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Homeopathic Medicine, Live Clinical Cases : Volume 1

By: Athos Stavrou Othonos, Dr.

Live Clinical Cases by the new method of Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Homeopathic Case Taking, analyzed by the author to his students, step by step, while listening to the recorded case...


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Infectious Comorbidities Encountered in Obstetrics and Neonatology

By: Bassam Husam Rimawi

The practice of medicine is constantly growing and accelerating, with advances in technology, treatment regimens and diagnostic tools. The added knowledge of infectious diseases to any speciality of medicine truly enhances the curriculum of that fi eld. Uniquely, the knowledge of infectious disease in obstetrics and neonatology goes one step further, as more than one life is being cared for with every action and recommendation a clinician makes. This book highlights all the key elements of the infectious diseases encountered in obstetrics and neonatology. I dedicate this book to my beloved father, Husam Kamal Rimawi MD, FACOG....

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Tuberculosis in the Era of Globalization

By: Khalid Al-Anzai

Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) complex, which include: M. tuberculosis, M. bovis, M. bovis BCG, M. africanum, M. microti, M. canetti, M. pinipedii, M. caprae and M. mungi [1]. Other Tuberculosise that may infect humans include: M. leprae, M. avium, M. intracellulare and M. scrofulaceum. M. tuberculosis is an aerobic, non-spore-forming, non-motile bacillus. It belongs to the family Tuberculosisceae [2]. M. tuberculosis is pathogenic for humans while M. bovis is usually pathogenic for animals. Once infected, active disease develops in about 10% of cases, usually within 1 - 2 years after exposure. The remaining individuals enter into a state of latency which can reactivate at a later stage particularly if the individual becomes immunocompromised [3]. Active TB is predominantly pulmonary in nature and develops in 59% of cases, while extrapulmonary TB occurs in the rest. Latent TB infection has no clinical manifestations and is not contagious, but can reactivate at a later stage, particularly if the immunity of the host decreases significantly [3,4]. Immunocompromised patients ...

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Internal Armed Conflict ; International Legal Framework Concerning Women and Children

By: Shabina Arfat

This book, ‘INTERNAL ARMED CONFLICT: International Legal Framework Concerning Women and Children’, seeks to assess the application of customs and laws governing the internal armed conflict. This handbook presents an overview of various international instruments for the protection of women and children. By preventing the transcending of conflicts into brutality and savagery, the law of armed conflict aids the restoration of peace and the resumption of friendly relations. Women and children are opined to be accorded special respect and protection. Most of today’s conflicts take place within states. They have tragic feature in common, women and children suffer their impact disproportionately. The concept of children’s rights has widened and the international mandate to reinforce the rights of the child has grown over the years, with the mounting evidence of hardship and abuse suffered by the children. The principles outlined in the international human rights framework apply both to children and adults. Children and women are mentioned explicitly in many of the human rights instruments; standards are specifically modified o...

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Advances in Protein Chemistry

By: Dr. Chulam Ashraf

The free radical-mediated damage to proteins results in the modification of amino acid residues, cross-linking of side chains and fragmentation. L-tyrosine and protein bound tyrosine are prone to attack by various mediators and reactive nitrogen intermediates to form 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT). 3-NT formation is also catalyzed by a class of peroxidases utilizing nitrite and hydrogen peroxide as substrates. Evidence supports the formation of 3-NT in vivo in diverse pathologic conditions and 3-NT is thought to be a relatively specific marker of oxidative damage. The formation of nitrotyrosine represents a specific peroxynitrite-mediated protein modification; thus, detection of nitrotyrosine in proteins is considered as a biomarker for endogenous peroxynitrite activity. Formation of tyrosine nitrated proteins is considered to be a post-translational modification with important pathophysiological consequences and is one of the markers of nitrosative stress that have been reported in neurodegeneration, inflammatory and other pathological conditions....

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Sexo, Juegos y Punk Rock : Las experiencias de una empresa privada de salud en América Latina

By: R. Alvarado Anchisi, Co-Author; Shiara Esquivel B., Co-Author; D. Mariela Beitia, Co-Author

En la redacción de un blog, que inició muy genérico, sin presupuesto y que tampoco generaba ingresos, empezamos a notar una similitud entre algunos tópicos de medicina y biología, y otros de negocios. Sin ánimos de usarlo como una estrategia de mercadeo, encontramos que la investigación es como el sexo, porque hay que hacerlo para entenderlo, el desarrollo es como un juego, porque uno debe cambiar las variables hasta encontrar la combinación correcta, y la innovación es como el punk rock, porque no debe temer al fracaso, debe ser tangencial y no debe tener miedo de retar a lo ortodoxo....

De acuerdo con la Contraloría General de la República de Panamá, en el 2011 el pais contaba con un total de 5,551 médicos, 4,744 enfermeras, 1,171 laboratoristas clínicos, 1,114 odontólogos, 757 farmacéuticos, 257 fisioterapistas y 153 nutricionistas en ejercicio en instituciones públicas de salud.(1) No hay cifras sobre la cantidad de profesionales sanitarios en ejercicio privado exclusivo, pero hay 663 clínicas y hospitales, 250 farmacias y 124 laboratorios clínicos privados, aproximadamente, en todo el país. En Panamá, la mayoría de los profesionales de la salud se ve forzado a trabajar en las prácticas institucional y privada para solventar los gastos propios de una agonizante clase media y de un proceso académico en inflación. Este último fenómero lo comparten la mayor parte de los países del mundo occidental. Nuestro interés de investigar sobre el aspecto empresarial de la atención sanitaria provino de la experiencia al concebir, emprender y operar un pequeño laboratorio de patología en la provincia de Chiriquí, una región predominantemente rural de la República de Panamá, adyacente a Costa Rica. Iniciamos en julio del...

Primera parte 1) Leyes de Loeb 2) Navaja de Occam 3) Adyacente posible 4) Crecimiento -versus- Desarrollo 5) Percepción estética 6) La investigación es como el sexo Segunda parte 7) Juegos que no son juego 8) Poder 9) ¡Hágalo usted mismo! 10) 10,000 horas 11) Nuestras redes 12) El secreto de vivir es compartir 13) Ensuciarse las manos Tercera parte 14) La paradoja sanitaria 15) Innovación 16) Salud 2.0 17) Incompetentes e insoportables 18) Equipos innovadores, no genios solitarios 19) Serendipia y sincronicidad Cuarta parte 20) Arenas movedizas 21) Alma corporativa 22) La confianza es un bien 23) Grandes recompensas, grandes errores 24) Cisnes negros ...

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Bedside Critical Care Guide

By: Ramzy H Rimawi

Each chapter in this eBook is meant to provide pertinent clinical, diagnostic, and management strategies when caring for critically ill patients. The chapters are relatively brief, clinically relevant and evidence-based according to currently accepted literature. References are provided for readers wanting to explore subjects in greater detail. I have edited and revised the content and style of each chapter so as to unify the voice of the entire text....

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Advances in the Treatment of Noninfectious Uveitis with Biologics : Anti-TNF and Beyond

By: Marina Mesquida

Non-infectious uveitis comprehends a heterogeneous group of intraocular inflammatory diseases that arise without a known infectious trigger. This complex group of disorders is often associated with immunological responses to retinal proteins, as experimental models of autoimmune uveoretinitis have shown. Herein we are going to discuss the biology of ocular immune privilege and the immunologic mechanisms that sustain non-infectious uveitis pathophysiology....

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Coping with Diabetes : A Day to Day Struggle

By: Frederick Fontanilla Jacob

Unknown to most people, Diabetes is not just a single disease but rather a group of complex diseases which have stemmed from various causes resulting in people having an above average blood glucose count or more commonly know as hyperglycemia. Diabetes affects all gender and age groups and is very common among people with a prolonged medical history of high blood pressure, heart ailments and kidney problems among others. Besides adults, children are also affected with this disease which clearly states that Diabetes itself may not only be a matter of eating the wrong diet, but may even be caused by hereditary genes that may be a sign of receive genetically traits passed on from one generation to the next and being triggered by the simple reason as indulging in a bad dietary habit or even an onset of some diseases....

Sometimes, over complacency may get the best of most of us, particularly those who resolve themselves for not feeling anything that may give them the urge to visit a doctor unless they feel that there is something wrong with them, which in most cases may be a little bit too late for preventive medications. Over time, high blood glucose level damages nerves and blood vessels, leading to complications such as heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, blindness, dental disease, and amputations. Other complications of diabetes may include increased susceptibility to other diseases, loss of mobility with aging, depression, and pregnancy problems. No one is certain what starts the processes that cause diabetes, but scientists believe genes and environmental factors interact to cause diabetes in most cases. There are two types of Diabetes that are prevalent among people today, which is type 1 and type 2 Diabetes along with a third type which is called gestational diabetes that occurs during pregnancy. Other uncategorized Diabetes are usually caused through genetic inheritance, diseases that cause the pancreas to produce an insufficient supply...

Chapter 1: Causes of Diabetes: Maintaining a Well Balanced Diet Chapter 2: Sweet Temptations: How to Balance Your Blood Sugar Chapter 3: It's All in the Mind: Self Realization and Self Denial Chapter 4: The Beginning of Something New Chapter 5: Beating the Odds: Winning Over Your Fear Chapter 6: Controlling Diabetes the Natural Way...

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Martial Arts for Health : Translating Reserach into Practice

By: Shirley S.M. Fong

Martial arts were developed for use on the battlefield in ancient times, and even in the modern world many people learn such skills for self-defense [1]. Despite their combative nature, training in marital arts is safe compared with many other contact sports. The use of protective equipment such as mouth guards and headgear is mandatory during sparring, and practitioners must follow strict competition rules in many types of martial arts [2]. In addition, some types of martial arts such as Tai Chi and Qigong are noncombative in nature, with practitioners focusing on coordinated movements and relaxation during practice – all of which are beneficial to practitioners’ health [1,3]. These days, the popularity of martial arts is increasing, particularly among young people [4]. There are about 200 distinct martial arts types or disciplines around the world, each with its own training characteristics and philosophy [5]. Only the most common types of Oriental and Western martial arts and their associated health effects are introduced in this book. These martial disciplines include the internal (e.g. Tai Chi and Qigong) and external ...

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Laboratory Manual and Review on Clinical Pathology

By: Dr. Jealu Kemal

Clinical pathology is a subspecialty of pathology that deals with the use of laboratory methods (clinical chemistry, microbiology, hematology and emerging subspecialties such as molecular diagnostics) for the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Hematology studies the blood and blood-forming tissues to evaluate presence of disease and assist in therapeutic interventions as clinically indicated. Clinical chemistry (also known as chemical pathology and clinical biochemistry) is the area of clinical pathology that is generally concerned with analysis of bodily fluids. Some of the objectives of this manual are to identify the most important hematological and functional pathological tests of vet importance, to diagnose different animal diseases by confirming the pathological causes that constraint live stock production and to have knowledge more about clinical pathology. Part one discusses about hematology which includes equipments and reagents, blood collection sites and procedures, preparation method for working solution, staining methods (staining procedures), hemoglobin determination, hematocrit determination (PCV), total RBC ...

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Advances in Neurotherapeutic Delivery Technologies

By: Vinees Pillay and Yahya E Choonara

This eBook describes the forward-thinking approach, applying nanotechnology to achieve neuropharmaceutical innovations and aptly discusses the latest research and development trends in innovating Neurotherapeutic Delivery Technologies by leading research groups. The eBook lays down the foundation for breaking barriers in neuro-nanopharmaceutics and the unnerving thought of “Matter over Mind”. The era has arrived where we could well see pharmaceutical products that are truly ‘alive’, superseded with super-robotic feedback devices combined with nanocyborgs that can deliver to the body not only drugs but also a host of materials such as cells, genes, DNA, nerve signals, diagnostic probes, hormones, proteins and peptides in a much more easier manner as we have today with simply swallowing a pill. These revolutionary technologies are described within the later Chapters of this eBook based on a world where neuro-devices implanted into our brains would be fashionable to control our overall moods and performance....

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Statistical quality control in cervical-vaginal cythology : ASC-US/SIL Ratio

By: Cytotecnician Cytotechnician Yury Sabiana González; Ilagam Yael Villarreal

Scientific white paper made in a small pathology lab in Latin America.

Introduction Uterine cervix cancer is the second most common neoplasm in women. Of all uterine cervix and vagina cytologies, between 0,5 and 0,6% reveal high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL), and between 2 and 3% are low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL). The tem ASC-US (atypical squamous cells, of undetermined significance) is a diagnostic category, not a biological entity, that comprises inflammatory, reactive and reparative processes. In our revision of the literature, we found that ASC-US diagnosis comprises between 1,6 and 9% of the diagnosis, with an average around 5%. Other authors have employed with success the use of a ration between ASC-US and SIL as statistical quality control tool, whose value should not surpass 3,0. Research methods It's a descriptive, retrospective study, based on the total of cervico-vaginal cytologies processed and diagnosed in this lab, since opening on July 1st, 2008 until December 31st, 2015. Results We found a total of 58,289 cervico-vaginal exfoliative cytologies. From which 974 were diagnosed as ASC-US and 925 as SIL. The ASC-US/SIL ratio was, on average 1,16, with a s...

Index.................................................................2 Executive summary.....................................................3 Introduction..........................................................4 Research methods......................................................5 Results...............................................................6 Discussion............................................................8 Conclusions...........................................................9 Bibliographical references...........................................10 Appendices...........................................................12 ...

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Control de calidad estadístico en citología cervico-vaginal : Relación ASC-US/SIL

By: Cytotecnician Cytotechnician Yury Sabiana González; Ilagam Yael Villarreal

Monografía científica de un laboratorio de patología en América Latina.

Introducción El cáncer de cuello uterino es la segunda neoplasia más común en mujeres. De todas las citologías de cuello uterino y vagina, entre 0,5 y 0,6% revelan lesión intraepitelial escamosa de alto grado (HSIL), y entre 2 y 3% son lesión intraepitelial escamosa de bajo grado (LSIL). El término ASC-US (células escamosas atípicas, de significado indeterminado), es una categoría diagnóstica, no una entidad biológica, que engloba procesos inflamatorios, reactivos o reparativos. En nuestra revisión de la literatuva, encontramos que el diagnóstico de ASC-US abarca ente 1,6 y 9% de los diagnósticos, con un promedio alrededor del 5%. Hay autores que han empleado con éxito la relación entre ASC-US y SIL como heramienta de control estadístico de calidad, cuyo valor no debe sobrepasar 3,0. Metodologia e investigación El estudio es descriptivo, retrospectivo, en base al total citologías cervico-vaginales procesados y diagnosticados en este laboratorio, desde su apertura el 1 de julio del 2008 hasta el 31 de diciembre del 2015. Resultados Encontramos un total de 58,289 citologías exfoliativas cervico-vaginales, de los cuales 974 fueron di...

Indice................................................................2 Resumen ejecutivo.....................................................3 Introducción..........................................................4 Metodología de investigación..........................................5 Resultados............................................................6 Discusión.............................................................8 Conclusiones..........................................................9 Referencias bibliográficas...........................................10 Anexos...............................................................12 ...

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Notes on Nursing: What it is, and What it is Not

By: Ms. Pere Millán, Editor; Florence Nightingale

In her introduction to the 1974 edition, Joan Quixley, then head of the Nightingale School of Nursing, wrote that despite the passage of time since Notes on Nursing was published, "the book astonishes one with its relevance to modern attitudes and skills in nursing, whether this be practised at home by the 'ordinary woman', in hospital or in the community. The social, economic and professional differences of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in no way hinder the young student or pupil from developing, if he or she is motivated to do so, its unchanged fundamentals by way of intelligent thought and practice". "With its mid-nineteenth century background of poverty, neglect, ignorance and prejudice the book was a challenge to contemporary views of nursing, of nurses and of the patient". "The book was the first of its kind ever to be written. It appeared at a time when the simple rules of health were only beginning to be known, when its topics were of vital importance not only for the well-being and recovery of patients, when hospitals were riddled with infection, when nurses were still mainly regarded as ignorant, uneducated person...

The book included advice and practices for the following areas: ventilation and warming health in houses petty management (how things are done by others when you must be away) noise variety (environment) taking food and what kinds of food bed and bedding light cleanliness of rooms personal cleanliness chattering hopes and advices (the false assurances and recommendations of family and friends to the sick) observation of the sick ...

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Medical Biochemistry and Biotechnology : Biochemistry for Medicine, Dental, Pharmacy and others

By: Dr. Amanullah Mohammed

This book has been prepared for students of undergraduate courses in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, laboratory medicine, physiotherapy, veterinary science, agriculture, biochemistry, genetics, microbiology, biotechnology, molecular biology, etc. The main purpose is to provide an understanding of the basic concepts in biochemistry and biotechnology which are required for them in a simple and interesting manner. Though there are a lot of books providing extensive knowledge of these subjects in the market , it has been observed that most of the students, especially from non-English speaking countries feel intimidated by the complexities of these subjects. Hence, this book is an endeavor to fulfill their needs. Care has been taken to explain various topics in as simple a language as possible, without compromising on the quality of the subject matter. The text is supported with clear diagrams. Students, who are appearing for various competitive exams, will find this book equally helpful. This book will also serve as a handy tool for teachers and postgraduate students....

Biochemistry for undergraduate medical students is no less than a terror. Hence, this book brings them out of this nightmare.

CONTENTS Ch. No. TITLE PAGE No. 1. BIOCHEMISTRY-Scope and Importance in Medical Sciences 1-2 2. GENERAL CHEMISTRY 3-10 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Water Acids And Bases pH Buffers Colloids Osmosis Radioactivity 5 5 6 6 8 8 9 3. CELL -Structure and Function 11-13 4. CARBOHYDRATES 14-24 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Classification Monosaccharides Disaccharides Polysaccharides 14 15 21 23 5. LIPIDS 25-31 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Fatty Acids Classification of Lipids Simple Lipids Compound Lipids Derived Lipids Chemical Properties of lipids 25 26 26 27 29 30 6. PROTEINS 32-43 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 Amino Acids Classification of Amino Acids Reactions of Amino Acids Primary Structure of Protein Secondary Structure of Protein \Tertiary Structure of Protein Quaternary Structure of Protein Properties of Proteins Classification of Proteins 32 32 34 38 38 39 40 42 42 7. NUCLEIC ACIDS 44-56 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Functions of DNA Packaging of DNA Properties of DNA Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) 48 49 50 52 52 8. ENZYMES 57-69 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Classif...

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Hallazgos Neurobiológicos Recientes de la Pedofilia : Recent neurobiological findings of pedophilia, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: Recent neurobiological findings of pedophilia

By: Lic. Hugo Sánchez Hernández

Pedophilia is rarely considered as a research target. The focus on some of the recent theories of the etiology of pedophilia such as neurodevelopment or alterations of brain structures and their function as the frontal, temporal and limbic cortex that have been proposed to try to understand the alterations in the development and neurobiology of the pedophile patient....

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Applied Anatomy For Obstetrics and Gynecology : Volume 1

By: Dr. Shashank Vyankatesh Parulekar

Applied Anatomy For Obstetrics and Gynecology is a book that combines the basic subject 'Anatomy' and the applied or clinical subject 'Obstetrics and Gynecology' for postgraduate students and clinicians. It has 91 pages, 14 chapters, and 37 illustrations which explain why a clinician does what he does in treating his patients, or the anatomical principles underlying the treatment of Obstetric and Gynecological disorders. The book has an advantage over the conventional books of applied Anatomy, in that it is written by a clinician with more than 37 years of experience, both of managing patients and teaching students. He has drawn the illustrations the way he does while teaching his students to drive a point home....

A book to explain why obstetricians and gynecologists do what they do.

Uterus Fallopian Tubes Vulva Vagina Pelvic Floor Pelvic Connective Tissue and Spaces Ovary Pelvis Abdominal Wall Ureter Urinary Bladder Urethra Pelvic Organ Prolapse Urinary Stress Incontinence...

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Differential Diagnosis and Managemet Options in Gynecology and Obstetrics : Volume 3

By: Dr. Shashank Vyankatesh Parulekar

This book has 165 chapters which cover problems in areas like Menstrual disorders, General gynecology, Gynecologic urology, Gynecologic endocrinology, Infertility, Congenital malformations of genital tract, Gynecologic oncology, Operative gynecology, General obstetrics, Obstetric hemorrhage, Medical disorders, Obstetric disorders, Disorders of labor, Surgical disorders, Maternal fetal infections, Fetal medicine, Postpartum period, Operative obstetrics and Contraception. Each chapter has a logic-based flow-chart and each step in the flow chart is explained in accompanying text on the adjacent page. It is actually the thought process of a clinician in management of his patients with different problems in Gynecology and Obstetrics. I have foregone royalty and made this book free for readers after two successful editions, because not everyone can afford to buy books, and everyone deserves to get knowledge....

I Menstrual disorders 1 Dysmenorrhea 2 Primary amenorrhea 3 Secondary amenorrhea 4 Puberty menorrhagia 5 Menorrhagia in reproductive age 6 Postmenopausal vaginal bleeding 7 Metrorrhagia 8 Hypomenorrhea 9 Precocious vaginal bleeding 10 Premenstrual syndrome 11 Suspicion of endometrial hyperplasia 12 Suspicion of luteal phase defect II General gynecology 13 Acute lower abdominal and pelvic pain 14 Tenderness on transverse cervical movements 15 Low backache 16 Endometriosis 17 Pyometra 18 Adnexal mass 19 Abdominal enlargement 20 Uterine leiomyoma 21 Genital prolapse 22 Leukorrhea 23 Itching of the vulva 24 Vulvar lesion 25 Vulvodynia 26 Female sexual dysfunction 27 Painful dyspareunia 28 Chronic Pelvic Pain III Gynecologic urology 29 Urinary incontinence 30 Frequency of micturition 31 Retention of urine IV Gynecologic endocrinology 32 Hirsutism 33 Galactorrhea V Infertility 34 Infertility 35 Induction of ovulation 36 Cervical factor and sperm mucus penetration test 37 Male infertility VI Congenital malformations of genital tract 38 Congenital absence o...

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The Twelve We's: An Improved Twelve Steps

By: J. E. Johnson

A non-religious and non-spiritual version of the classic Twelve Steps of Alcoholic Anonymous and Al-Anon.

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The Myths Around Aging

By: Peter Sammarco

THE MYTHS AROUND AGING DEBUNKING THE MYTHS OF THE AGING PROCESS MAINTAINING YOUR POWER This is not about Staying Young Forever, but rather Debunking the Myths Around Aging And maintaining your Vitality and Being Alive At all Ages and Stages in your Life This book will show you not only what to do, but also how to do it....

When you know the Infinite Divine within you, you can create peace all around you, when you can create peace all around you, it means that it is within you, every cell we have is either born or dying, yet we are Miraculous, Marvelous Spiritual Beings." -Peter Sammarco...

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Medicines By Design

By: National Institute of General Medical Sciences

This booklet from the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of General Medical Sciences discusses the many different ways medicines work in the body and how this information guides the hunt for drugs of the future. It is available in e-pub ( and PDF ( formats....

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Natural Ointments & Soaps : Natural Herbal Cosmetic

By: Dr. Sabine Elisabeth Roper; Center for Children in Need

A manual how to make ointments with a list of oils and effective recipes. all can be easily made at home and will help you to stay healthy. Natural cosmetic which doesn't contain any chemicals and biodegradable herbal soaps....

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Handbook pf Hydraulic Engineering Problems

By: Mohammad Valipour

In near future, energy become a luxury item and water is considered as the most vital item in the world due to reduction of water resources in most regions. In this condition, role of water science researchers and hydraulic experts is more important than ever. If a hydraulic engineer student is not educated well, he/she will not solve problems of hydraulic sciences in future. Many engineer students learn all necessary lessons in the university, but they cannot to answer to the problems or to pass the exams because of forgetfulness or lack of enough exercise. This book contains one hundred essential problems related to hydraulic engineering with a small volume. Undoubtedly, many problems can be added to the book but the author tried to mention only more important problems and to prevent increasing volume of the book due to help to feature of portability of the book. To promotion of student skill, both SI and English systems have been used in the problems. All of the problems were solved completely. This book is useful for not only exercising and passing the university exams but also for use in actual project as a handbook...

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The Cytoarchitectonics of the Adult Human Cortex

By: Dr. H. Lee Seldon, Translator

Why is this work so important? Most "modern" Anglo-Saxon authors cite Brodmann's 1909 work "Die Lokalisationslehre" for any reference to localization in the neocortex. However, during my own studies I found that sadly lacking in detail. For example, it contains only about 12 pages dedicated to the human neocortex. Von Economo and Koskinas apparently also felt this lack, as they wrote "Unfortunately, BRODMANN has given no description of the architectonics of this area, but has only listed the borders of his Areae, without one word about the cellular structure, and thus without having justified his tiling." (p. 693). Their own work is even today by far the most detailed cytoarchitectonic description of human neocortical areas, their features and their borders. The authors also include extensive discussions of all prior research on each area, revealing that the "old masters" knew very much which in the intervening decades has been forgotten and sometimes "re-discovered."...

"If we submit this book to the public after a laborious, long work of one dozen years - the work was begun by Professor V. ECONOMO in the year 1912; 1919 Dr. KOSKINAS entered into the cooperation - this does not happen with the joyful satisfaction of having created something consummate. Only an artist can possess this feeling of having created something entirely of himself. Each scientific work however - however much new it brings - rests on the groundwork of whole generations and can be tested only through the work of later generations. In a certain sense those few researchers are enviable who with increased self-esteem overlook this fact, and feel the beginning and end of all of their knowledge is a product of their own examinations. However, every scientific work is always only a part of a total, only a stone; however, sometimes a cornerstone of that wall, which constantly builds the intellectual culture in the course of civilizations to protect itself from the enmity of superstition, ignorance and primitive instincts."...

General part. Chapter 1. Introductory remarks. Chapter 2. General remarks on the cortex and its neurons. Chapter 3. Structure and development of the cortical lamellae. Chapter 4. Details of the composition and meaning of the lamellar cortex structure. Chapter 5. Area division of the cortex. Chapter 6. Methodology. Specific part. Description the individual areas of the cerebral cortex. Chapter 7. The frontal lobe. (Lobus frontalis) Chapter 8. Lobus limbicus superior. Chapter 9. Lobus insulae. Chapter 10. Lobus parietalis. Chapter 11. Lobus occipitalis. Chapter 12. Lobus temporalis. Chapter 13. Lobus limbicus inferior. Chapter 14. Final remarks....

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A New Therapy for Health & Energy, Version 3

By: Richard Clark

Updated September 2015. A simple, easy to use therapy for self use at home. Nothing is taken. It's effective and safe having been developed over 20 years and it works on many conditions. The materials used are inexpensive, household items easily obtained. This book contains a free step-by-step guide showing how to use The Therapy. Many have tried it over the years and it's hoped you will as well....

Key Features: * Effective. * Nothing taken. * Safe. * For any condition. *Developed over 20 years. *No special skill needed. *No side effects. *Simple step-by-step guide. * Inexpensive, easily obtained items used. * Not for use by people under 18 years old or pregnant women. * Only plastic bags come into skin contact. * Everything's reusable except the batteries - unless rechargeable are used. * Use in your own time. * It works! The Therapy is energy based in 3 easy to use parts: 1) Removing energy harmful to health from a person. 2) Transferring energy beneficial to health into a person. 3) Personal Development - new in Version 3. It's new and different, but hopefully you will give it a try and receive substantial benefit. Nothing can be promised but relief should start a few days after using The Therapy Part 1... Good luck, Richard Clark, January 2015, Bedford, UK. ...

1) The Therapy Part 1: Removing Harmful Energy Part 2: Adding Health Supporting Energy Supplemental Materials: Silica Gel Serotonin Injury & Accident Part 3: Personal Development Introduction Sea Salt Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) Magnesium Sulphate (Epsom Salts) Potato Starch Yeast Vinegar Wheat Bran Corn or Maize Rice Millet Oats Soya or Soybeans Sugar More on Personal Development Afterword 2) The Problem of Illness A) The Burning of Fossil Fuels B) Insect Life, Material, Energy & Bites - Clear Fluid - Insect Material and Energy - Insect Life - The Used Energy Residue of Artificial Heat and Cold - Conditions that Start in the Womb - Cell Division - Rheumatoid Arthritis - Energy Packets - Cancer C) Bacteria D) The Energy of Fungal Infections Conditions Involving Fossil Fuel Energy and Insect Bites General Conditions Clear Fluid Vital Energy Harmful Electrical Energy The Bodies Electrical Energy Water in the Body Skin Conditions Other Conditions Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Infections Life Supporting Energy 3) The Problem of Health 4) How The Therapy works The Therapy, It...

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The Boy Next Door: Harmony

By: C.E. Todd

Christine Metcalf's quiet life as a doctor's wife is not so quiet lately. Since her husband threw himself into his career, after learning he couldn't father children, Christine has been left alone. Christine buys a motorcycle, and begins to look at her neighbor Tom in a new way. Just as Christine begins to connect with Tom, a sudden revelation raises important questions. Will Christine be able to see Tom? Will their relationship survive? Don't forget "The Boy Next Door: Intrigue" (Book 2), and "The Boy Next Door: Resolution" (Book 3). If you'd like all three books at once, see "The Boy Next Door."...

It was hot that late-August evening, the kind of hot that makes you wonder if you really could fry an egg on the sidewalk. I decided to check on my motorcycle, the one thing I can count on lately, and maybe go for a ride. I walked into the garage and, sure enough, there it was, just beckoning to me. Sleek, black, and decidedly not girly. Some, like Sandy, my checkout lady at Kroger’s, “just ain’t sure,” but frankly I wasn’t sure what they weren’t sure of. As I wheeled the three-wheeled motorcycle out of the garage, I smelled new mown grass. That’s one of the things about the dog days that I actually enjoy – that smell. As I look up, I spot Tom, the next door neighbor’s son and one other thing that I enjoyed about the dog days, or any other day, for that matter. His back glistened as he pushed the mower up a small hill. I paused to watch. There wasn’t much pleasure in my life lately. Glen, my husband, has thrown himself into his medical career, volunteering for extra rounds at the hospital. Things had been this way since they – well, he, actually – decided to try to have a family. I always wanted a family, but I just...


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