Search Results (60 titles)

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2014 (X) Philosophy (X)

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I Wanna Be Happy

By: RVM Author

RVM unveils the secret to eternal happiness. Discover six simple steps that guarantee happiness. If we follow these steps our life will surely be transformed. In this book RVM proves that anybody can be happy if one truly desires to be so....

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Vipassana II : Trials of a Wannabe Buddha, A Novel Experience, Vol 2

By: Anonymous

Following on from ‘Confessions of a Serial Meditator’, the trials of living with a new girlfriend, her pre-teen daughters, and her dying mother, pose the stiffest test any Vipassana yogi and wannabe Buddha could ever hope to face. When the equanimity slips, where do you run to? Who will come to help? Would modern-day asceticism be ‘the way’ (out)? What adventures could possibly await an aspiring Buddha with itchy feet and a desire to ‘keep ‘em laughing’? The battle within continues… ...

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100 Diamond Quotes

By: RVM Author

In this book RVM explains the meaning of 100 highly inspiring quotations penned down by him. He believes these quotes helped him move from a life of Achievement to a life of Fulfillment. This book is a true treasure that everyone must possess....

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Power your Life with PEP

By: RVM Author

Discover the power of Positive living. Control and take command of your thoughts. RVM explains the power of positive emotions over negative emotions. Always choose positive emotions to live a life of Joy, Bliss and Fulfillment. Pep your life with excitement and enthusiasm....

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Thoughts from Inside the Temple

By: Matt H Blevins

This book is a set of contemplations designed to create a different and more universal philosophy by which modern man can live a deeply meaningful life....

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El Pensador Cuántico : Ideas fragmentadas ordenadas al azar

By: Nacho Frades

Este libro es una recopilación de pensamientos azarosa, de ahí su nombre “cuántico”, que no tiene que ver con la física de partículas más allá de su impredecibilidad. Está pensado para leer en cualquier orden. Su intención no es ninguna, salvo si acaso servir como divertimento acerca de disciplinas varias. Espero que sirva a su propósito, que no es ninguno en especial....

"Vida" Hasta que el pensamiento no se transforma en un acto, no vale nada.

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An Introduction to Aristotle’s Metaphysics of Time : Historical research into the mythological and astronomical conceptions that preceded Aristotle’s philosophy

By: Mrs. Régis Laurent; Trista Selous

Régis Laurent is a philosopher and member of the association Kairos Kai logos (Centre for the study of ancient philosophy). This book is the first part of his doctoral thesis in philosophy, undertaken under the aegis of three French universities (Grenoble, Clermont-Ferrand and Rennes). In addition to his philosophical training, the author is also qualified to Masters level in linguistics and in general psychology, and studied theology at the Thomist University in Paris (ULSH) and at the CEJ of the EHESS....

PROLOGUE..........................................................................................................15 I . TIME IN ARISTOTLE PROTREPTICUS. INTRODUCTION AND QUESIONS FOR DISCUSSION.............................19 a. From eternity to temporality: on initiation...............................................................27 b. From temporality to eternity: wisdom over the long term...........................................42 II. TIME IN GREEK TRAGIC POETRY AND IN THE EPIC POETRY OF HOMER. UNFINDABLE CIRCULAR TIME..........51 a. On fate, or tragic poetry as a technique for veiling time.............................................55 b. On the hero, or epic poetry as a technique for unveiling time......................................65 III. TIME IN HESIOD’S MYTHOLGY AND PYTHAGOREAN THEOPHANY. SACRED SOURCES OF CIRCULAR TIME IN CLASSICAL GREECE..................................................................................................................80 a. On the myth of Cronos or the structuring of universal time in “ages of the world”...

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  • Cover Image to be lucky? : Steps to happiness #1

By: Tergel Buyannemekh

Luck comes in many forms, but the highest form of luck seems to be obscured by other material luck.

you ARE lucky.

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Army Reserve Medic : My Experience with the 691st Medical Team (forward surgical)

By: Victor T. Chambers

This book is an introspective look at the influence war, love and religion has on man.

I have come to believe: what it is to be a man is not something rigid. Every generation has its war and every thousand has its God. For every new generation, babies are born from union and raised in every variation. The boy becomes man by culture, tradition, religion or war. Some men become so by choice and some do not live to become men at all. These men may grow and progress through life yet find themselves trapped in the shadows listlessly searching for something they cannot even name....

The Oath Basic Training Advanced Individual Training Prewar Fort Drum and Bagram Salerno August September October November December January February March Post War Training Love Exploring The Wound Of War Healing The Wounds Of War Healing My Wound ...

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Quest In Reality

By: Rajinder Paul Bibra

The book is mostly in a running dialogue form, which is always a prerequisite of a quest-full ‘journey’

The more i learn, more i become aware of my ignorance Awareness of ignorance is wisdom

there are ten chapters, however the book is in running dialogue form so segregating it into chapters would be inappropriate!

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Issues in Ethics

By: Mrs. Dr. Sam Vaknin; Lidija Rangelovska, Editor

Issues in ethics: the right to life, cloning, abortion, animal rights and other controversial topics.

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Sınıftan Kaçan Çocuk

By: ismet şahin

8-9 Kasım 2012’de, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İngilizce İktisat Bölümü tarafından düzenlenen “Marx, Marksizmler ve Özgürlük” konferansı uzun zamandır üzerinde çalıştığım konular ile ilgili görüşlerimi sunma fırsatı verdi. Praksis dergisini ilk yayınladığım 1996 yılında aşağıda sunduğum düşüncelerimin temellerini atmıştım aslında. Ancak hala teoride ki sorunu bir bütün olarak, Marx ve Engels’te değil Marksizmin kavranılışında olduğunda ısrarcıydım. Çalışmalarım, Marx’ın tarih, diyalektik yöntem, sınıf savaşımı, kapitalizm eleştirisi ve bilim anlayışı gibi pek çok temel konuda tamamen farklı teorik perspektif ve anlayış geliştirmemle sonuçlandı. Bu görüşlerimi kamuoyu ile ilk paylaştığım zemin yukarıda adı geçen bilimsel konferans oldu. Kendi teorik geçmişimle de bir hesaplaşma olan bu metin kuşkusuz okuru tatmin etmekten uzaktır. Çünkü yeni bir bilim teorisi için bir başlangıç metnidir; 19. yüz yıl sosyal teorileri üzerinde yükselen geleneksel ideolojik ön yargılardan kurtulmuş aklın, çağdaş bilimsel verilere yaslanarak yeni maceralara cesaretle atılmayı özendirecek olan bir başlangıç metni....

8-9 Kasım 2012’de, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İngilizce İktisat Bölümü tarafından düzenlenen “Marx, Marksizmler ve Özgürlük” konferansı uzun zamandır üzerinde çalıştığım konular ile ilgili görüşlerimi sunma fırsatı verdi. Praksis dergisini ilk yayınladığım 1996 yılında aşağıda sunduğum düşüncelerimin temellerini atmıştım aslında. Ancak hala teoride ki sorunu bir bütün olarak, Marx ve Engels’te değil Marksizmin kavranılışında olduğunda ısrarcıydım. Çalışmalarım, Marx’ın tarih, diyalektik yöntem, sınıf savaşımı, kapitalizm eleştirisi ve bilim anlayışı gibi pek çok temel konuda tamamen farklı teorik perspektif ve anlayış geliştirmemle sonuçlandı. Bu görüşlerimi kamuoyu ile ilk paylaştığım zemin yukarıda adı geçen bilimsel konferans oldu. Kendi teorik geçmişimle de bir hesaplaşma olan bu metin kuşkusuz okuru tatmin etmekten uzaktır. Çünkü yeni bir bilim teorisi için bir başlangıç metnidir; 19. yüz yıl sosyal teorileri üzerinde yükselen geleneksel ideolojik ön yargılardan kurtulmuş aklın, çağdaş bilimsel verilere yaslanarak yeni maceralara cesaretle atılmayı özendirecek olan bir başlangıç metni....

İçindekiler Giriş 1 Bölüm 1 Sınıftan Kaçan Çocuk 1 Sınıftan Kaçan Çocuk 9 2 Devlet Bağımlı İlişkiler 55 3 Kognitif Kapitaliz 63 4 Diyalektik 67 5 Hegel’in Tarih Felsefesi Eleştirisi 77 8 İmbilim Ders Notları 101 9 Tristram Shandy 107 Bölüm 2 Bilim Felsefesi 10 Viyana Okulu 119 11 Bilim Felsefesine Kısa Bir Bakış 139 12 Bilim Felsefesi 163 13 Troçki’den Sonra Troçkizm 175...

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Cartografía Crítica. : El Quehacer Profesional de la Filosofia en Chile

By: Sr. José Santos Herceg

“El libro de José Santos es un registro panorámico y complejo de la situación de la filosofía y su enseñanza, de la investigación filosófica, de la escritura filosófica y su a veces inhabilitación crítica en Chile. Por razones diversas y de diversa envergadura el libro de Santos es necesario y oportuno” (Álvaro García)....

“La relevancia de este libro me parece fundamental, y replicable además como ejercicio en otras disciplinas y otras latitudes. Tiene especial relevancia histórica el poder hacer este análisis en nuestro contexto chileno de reforma educacional, justamente en el momento en que han de pensarse el quehacer de los ‘intelectuales’ y ‘académicos’” (Valentina Bulo)....

PRÓLOGO ANTECEDENTES 1. Normalización 2. Profesionalización 3. Escisión 4. Mutilación 5. Mercantilización I. ENSEÑANZA 1. Uniforme 2. Eurocéntrica 3. Conservadora 4. Recapitulación II. INVESTIGACIÓN 1. Mercantilizada 2. Elitista 3. Centrista 4. Recapitulación III. PUBLICACIÓN 1. Controlada 2. Tercerizada 3. Productivizada 4. Recapitulación IV. GESTIÓN 1. Riesgosa 2. Desamparada 3. Precarizada 4. Recapitulación EPÍLOGO 1. Suscitar 2. Reflexionas 3. Crear 4. Construir ...

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What Does it Mean to Orient Oneself in Thinking?

By: Dr. Immanuel Kant; Daniel Fidel Ferrer, Translator

What Does it Mean to Orient Oneself in Thinking? / By Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). [Was heißt: sich im Denken orientieren? English]. Translation of text, notes, essays, chronology, etc by Copyright ©2014 Daniel Fidel Ferrer. All rights reserved. Free unlimited distribution. Creative Commons General Public License "Attribution, Non-Commercial", version 3.0 (CCPL BY-NC). ...

Kant wrote: "A pure reason faith is the guide or compass, which the speculative thinker based on his rational quarreling (Vernunftstreifereien) in the field of supersensible objects, man of common but (morally) sound reason but his way, and probably in theoretical as practical point of view, the whole purpose of his may prefigure determination entirely appropriate, and it is this rational faith, which must be placed at the foundation of every other faith, yes every revelation (Offenbarung)."...

Table of Contents Translator’s Short Preface for Historical Context (pages 3-4). Immanuel Kant’s Text translated into English (pages 5-22). Translator’s Remarks (pages 23-24). Notes and Background for Kant’s essay and translation (page 25). Earlier translations from German into English of Kant’s essay (page 26). Pantheism Controversy (Quarrel) (Pantheismusstreit) (pages 27-28). Chronology of the Pantheism Controversy (Quarrel) (pages 29-37). Main Philosophers and authors. Ranked by birth year. Lessing first quarrel. Fragments Controversy. Pantheism Controversy or Pantheism Quarrel starts. Atheism Controversy. What is the Purpose of Kant’s Orientation Essay? (pages 38-42). Selected Bibliography related to Pantheism Controversy (pages 42-43). Related Online Resources (pages 43-44). Kant’s Note on his Overall Philosophical Position (pages 45-47). Dedication and Acknowledgements (pages 48-49). Appendix A. Image of first page of Kant Essay (1786) (pages 49-51). Keyword index (pages 51-83). Starts with a green page. ...

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Bioethics and Population

By: Mrs. Dr. Sam Vaknin; Lidija Rangelovska, Editor

Issues in the ethics and practice of demography and bioengineering - population control, the right to life, cloning, and abortion.

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Light : Philosophy

By: Ankur Mutreja

What is Philosophy? Is it the exclusive domain of those who dream in abstract? Or is it the manifestation of the struggle of those who practice in material? Does it originate in the minds of professors like a Ganges flowing out from the hair-locks of "Lord" Shiva? Or is it rustic and puerile, evolving into maturity through the experiences of common men. I started writing philosophy without actually knowing that I was writing one. To start with, it was an outlet to project my frustration in the form of writings. Pretty often, it carried abuses hurled at none in particular, but at the system through its agents. But I don’t know when those ramblings started getting matured into Philosophy and all puerility and abuses purified themselves on the way – a Ganges doesn’t become pure by its origin but by the treatment people give to it on its way. In my book “Writings @ Ankur Mutreja”, I included a section on my personal philosophy and thought nobody would be interested in reading it. But, fortunately, I have found some kind-hearted people, who have given me their valuable feedback. I am reproducing my philosophy below by selecting those top...

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The Marriage of Wisdom and science

By: Hynotherapist Hynotherapist Jack Velazquez; Jack Velazquez

INTRODUCTION THIS IS AN INVITATION TO UNDERSTANDING. THIS IS AN INVITATION TO YOU. NOT YOU AS THE READER OF THESE WORDS ONLY, BUT TO THE (GENERIC YOU) ALL AND EVERY YOU. Millions are ready today to understand who they are and how they operate as a HUMAN BEING. There are a number of steps necessary in the learning process. 1.The individual must be ready (desire) to learn. 2.The individual must be able (potential) to learn. 3.The individual must practice (motivation) that which is being learned. 4.The individual must be (acceptance) the learned. ...

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Flare: Opinions (Law, Human Rights and Politics)

By: Ankur Mutreja

Opinions are like flare, which can turn either way: they can spread like wild fire or encapsulate themselves within the bounds of personal integrity, and thus illuminate. I started writing opinions in the late 2008 through my blogs. I admit at times I did go wild with unsubstantiated accusations and surmises, leading to risky speculations and irresponsible opinions. Recently, I published a comprehensive book of my writings entitled "Writings @ Ankur Mutreja", and the present book is a short selection of my opinions presented therein with emphasis on responsible writing. I am an advocate by profession; therefore, most of my opinions have a tint of law; in the first part, the expression is simple; so, it is for lay persons who won’t mind a little exercise of mind in the legal arena; whereas, in the second part, I have gone whole hog with law, and I admit those without formal legal training may find it convenient to ignore. My style of writing is terse and pointed, but at times I have gone overboard like in one particular opinion on Aarushi murder, where emotions and logic intermingled in an expanded narrative. Righ...

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The Bhagavad Gita for the Rest of Us : Our Questions, His Answers

By: Dr. Giridhar Boray

Over centuries, The Bhagavad Gita has been considered an important spiritual guidebook and has influenced many thought leaders in human history. The Gita is conversational poetry set in an epic battlefield where a family of cousins are engaged in a war for control of a kingdom. The Lord Almighty assumes the role of a charioteer for prince Arjuna who is about to fight his cousins led by Duryodhana. The fact that this is a war between cousins and involves people related to each other immerses Arjuna in a deep remorse at the prospect of fighting his cousins, uncles, friends, teachers etc, which leads him to a decision to abdicate the war and leave the kingdom to his cousins. At this point, the Lord teaches Arjuna the need for one to confront difficult tasks in life and not run away from responsibilities as in this case, it was Arjuna's responsibility to wrest the kingdom away from his cousins who had usurped the same with dubious means. Arjuna indeed had an obligation to run a just and rightful administration. The Lord answers a series of questions that Arjuna has on the overall concept of rightful action, how to conduct them and the a...

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Poetic Tweets : Poetry, Volume 1

By: Shakil Ahmed Baliyavi

Inspirational poetry

Poetry is muse

Large voulme

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