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Gone to Earth

By: Mary Webb

Gone to Earth is the cry of fox hunters as the fox takes to its den and they lose the chase. Here, Mary Webb tells the story of Hazel Woodus whose understanding of her half tame fox cub contrasts with her misunderstanding of humanity. She is pursued by two very different men, the Squire of the Manor and the local Minister. Mary Webb wrote this book in 1917 and it is set in rural Shropshire of the late 1800s. (Summary by Rachel Lintern)...


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Aquis submersus

By: Theodor Storm

Das rätselhafte Porträt eines toten Knaben und die Aufzeichnungen des Malers Johannes aus dem 17. Jahrhundert führen den Erzähler der Rahmengeschichte auf die Spuren einer unglücklichen Liebe und zur allmählichen Enthüllung des Schicksals des gemalten Kindes.(Summary by Al-Kadi)...


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Schuss, Der

By: Alexander Pushkin

Die Geschichte einer spät gesühnten Beleidigung ... (Summary by Herr Klugbeisser)


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Main Street

By: Sinclair Lewis

Carol Milford is a liberal, free-spirited young woman, reared in the metropolis of Minneapolis. She marries Will Kennicott, a doctor, who is a small-town boy at heart. When they marry, Will convinces her to live in his home-town of Gopher Prairie, Minnesota. Carol is appalled at the backwardness of Gopher Prairie. But her disdain for the town's physical ugliness and smug conservatism compels her to reform it. (Summary from Wikipedia)....


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Youth, a Narrative

By: Joseph Conrad

An autobiographical short story written in 1898 and included as the first story in the 1902 volume Youth, a Narrative , and Two Other Stories. This volume also includes Heart of Darkness and The End of the Tether, which are concerned with maturity and old age, respectively. Youth is narrated by Charles Marlow who is also the narrator of Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim and Chance. Youth depicts his first journey to the East. (summary from wikipedia)...


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Of Human Bondage

By: W. Somerset Maugham

Of Human Bondage , published in 1915, is considered to be W. Somerset Maugham’s best work. Many believe the novel to be one of the world’s literary masterpieces. The story follows Phillip Carey from early childhood through his 30’s. Orphaned at 9, Phillip spends his early years raised by his childless aunt and uncle. His aunt tries to be a mother to Philip, but she is unsure how to behave whereas his uncle, a vicar, takes a cold disposition towards him. Philip is sent to a boarding school but his shyness and his club foot make it difficult for him to fit in. The novel follows this theme throughout as Phillip travels to Germany, France, and England, makes new acquaintances, searches for his life’s calling, and experiences romantic episodes. Mildred in particular, will leave you wondering about Phillip's obsession and passion for such a woman. More than a few of us have had “our Mildred”. The characters in Of Human Bondage are real-life with faults, qualities, and feelings that Maugham describes so vividly. It would not be unusual that we have encountered individuals with traits similar to the characters in this book. At times the emo...


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Bildnis des Dorian Gray, Das

By: Oscar Wilde

Als der berückend gutaussehende Jüngling Dorian Gray sein Porträt betrachtet, kommt ihm der Gedanke, wie herrlich es sein müsste, wenn das Bild an seiner Stelle altern könnte, während er selbst für immer jung und schön bliebe. Als sich dieser fantastische Wunsch zu erfüllen beginnt, genießt Dorian seine ewige Jugend in vollen Zügen - während in seiner Seele ein grauenvolles Werk der Zerstörung seinen Lauf nimmt. (Zusammenfassung von Al-Kadi)...


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Lenz (version 2)

By: Georg Büchner

Mit Lenz wird eine Novelle von Georg Büchner benannt, wobei der Titel nicht vom Autor stammt. Büchner hat sich nachweislich spätestens seit Frühjahr 1835 mit dem Stoff beschäftigt, jedoch ist die genaue Entstehungszeit unbekannt. Die Novelle erschien erstmals im Jahre 1839. Lenz beschreibt den sich verschlechternden Geisteszustand des Schriftstellers Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz. Die Erzählung basiert auf einem Bericht von Johann Friedrich Oberlin und auf einigen Briefen von Lenz. Ungefähr die Hälfte der etwa zwanzig Seiten langen Novelle wurde von Büchner wortwörtlich aus Oberlins Bericht übernommen. (Wikipedia)...


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Aristipp [und einige seiner Zeitgenossen] - Erster Band

By: Christoph Martin Wieland

Dagegen führen die vier Bände „Aristipp und seine Zeitgenossen“ (1800–1802) in die Blüthezeit der hellenischen Philosophie. Die Geschichte der Hetäre Lais bildet nur den losen Einschlag zu ausführlichen kritischen Schilderungen der verschiedenen philosophischen Richtungen, die aus der sokratischen Schule sich entwickeln. (Zusammenfassung von Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie) Einige Ausgaben enthalten den Roman in drei, andere in vier Bänden....


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By: Bonaventura

Die Nachtwachen ist romantisches Werk von Ernst August Friedrich Klingemann, das dieser unter dem Pseudonym Bonaventura veröffentlicht hat. Es geht um einen Nachtwächter, der während seiner Rundgänge Betrachtungen und Spekulationen über die Einwohner seiner Stadt anstellt, über das Leben und den Tod sinniert, und seine eigene Lebensgeschichte erzählt. (Zusammenfassung von Rainer)...


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Stechlin, Der

By: Theodor Fontane

Der Stechlin ist Fontanes letzter großer Roman. Die Handlung rankt sich um das uralte märkische Adelsgeschlecht derer von Stechlin, die am gleichnamigen Stechlinsee im Ruppiner Land ihren Sitz haben. Der Autor selbst sagte ironisch, in dem Roman geschehe nicht viel. Tatsächlich liegt das Gewicht des Romans nicht auf der Handlung, sondern auf den vielfältigen Dialogen, welche die gesellschaftliche Wirklichkeit zur Wende vom 19. auf das 20. Jahrhundert offenbaren. (Zusammenfassung nach Wikipedia)...


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International Episode, An

By: Henry James

Two men visting the US from London meet a pair of charming women who return the visit the following year in London. Romantic intrigues, miscommunication and cultural faux pas abound in this short but delightful novel. (Summary written by Kristen McQuillin)...


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Cossacks, The

By: Leo Tolstoy

The Cossacks (1863) is an unfinished novel which describes the Cossack life and people through a story of Dmitri Olenin, a Russian aristocrat in love with a Cossack girl. This text was acclaimed by Ivan Bunin as one of the finest in the language....


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Nagelaten Bekentenis, Een

By: Marcellus Emants

Mijn vrouw is dood en al begraven. Hiermee opent Willem Termeer zijn bekentenis. Het zou zonde zijn om hier meer details te vermelden - laat Termeer zijn eigen verhaal maar vertellen. Teaser in English: this Dutch classic starts with the famous opening line: “My wife is dead and has already been buried.” It's written by the recent widower, and the book is entitled “a posthumous confession”. That will give you some idea of the contents.... (Summary by Anna Simon)...


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Ueber Buergers Gedichte

By: Friedrich Schiller

Alles, was der Dichter uns geben kann, ist seine Individualität. Diese muss es also wert sein, vor Welt und Nachwelt ausgestellt zu werden. (aus dem Text)...


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Joseph Andrews

By: Henry Fielding

Joseph Andrews ... was the first published full-length novel of the English author and magistrate Henry Fielding, and indeed among the first novels in the English language. Published in 1742 and defined by Fielding as a ‘comic romance,’ it is the story of a good-natured footman's adventures on the road home from London with his friend and mentor, the absent-minded parson Abraham Adams....

Fiction, Literature

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Barchester Towers

By: Anthony Trollope

This is the second in Trollope’s ‘Barsetshire’ series of novels. The later novels in the series move away from Barchester itself but 'Barchester Towers' is very much a sequel to the first book ‘The Warden’, which is also available from . The old bishop dies, the archdeacon, Dr. Grantly fails to succeed him and a new bishop, Dr. Proudie is appointed. Dr. Grantly gains a worthy foe, not the new bishop but his wife, Mrs. Proudie, strict sabatarian and power behind the Episcopal throne together with the bishop’s chaplain, Mr. Slope. John Bold is also dead and Eleanor, now a wealthy young widow sets clerical hearts fluttering. The new bishop must deal with the wardenship of Hiram’s Hospital. Will it go to Mr. Harding? All is to play for. Then the old Dean dies and the stakes are raised. (Summary by Andy)...


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Return of the Native, The

By: Thomas Hardy

Like all of Hardy's work, The Return of the Native (1878) is passionate and controversial, with themes and sympathies beyond what a good Victorian would ever admit. A modern and honest novel of chance and choice, faith and infidelities, this dark story asks what is free will and what is fate? What is the true nature of nature, and how do we fit together? Can we fit together? A tragedy set in the barren land of Edgon Heath. Our heroine, Eustacia, is proud, passionate, cruel, fickle, avaricious, and desperate. She burns every life she touches, never able to find the mad love and exotic world she dreams of. Our supposed hero, Clym, is modest, steady, plain, moral, and dutiful. He is satisfied returning from Paris to the simple comfort of home. When they come together, the Heath will come apart. Originally released as five books, in classic tragic form, a sixth, tacking on a 'happy ending', was added by editor and public pressure. (Summary by Marlo Dianne)...


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מרים Miriam

By: Micha Josef Berdichevsky ; מיכה יוסף ברדיצ'בסקי

Micha Josef Berdyczewski (surname also written Berdichevsky) was a Ukrainian-born writer of Hebrew, a journalist, and a scholar. He appealed for the Jews to change their way of thinking, freeing themselves from dogmas ruling the Jewish religion, tradition and history, but is also known for his work with pre-modern Jewish myths and legends. He wrote in Hebrew, Yiddish and German and has been described as the first Hebrew writer living in Berlin to be revered in the world of German letters. The book is supposed to be about Miriam, a young Jewish girl living in Eastern Europe toward the end of the 19th century. She tries to find her way between the old, frozen religious society and the new confusing winds of enlightenment. But in fact, the author draws a wide sketch of Jewish life in that period, by shortly focusing on a large array of characters and events populating the world of Miriam, and thus the real hero of the book is the Shtetl, the small Jewish town of Eastern Europe until the Holocaust. Berdichevski inadvertently created in this work a memorial to a lost rich civilization. (Summary by Wikipedia and Omri Lernau)...


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Tenant of Wildfell Hall, The

By: Anne Brontë

The Tenant of Wildfell Hall , the second and final novel by Anne Brontë, is concerned with the story of a woman who leaves her abusive, dissolute husband, and who must then support herself and her young son. Originally published in June of 1848, it challenged the prevailing morals of the time; a critic went so far as to pronounce it utterly unfit to be put into the hands of girls. It is considered to be one of the first feminist novels. (Summary from Wikipedia)...


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Records: 61 - 80 of 1,345 - Pages: 

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