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Should the NT Haustafeln Argue for or against the Ordination of Women, or Should the Current Trends Open up the Opportunity?

By: Simon Bwambale, Ph.D.

Abstract The question whether to ordain women or not threatens the fabric of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The anti and the pro-ordination argument hinge on scripture, the only source of authority for the Remnant Church. This paper has made a critical observation of the arguments and concludes that neither of the camps is right. It has made a brief excursus into the backdrop that may have influenced the prohibitions and observed that it (the backdrop) may not certify the prohibitions to be eternal interdiction on women participation in ministry. The study realizes that the seeming interdictions are statements aimed at setting the church in order haustafeln to defocus believers from their individual self in order to refocus them to their divine calling as colabourers with Paul in Christ. Because the NT seems quiet on the issue whether to, or not to ordain women, and because the texts used for or against seem to be read either at an apparent level, or applied without a keen regard to the contexts, this paper suggests further study of the verses that form the backbone of arguments before any action is taken by the world church. ...

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