperous snarling and barking, we heard the distressed yelping of the victims as the stronger dogs sought trophies in their clangorous battle. As the impuissant victims took flight in all directions, pursued by their assailants, Mommy scooped me up and said, “Let’s go, Charlotte. It’s not safe”. As we turned to go, we found that our path was blocked by several dogs. They were snarling at Mommy and me, probably thinking that they were going to be feasting on Shih Tzu tonight! I felt Mommy’s heart pounding, but I was too scared to turn away from our attackers. Suddenly, there was a hurried rustling in the shrubs across the path from us. My four buddyguards had seen that we were in trouble and were hurtling towards us. Dobby, athletic as always, was the first to arrive and immediately took a chunk off the right side of the neck of the Boxer. Chandler arrived a split second later and crashed into...

ONE Grooming TWO Wally THREE The Lollipop Tree FOUR The Ice Cream Igloo FIVE Basketbone SIX Buddyguards SEVEN Playtime EIGHT Stink Attack NINE Games Doggies Play TEN Home Alone ...

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Dick Goes to the Bank : An Avery Dick Adventure Story

By: Avery M Dick

He’s expendable, vulnerable and flat-broke; the ideal candidate for his employer of last resort, the U.S. State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service. But his part-time employment opportunity at McDonald’s is a pretty close runner-up. That’s because retired special agent Avery Dick takes on the dangerous, difficult assignments for his Uncle Sam that others shun because they’re just too damn life threatening and not career enhancing in the slightest. Avery doesn’t have a career anymore and his dissolute lifestyle doesn’t count for much anyway. That’s often the case for those who served and protected their country for many years. Otherwise, his career prospects and personal circumstances are just hunky-dory. But despite his unorthodox investigative style and bumbling mannerisms, Avery’s often called to active duty to solve the tough cases---and maintain plausible denial for the big suits in the State Department....

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Let the Water Rise and Other Stories

By: Matthew Burgos

**Contemporary Flash Fictions; not suitable for preteens & below.** A broken relationship; a hopeful lady; a full-of-rage heart of a man; a sound of a gun; a floor of blood and other scenarios. If your soul sides death; if your heart follows crumbling scenes; if your mind adores sorrow; if your eyes love blood, this anthology will fill your needs with different stories that end up tragically....

Acknowledgement Author’s Note Let the Water Rise Like I Said He is the King Do You? Elites What You Once Gave Me Let Us Play Will Not Let It I Still Remember Underwater I Never Thought I Can Ever Have Perfect Ceremony Sister Aida Along with What We Found Mystery Purity Days Hope in Hell Wide, Blue Sea Ashes Knife and Hell Will You? Rivers Payback Owned Words Prayers Guitar Tunes Marathon Memories Saving Maeve The Way We Fall One Day Lies Gone Eternal Lives Goodbye I Love You Element Wooden Chair Dear Layla Blame Aviss Windowsill What We Are Two Hours Falling Thunders Burned Waiting Butterfly MaryAnne Under Finally The End About the Author...

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Sogno Di Mezza Estate : Sogni & Business

By: Patrizia Pierbattista; Mirella Pierbattista

I principali attori cercano attraverso i loro sogni notturni tra le lenzuole di capire se la realta' si intrecci con i sogni. Confondendo il loro quotidiano. Tra parenti, tra aziende, tra mafia e la polizia investigativa economica. Il caso de...sogno di mezza estate!...

L'INTERROGATORIO. IL QUASI THE END...- Cosa dianolo sta succedendo in questa saranza, Rinaldi? E poi tu! Richard, cosa ti ha preso oggi di venire qui in Italia senza dirmi niente ed io credevo che stessi a Nizza per quell'affare importante. E non credo ai miei occhi Jessica! Ho sempre saputo che odiavi venire a Roma per le vacanze.- Disse Claude guardandoli uno per uno negli occhi per scoprire cosa diavolo stava accadendo in quell'ufficio. Dalla voce di lui sembrava seccato e confuso per quella riunione un po' ambigua. Vi era anche, non per ultimo come importanza, il signor Harrison di Lione. Il loro piano era in pericolo sul serio, pensò Rinaldi nella sua mente ancora in sobbuglio per quella venuta a sorpresa proprio del Boss supremo. Ma caro Claude, non sono qui per le vacanze bensì per degli affari privati con alcuni amici di vecchia data! Non ti preoccupare tesoro caro!- Mentre parlava si muoveva in maniera assai seducente, come se fosse in una sfilata di moda, la donna si era appoggiata sul braccio dell'uomo sconosciuto, Claude ma all'improvviso lui stesso si era scansato del tutto. Come se volesse sfuggire da un pericolos...


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Dick Does Liberia : An Avery Dick Adventure Story

By: Avery M Dick

He’s expendable, vulnerable and flat-broke; the ideal candidate for his employer of last resort, the U.S. State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service. But his part-time employment opportunity at McDonald’s is a pretty close runner-up. That’s because retired special agent Avery Dick takes on the dangerous, difficult assignments for his Uncle Sam that others shun because they’re just too damn life threatening and not career enhancing in the slightest. Avery doesn’t have a career anymore and his dissolute lifestyle doesn’t count for much anyway. That’s often the case for those who served and protected their country for many years. Otherwise, his career prospects and personal circumstances are just hunky-dory. But despite his unorthodox investigative style and bumbling mannerisms, Avery’s often called to active duty to solve the tough cases---and maintain plausible denial for the big suits in the State Department....

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K's Bhoomika

By: Manohar Asija

Having lost her mother, and virtually rendered `orphan`, in the absence of `father`, a little girl Named Bhoomika, by dint of sheer circumstances, happens to reach a virgin teacher. Here, the `blessed opportunity for education` awaits her, as she is inspired and guided by this benevolent lady towards higher education. Once, she was offered a part-time job of `a reader for a blind class-fellow` of hers at Khadi Degree College, Guhahati: and she gladly accepted it. Of course, some nascent opportunities came to her, even in Delhi, when she was staying in a Working Women’s Hostel, while doing some odd jobs to support self, economically. But the travails of life also came her way; and she coped up with every sort of situation, by way of `fine-tuning` the responses from her brain and heart, every time, with an objective to attaining a quality decision from within. Having once been requested by very senior colleague to stay with one spinster Professor, during her illness, she served the lady so dutifully that the Professor persistently requested her to live with her till the young girl is married off. Having attained some extraordinary ...

"In fact, I had never spoken to her even a single word, though she continued to send me signals for initiating a dialogue with her. I had to go to fetch my daily quota of water from the water-tap, provided at the back of her tenement, for all the four segments, in the vicinity. Almost every time, we had to place our buckets or utensils, in a queue, while waiting for our turn. Being shy of passing through the front lane, while approaching the water-tap, I preferred to walk along the back of the segment, in our front. God knows, how she could spot me from such a long distance that I had come out of my room, with buckets in my hands. Quite often, I marked her busy in looking towards me with furtive glances, while waiting for her turn, as she would deliberately waste her time, simply to ignore the fact of my arrival there and would thus make room for me to place my buckets before hers.” .......... It pains him to recall his last meeting with that `unfortunate girl`, who was destined to spend a spinster's life and breathe her last, while resting her head at Bihari's knee, who kept caressing her forehead, in the presence of her trusted ...

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Sister's Heart

By: Martina Achterberg; Martina Achterberg, Illustrator

Sister's Heart follows the treacherous journey of the sisters Nora and Christine as they find themselves surrounded by demonic creatures, warfare, and political upheaval. Worse still, as they are caught in the middle of it all, they are forced to find a way to overthrow the demon usurper king. With next to no allies and even less help, the trials before them are terrifyingly large. But...while there is life, there is hope....

Muddler rushed as fast as he could through the muck that swilled about him. Away he ran into the darkness. The three addressed one another with solemn looks and carried on. When at last Muddler returned to the Cobbler’s Clogs, he popped out like a cork from the sewer, not bothering to shake himself free of the muck. Without pausing for an instant to catch his breath, he seized a large saddle bag and began to stuff it with food, water and other articles of importance. When he finished packing, he ran shouting throughout the tavern. “Angus! Angus where are you?” “I’m afraid he’s indisposed.” Muddler turned around and dropped the bag in shock. Behind him stood a monstrous dog grinning from ear to ear with every tooth in his head revealed. But what filled Muddler with dread was when he saw Angus lying limp at his feet. He lay on the ground so his face was hidden from Muddler, but his deathly pale hands and motionless body was enough for Muddler to realize the truth. “He was nineteen.” Muddler whimpered. “He was a miserable weakling at best, bumbling and pathetic to the end.” “Yet bold enough to serve empty-headed drunkards like ...

Chapter 1 - Once Upon a History Chapter 2 - Visitor in the Night Chapter 3 - Unwanted Guests Chapter 4 - Deadly Changes Chapter 5 - Will-o'-the-Wisp Chapter 6 - Pass of the Phoenix Chapter 7 - In the Presence of Beasts Chapter 8 - Trial and Error Chapter 9 - What Became of that Night Chapter 10 - An Unpleasant Fate Chapter 11 - Key Things Chapter 12 - New Problems Chapter 13 - A Bird's Eye View Chapter 14 - Proceeding through Suden Chapter 15 - A Hellish Welcome Chapter 16 - Entering the Castle Chapter 17 - Chaf Chapter 18 - Methods of Persuasion Chapter 19 - A Farewell to Muddler Chapter 20 - The Secret Destroyed Chapter 21 - The People Decide Chapter 22 - Chaf is Seen Chapter 23 - Endings Met...

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Chocolade voor Anne Frank (Dutch)

By: Machiel van der Stelt; translated by Machiel van der Stelt

Anne en anderen die in het Achterhuis leven in Amsterdam, worden verraden en op vier augustus negentien vier en veertig gearresteerd. De familieleden worden naar verschillende concentratiekampen gestuurd. Anne en haar oudere zus Margot eindigen in het Bergen-Belsen kamp. Anne verwacht verschrikkelijke omstandigheden, maar wanneer ze betrokken raakt met de SS bewaker Adolfo, is er een kans dat haar situatie van een wanhopige naar een hoopvolle verandert. In dit tragisch verhaal ontdek je dat onmenselijk en moorddadig gedrag tijdens oorlog vaak extreme vormen kan aannemen. Door het alsmaar terugkeren van oorlogen moeten we ons dan ook afvragen of de mens ooit in staat zal zijn om een vredige en vrije gemeenschap te creëren? Waarschuwing: dit verhaal is niet aanbevolen voor kinderen jonger dan twaalf jaar oud, vanwege aanstootgevende of schokkende scenes en gebeurtenissen....

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Chocolate for Anne Frank (English)

By: Machiel van der Stelt; translated by Machiel van der Stelt

Anne and the others living in the secret annex in Amsterdam, are betrayed and on the fourth of August nineteen forty four arrested. The members are sent to different concentration camps. Anne and her older sister Margot end up in the Bergen Belsen Camp. Anne is expecting terrible circumstances but when she gets involved with SS guard Adolfo, her situation might change from despair to hope. In this tragic and disturbing story you will discover that inhumane and murderous behaviour of people can reach extreme levels during war. Because of recurring wars we have to ask ourselves if humankind is ever capable of creating a peaceful and free society? Warning: this story is not recommended for children younger than twelve years old, because of confronting or graphic scenes and events....

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La Femme Eidôlon : A Tale

By: Sean Fraser

A Concrete Verse poem which may be considered an elegiac Idyll on Beauty as Idée was written over a Thirty-year Entr'acte. It was composed of and with occurrences that began in 1963 of which some lines may be found in poems from "Miss Crabtree's Daughters" and "On the Nature of Existence"....

Light as ponderous settling fog obscures | Reflections of flesh once was | Hundred-year mirror | Age has | photographs belied | They silently exist | by prusse Moon lit: | forgotten | were Reminiscences to be found; | Sorrows in Solitude solace consoled by one not seen; | embraces and caresses adumbrated | by Presence; | Existence frolicked imp-like: | Revelments paled | Resplendences paled | The currents set by Chronos slowed in the dark of Chaos; | And Beauty smiling | in | Mémoire | translucide...

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Records: 81 - 94 of 94 - Pages: 

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