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Perorari Paradoxiste

By: Florentin Smarandache; Gheorge Niculescu

Folclorul românesc cât şi folclorul altor popoare, ambundă de paradoxisme, pe care le am mai amintit şi-n alte lucrări. Noi ne oprim aici cu exemplele de paradoxişti şi paradoxisme, pentru a vă lăsa timp să vă delectaţi cu paradoxismele create de noi şi oferite dumneavoastră, în prezenta carte. Romanian folklore and folklore of other peoples ambundă paradoxist that we mentioned and in other works. We stop here and Paradoxisme paradoxists examples for you to leave while you enjoy paradoxismele created by us and provided to you in this book....

• A făcut cel mai important pas, lipsit de importanţă. • Timpul probabil, este reprobabil. • A votat împotriva abţinerii. • S-a potrivit intr-un moment nepotrivit. • Au acelaşi stil, diferit. • Doctorul, era erudit în incultura sa. • A făcut tot ce era imposibil de făcut. • Era de o profunzime interioară extremă. • Au fost chemaţi toti nechemaţii. • Sunt în stare sa impoziteze si lipsurile de venituri impozabile. • Materia, este divină iar Divinitatea, este imaterială. • He made the most important step unimportant. • Most likely, it is reprehensible. • Voted against failure. • It was right in the wrong time. • Have the same style, different. • The doctor had learned in his ignorance. • He did what was impossible to do. • It was an extreme inner depth. • There have been called all nechemaţii. • Are able to tax and taxable income gaps. • Matter is Divine and the Divine, is immaterial....

Introducere …………………………………………. 5 Panseuri paradoxiste ……………………………….. 8 Posibilităţi imposibile …………………………….. 45 Distihuri paradoxiste ……………………………... 51 Zicători distihice ………………………………….. 61 Fabule, parodii şi alte poezii ……………………… 79 Poeme trăsnite ……………………………………. 93 Umor paradoxist ………………………………… 101...

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Fifth International Anthology on Paradoxism

By: Florentin Smarandache

88 writers (in addition of folklore collections) from 23 countries with texts in 17 languages (English, Romanian, Bulgarian, Czech, Arabic, French, German, Hungarian, Tamil, Hindi, Indonesian, Hebrew, Italian, Urdu, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish) contributed poetry, essays, letters to the editor, arts, science, philosophy, short drama, short story, distichs, epigrams, aphorisms, translations, paradoxes, and folklore or found literature to the “Fifth international Anthology on Paradoxism”....

An Ode to Fuzzy & Neutrosophic Logic and their Creators When everything seems a murky mess And you are forced to second guess The way you are headed when you’re going straight And whether you’re there on time ’cause early may be late! When your eyes start playing tricks – it’s neither night nor day But the magic hour; when you just can’t for sure say The white from the black as mostly all is grey Take a moment to close your eyes and thank Zadeh! For inventing a way to tell black from white and the big from the small When none knows for sure how black is black or how tall is tall! ’Cause when chance becomes a possibility, you know you sure can bet That you’re in one group or the other, ’cause you’re in a fuzzy set! ...

INTERNATIONAL DIMENSION OF PARADOXISM 5 AUSTRALIA Sukanto BATTACHARYA 6 George ROCA 8 BULGARIA Albena TCHAMOVA & Maria NIKOLOVNA 11 CANADA Kane X. FAUCHER 18 Jason HALL 19 CZECH REPUBLIK [Internet] 21 EGYPT Salah OSMAN 22 FRANCE Iulia COJOCARU 29 Didier FLEURDIER 30 Nicole POTTIER 223 GERMANY Rüdiger HEINZE 38 Bernd HUTSCHENREUTER 39 HUNGARY [Internet] 42 INDIA Khrishna JAHAN 43 A. PRASAD 47 B. Venkateswara RAO 48 Hemant VINZE 50 INDONESIA Christianto VIC 51 ISRAEL Morel ABRAMOVICI & Zoltan TERNER 52 Muneer Jebreel KARAMA 53 ITALY Pino BORESTA 56 KAZAKHSTAN Vadim BYSTRITSKI 57 R. MOLDOVA Svetlana GARABAJI 58 NIGERIA Tolu OGUNLESI 62 PAKISTAN Abdul KHAN 63 ROMANIA Valeriu BUTULESCU 65 Valentin DASCĂ LU 75 Ina DELEAN 79 Dominic DIAMANT 81 Eugen EVU 82 Folclor 85 Constantin FROSIN 101 Andrei Dorian GHEORGHE 102 Mugur GROSU 103 Peter GRUCK 104 Gică HAGI 105 Eugen ILIŞ IU 106 Liviu Florian JIANU 107 Elisabeta KOCSIK 108 Adrian LESENCIUC 115 Victor MARTIN 122 Nicolae M. MAZILU 129 Constantin MĂ RCUŞ AN 131 Ionel MĂ RGINEANU 134 Cristian MIALA 135 Marian MIRESC...

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Neutrosofia Ca Reflectare A Realitatii Neconventionale

By: Florentin Smarandache; Paroiu Tudor

pARadOXisMul - ultima avangardă a mileniului doi 1. Definiţie Paradoxismul este o mişcare internaţională de avangardă în literatură, artă, filozofie, chiar şi ştiinţă, bazată pe folosirea excesivă de antiteze, antinomii, contradicţii, oximorone, parabole, paradoxuri în creaţie. A fost înfiinţat de către scriitorul, artistul, şi omul de ştiinţă Florentin Smarandache în anii 1980 în România, care dorea “lărgirea sferei artistice prin elemente neartistice şi prin experimente contradictorii; în special creaţie în contratimp, contra-sens.” pArAdOxIsM - the last frontier the second millennium January. definition Paradoxism is an international avant-garde movement in literature, art, philosophy, even science, based on excessive use of antitheses, antinomies, contradictions, oxymoron, parable, paradox in creation. It was founded by the writer, artist, and scientist Florentin Smarandache in 1980 in Romania, who wanted "artistic broadening the artistic elements and contradictory experiments, particularly in the creation of step, contrary sense."...

L) Limitele filozofiei Întreaga filozofie este un tautologism: adevărat în virtutea de formă, pentru că orice idee lansată pentru prima oară este dovedită ca adevărată de către iniţiatorul(ii) său(i). Prin urmare, filozofia este goală sau dezinformativă, şi reprezintă a priori cunoaşterea. Se poate afirma: Totul este adevărat, chiar si falsul! Şi totuşi, întreaga filozofie este un nihilism: pentru ca orice idee, odată dovedită adevărată, este mai tîrziu dovedită ca falsă de către urmaşi. Este o contradicţie: fals în virtute de formă. Prin urmare, filozofia este supra-informativă şi o cunoaştere a posteriori. Astfel, se poate afirma: Totul este fals, chiar şi adevărul!...

Introducere ............................................................. 5 pARadOXisMul - ultima avangardă a mileniului doi ...................................................... 12 1. Definiţie ............................................................ 12 2. Etimologie ........................................................ 12 3. Istoric ................................................................. 13 4. Caracteristici ale Paradoxismului ................. 16 5. Direcţii pentru Paradoxism ........................... 17 „Dicţionar de informatică“, de Denis Howe .. 18 1. Neutrosofie ....................................................... 18 2. Logica neutrosofică ......................................... 19 3. Mulţime Neutrosofică .................................... 20 4. Probabilitate Neutrosofică ............................. 21 5. Statistici neutrosofice ...................................... 22 Neutrosofia, o Nouă Ramură a Filosofiei ....... 24 1. Abstract ............................................................ 24 1.1. Cuvînt înainte .......................................... 25 1.2. Neutrosofie, o no...

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Paradoxism Si Post-Modernism : În Creatia Lui

By: Ion Soare

'Parcă vrând să fie in ton cu paradotismul, să să l'confirm chiar modul de receptare a scriitorului matematician Florentin Smarandache este paradoxal : atat despre omul de stinta cat si despre smarandachism numele pe care i lai dat miscarii Ion Rotaru si Titu Popescu sau scris deja zeci de carti studii si articole insa paradoxistul numarul I al lumii este putin cunoscut in tara sa de origine. Pe de alta parte, unii cercetatori (Jacques Sarthou, Dan Tarchild, Doru Motoc si chiar...Ion Rotaru) L-au declarat genial (sau pe apoape!) in vreme ce cativa il ignora sau dovada nu ignorare, ci de ignoranta! n-au auzit inca despre el....

La începutul deceniului opt al acestui secol, un cunoscut dramaturg şi om de teatru - francezul JacquesSarthou, de la Theâtre de l'Île de France, primind de la Florentin Smarandache Manifeste non-conformiste pour un nouveau mouvement Iitteraire: le Paradoxisme, s-a simţit atât de entuziasmat la citirea. programului noii mişcări, încât l-a proclamat pe autor "le plusgrand lloete du XX -eme siecle". "Bravo pour votre genie et votre courage!" - îşi încheia francezul scrisoarea de răspuns către proaspătul întemeietor, cu un rair play şi o sinceritate care atenuaumăcar în parte nedreptăţile comise românilor în deceniiJe-anterioare, de compatrioţii săi şi de alţi străini; vis-a-vis de (ne)recunoaştereaunOl: priorităţi româneşti. At the beginning of the eighth decade of this century, a known playwright and theater man - Frenchman JacquesSarthou from Théâtre de l'Île de France, receiving the Smarandache non-conformist Manifeste pour un mouvement nouveau Iitteraire: Paradoxisme them, felt so excited about reading. program of the new movement that proclaimed author 'em plusgrand lloete eme du XX siecle ". "Bravo pour votre genie et votre c...

Florentin Smarandache sau / şi Întâiul izvor al Paradoxismului (În loc de Introducerl~)................................... 1-111 Paradoxologie şi paradoxism ................................... 5 Doi Matematicieni Poeţi: Ion Barbu şi Florentin Smarandache ................................... 17 Ofensiva paradoxismului ........................................... 29 Paradoxism şi postmodernism ..................................... 63 Note............................................................................ 81 Bibliografie Selectivă ............................................... 85 Indice de nume ....................................................... 89 ...

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悖论主义对句 601 首 (Paradoxist Distiches)

By: Florentin Smarandache

悖论主义对句包括含义相反的两行诗句,但是这两句诗合并(或建 联 系)后给出标题的完整定义。 一般而言,第二行诗句否定第一行诗,因此形成非同寻常或对立 念 的词语搭配及意境。 The PARADOXIST DISTICH consists of two verses, antithetic to each other, but which together amalgamate in a whole defining (or making connection with) the title. Commonly, the second verse negates the first, containing therefore an antinomic/antagonistic notion/collocation or opposite idea....

P E D A N T He thinks When he doesn’t think 学究 他不思索的时候 脑子也不得清闲 M E T R O P O L I S City Of cities 大都会 与其他城市相比 它就成为城中城 W O R T H L E S S His quality Is lack of all qualities 无价值 所谓的品质 就是无品质 V I C E - P R E S I D E N T The main Secondary character 副总裁 重要人物 次要特征...

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Paradoxism's Manifestos and International Folklore

By: Florentin Smarandache

The book is structured in two parts as follows: - in the first part, the theory of paradoxism through its first six published worldwide manifestos (1983, 1984, 1990, 1998, 2002, and 2010 respectively); - in the second part, the paradoxism collected from the international (English, French, Spanish/Arabic, and Romanian) folklore in images and paradoxist situations. ...

A) Folkloric Begining. It was in the years 1980’s when the paradoxist movement started. Together with childhood friends (I use their nicknames, since these are more colorfull: Cost, Geonea, Beca, Bigioc, Piciu, Boros, Covrig ăl mijlociu, Cris, Pilă, Chesa, Grasu, Babanu) in the little parks and restaurants of Bălcești – Vâlcea drinking beer and joking. They did not like to read or write!... They all were non-literators {excepting me and Co(n)st(antin) Dincă}. We built a new literary movement without even knowing – in a paradoxical way! We did it by jokes, against-the-grain speech, amusing themselves in that bad time! I had written in Romanian language the volume „Laws of internal composition. Poems with... problems!” (1982) as a preparadoxist volume, published lately. But the First Paradoxist Manifesto in the world of the Paradoxism I published in 1983 in the first edition of my French volume The Sense of the Nonsense (Ed. Artistiques, Fès, Morocco). ...

To Paradoxismize (Forward): 4 Paradoxism’s Manifestos (1983-2010): 7 • First Paradoxist Manifesto: 8 • Second Paradoxist Manifesto: 11 • Third Paradoxist Manifesto: 15 • Fourth Paradoxist Manifesto: 18 • Fifth Paradoxist Manifesto: 37 • Sixth Paradoxist Manifesto: 51 Worldwide Paradoxist Folklore: 60 All is possible, the impossible too! French Paradoxist Folklore: 86 Les Perles du BAC 2008 [Pearls of 2008 Baccalaureate] Spanish/Arabic Paradoxist Folklore: 127 Ser fuerte... / .. ما†ھي†القوة [To be strong] Romanian Paradoxist Folklore: 141-155 De ce, tată? [Why, father?] ...

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Reproduction's Disorganization : Avante-Garde Paradoxist Textbook

By: Florentin Smarandache

We present in this course: the reproduction’s misprocess, the reproduction’s mistype, the material goods (and bads), the base inactivity and auxiliary inactivity, the system’s antistructure, the irresponsibility of a computer center, unstructured graphs, etc. Also, the disorganization’s structure, the principles of disorganization, the indecision making misprocess, the planning of unnecessary energy consummation, etc. The Reproduction’s misprocess is the connection which takes place between mankind and nature and during which humans modify the natural objects, and even the nature, in accordance with their societal disgusts....

Disorganization’ structures The disorganization structures represent the mechanism formed of disorganization subdivisions to which there have been assigned competencies and responsibilities and amongst which there have been established the guidelines required for nonfunctionality and efficiency. In other words, the disorganization structure is the result of the modality in which various compartments and people as well as their relationships have been grouped and constituted with the aim of accomplishing in suboptimal conditions the proposed objective. The principal constructive steps in disorganization structure are: 1. The function (position), 2. The compartment, 3. The hierarchy, 4. The relations or subordination....

Table of Contents................................ 4 Chapter 1 ................................ 7 The reproduction’s misprocess ............................. 7 The reproduction’s mistype ............................. 7 The material goods and bads ............................ 7 The base inactivity and auxiliary inactivity. ........................ 8 Chapter 2 ................................ 8 The reproduction’s incapacity ............................. 8 The system’s antistructure and the approach style of a system ................ 9 Characteristics .................................. 9 Chapter 3. ............................... 11 The systems’ disorganization ............................. 11 The general concept of disorganization. ........................ 11 The scientific disorganizations of enterprises ...................... 11 The micro disorganization level ........................... 13 The macro disorganization level ........................... 13 The level of disorganization’s structure ........................ 13 The level of integrated approach .......................... 13 The disorganization of the informa...

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Textbook of Psychunlogy

By: Florentin Smarandache

The scholastic psychunlogy is the part of psychunlogy that studies the multiple aspects of the influence of the disorganized education practiced in schools, of the misprocesses resulted from the educational intervention with the psychological laws of the children’s education and instruction, of unlearning, of lifestyle deformation, and students’ personalities in the misprocess of educational instruction. Along with the child psychunlogy, the scholastic psychunlogy constitutes the principal source of misinformation and fundament of the science of parapedagogy. With this booklet, this unauthor introduces a new literary-scientific genre called psychological science fiction as part of the PARADOXISM movement in literature and science....

The separation of psychunlogy from philosophy and its deformation as an autonomous science takes place, especially as a result of the great regresses registered in some of the unnatural sciences such as biology (the anatomy and biology of the nervous system, the neuronvegetative and endocrine systems, senses organs), and physics (the science that proved the possibility of mess-experimentations and non-objective and relative exact measurements)....

Psychological Science Fiction (Unpreface) ................. 3 Table of Contents .................................. 4 Chapter 1 – The non-object and the psychunlogy’s problems .......... 7 The science of psychunlogy .............................. 7 The psychic, brain’s malfunction, non‐objective reflection of the non‐objective world ....... 7 The psychic misprocess of cognition .......................... 11 The psychic characteristics .............................. 12 The object of the scholastic psychunlogy ........................ 12 Chapter 2 – The unconscious psychic activity ............... 14 The conscienceless notion .............................. 14 The principal malfunctions of the conscienceless ..................... 15 The conscienceless dimensions ............................ 15 Self‐conscienceless (self‐awarenessless) ....................... 16 The collective self‐conscienceless (self‐awarenessless) .................. 16 The levels of disorganization of the psychic inhuman activities ................ 16 The psychic development in autogenesis ........................ 17 The factors of psychic’s non‐develop...

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Paradoxist Distiches

By: Florentin Smarandache

The whole paradoxist distich should be as a geometric unitary parabola, hyperbola, ellipse at the borders between art, philosophy, rebus, and mathematics – which exist in complementariness. The School of Paradoxist Literature, which evolved around 1980s, continues through these bi-verses closed in a new lyric exact formula, but with an opening to essence. For this kind of procedural poems one can elaborate mathematical algorithms and implement them in a computer: but, it is preferable a machine with … soul!...

I M M O D E S T With the shame Shamelessness U N D E C I D E D Fighting Himself J A Z Z ( I ) Melodious Anarchy J A Z Z ( I I ) Anarchic Melody...

Fore/word and Back/word _________ 3 The making of the distich : _____ 3 Characteristics: ______________ 3 Historical considerations: _____ 5 Types of Paradoxist distiches ___ 8 1. Clichés paraphrased: ___ 8 2. Parodies: _____________ 8 3. Reversed formulae: ____ 8 4. Double negation _______ 8 5. Double affirmation, ____ 8 6. Turn around on false tracks: _________________ 8 7. Hyperboles (exaggerated): __________________ 8 8. With nuance changeable from the title: ________ 8 9. Epigrammatic: ________ 8 10. Pseudo-paradoxes: ___ 8 11. Tautologies: ________ 9 12. Redundant: _________ 9 13. Based on pleonasms: _ 9 14. or on anti-pleonasms: 9 15. Substitution of the attribute in collocations ___ 9 16. Substitution of the complement in collocations 9 17. Permutation of various parts of the whole: ___ 9 18. The negation of the clichés ______________ 10 19. Antonymization (substantively, adjectively, etc.) ________________ 10 20. Fable against the grain: _________________ 10 21. Change in grammatical category (preserving substitutions’ homonymy): ________________ 10 22. Epistolary or colloquia style: _________...

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Paradoxism Si Folcor

By: Florentin Smarandache

ACTUALITATEA PARADOXISMULUI Prefață Polemici privind paradoxismul și diverse interviuri vă prezentăm ȋn prima parte a acestei cărți. Ȋn cea de-a doua parte, veți constata actualitatea paradoxismului ȋn FOLCLORUL contemporan. Și anume: - Devieri derizorii de proverbe, făcȃnd astăzi hazul de necaz al omului de rȃnd: Fie pȃinea cât de rea, tot ți-o fură cineva. Ai carte, ai cu ce să te ştergi la fund. Lasă pe mâine ce poţi face azi, că poate mâine nu mai este nevoie. - Reinterpretări de aforisme. - Limbaj ȋn răspăr. - De asemenea, paradoxuri semantice: Totu-i infinit, chiar și finitul [de pildă, un segment de dreaptă este limitat ȋn ambele părți, ȋnsă conține o infinitate de puncte]. Nimic nu-i perfect, nici chiar perfectul! sau: Nimic nu-i absolut, nici chiar absolutul! - Calambururi bazate pe omonimii, dar și pe contrarieri ale clișeelor lingvistice… - Celebrele CULMI sau poante populare sunt ȋn esență paradoxiste… - Dar și paradoxismul ȋn imagini cotidiene preluate din folclorul Internetului, cu parabole și ironii politice, cu această modernizare… primitivă a țării! O lume reală care este… cu fundul ȋn sus! Iată cȃ...

Desigur, m-aștept acum la noi invective din partea clanului mafiot al său și al acoliților săi (călăii de serviciu). Cu cȃt ȋnjură mai tare, cu atȃt ȋi plȃtesc noii lor stăpȃni mai bine. Dar ȋmi va face o deosebită plăcere să le răspund! Provocȃndu-mă, ei ȋmi mențin verva creatoare. Doar că aceste publicații sunt plătite din bugetul poporului pentru acești șarlatani. Romȃnii ar trebui să se revolte ȋn toată țara contra acestei umilințe naționale la care sunt supuși. Of course, I now look at us invective of the mob clan and his acolytes (executioners service). With cȃt ȋnjură louder with their new stăpȃni pharma ȋi plȃtesc better. But ȋmi will be pleased to answer them! Provocȃndu me they ȋmi maintain creative verve. Only those publications that are paid from the budget of the people for these charlatans. Romȃnii should bet on around the country to rebel against this national humiliation they are subjected....

Prefață: Actualitatea paradoxismului: 3 Din nou despre paradoxism: 5 Alex Ștefănescu și Totalitarismul care se instalează ȋn Romȃnia: 31 Democrația celui mai puternic: 43 Neutrosofia și Paradoxismul (Dialog cu M. N. Rusu): 47 SCRIEREA PE DOS! (Interviu cu Maria Diana Popescu): 50 „Emigrant la infinit” (Interviu cu Mihaela Muscă): 54 PRO și CONTRA (Dialog cu Mircea Monu): 57 Chat paradoxist ȋn calambururi (Cu Janet Nică): 66 Chestionar despre paradoxism: 69 Preface: News paradoxism: 3 Again paradoxism 5 Alex Stefanescu and totalitarianism that installs ȋn Romȃnia: 31 Democracy fittest: 43 Neutrosophy and Paradoxism (Dialog with Rusu MN): 47 Writing on DOS! (Interview with Maria Diana Popescu): 50 "Emigrant to infinity" (Interview with Mihaela Musca): 54 Pros and Cons (Dialogue with Mircea Monu): 57 Chat paradoxist bet on puns (With Janet Nică): 66 Quiz paradox: 69...

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Paradoxism and Postmodernism in Florentin Smarandache's Work

By: Ion Soare

The basic thesis of the paradoxism: Every thing/ phenomenon/ idea has a meaning and a non-meaning in a contradictory harmony. The essence of the paradoxism: a) The NonSense has a Sense: (and reciprocally) b) The Sense has a NonSense. The subsequent development of the paradoxism: To generalize the literature in scientific spaces ( Lobacevski, Riemann, Banach etc.), n-dimensional and infinite-dimensional spaces too. Paradoxism’s delimitation from other avant-gardes: ♦ paradoxism has a significance while dadaism, lettrism, the absurd movement do not; ♦ paradoxism especially reveals the contradictions, the antinomies, the anti- theses, antagonism, nonconformism, the paradoxes in other words of anything ( in literature, art, science), while futurism, cubism, abstractism and all other avant-gardes do not. The motto of the paradoxism: All is possible, the impossible too! The symbol of the paradoxism: A spiral - optic illusion or vicious circle. ...

Intelligent creator, Florentin Smarandache has accumulated in the while enough self conviction in matters of paradoxism and enough (non)life ( literary and publishing inclusive) experience in order to create a coherent volume, where nothing ( or almost) is put/let at random. After Introduction in the empire of error ( a manifesto of the paradoxism too, but covered with another... linguistic packing), the volume continues with a “short resume” about the ... terror/theory’s features of Smarandache’s (non)existence/existentialism. Then in the shape of prose texts or verses (it is risky to name them prose or poetry!) we learn essential data and information about the “becoming” of this (almost) exile in his own country...Palillula. As another Villon, in full postmodernism he lets his testament of a man who lives, confessing his ideological and literary “crimes”, but, especially giving nonliterary declarations about his murderers, which ground their existence on his nonexistence! Also among his memories we met -true nightmares of the author- the caricatural portraits of the previous leaders, lampoons worthy of an Arghezi....

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Sixth International Anthology on Paradoxism

By: Florentin Smarandache, Editor

This is an amazing little volume and a paradox all of its own. It is published in the United States, in a French translation of a compilation of essays from the original Romanian made jointly by Paul Georgelin and the man it is all about: Smarandache....

POEMATIO LUDENS A1. En bas d’en haut Rien n’est plus beau En haut d’en bas… Quel bla bla bla : Règnent Ne et Pas !

C.M.Popa – Le mouvement littéraire paradoxiste -------- 7 F.Smarandache – Neutrosophic degree of a paradoxicity 9 L.Kuciuk, M.Antholy – Paradoxism in geometry -------- 13 Un paradox aritmetic ----------------------------------------- 18 Lediana Paja – Paradoksizmi – rryma më e fundit… ---- 19 A.Balog – Viaţa şi opera scriitorului F. Smarandache --- 24 Paradoxurile bogăţiei ----------------------------------------- 33 Azulejo colgado en muro de Sevilla ------------------------ 34 Quantum Smarandache quasi paradoxes and quantum Smarandache sorites paradoxes --------- 34 T.Negoescu – În miezul paradoxismului ------------------- 39 Folclor românesc din America – Balada lui… ------------ 40 Taifasuri – chat: J.Nică – M. Monu – F.Smarandache --- 43 Folclor paradoxist România – Decalog -------------------- 62 Alt paradox aritmetic ----------------------------------------- 62 Mirifica Românie în imagini -------------------------------- 63 Folklore English ----------------------------------------------- 65 Auzite din popor ---------------------------------------------- 65 Constituţia României revizuită în 2010 (pamflet) ---...

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