
BORN ON JANUARY 14TH, 1975 in Alberta Canada, Melody Christina Ayres-Griffiths briefly studied music before she was stricken with numerous chronic immune- related conditions.

In 2006 she met the love of her life April, an Australian, on-line; briefly, Melody went to meet her and, after evaluating their futures on either continent, the couple elected to settle in Melbourne.

They now reside in Adelaide, Australia.

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Fatticus Faces the Wolf : A Slumber-Time Adventure

By: by Ms. Melody Ayres-Griffiths

When Francis Hawthorn, a British Colonel, is liberated from the Germans who had taught him to telepathically communicate with a blue-eyed ginger-tabby he names Cleopawtra, he is falsely declared a casualty of the First World War, and indentured to his own government for that ability. Years later, his presumed widow, Caroline, a romance novelist, spontaneously types the dreams of her own similar, but portly feline, Fatticus, which conclude with strange, nonsensical sen...

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Adelaide's Pinnygig

By: by Ms. Melody Ayres-Griffiths

Adelaide, a Canadian teenage girl, flees across a wintery landscape to evade an assassin sent to steal her guinea pig.

FOREWORD: A BRIEF INTRODUCTION. MANY NOTEWORTHY EFFORTS, both scholarly and otherwise, have been made in modern times to chronicle the events that took place at the dawn of the Twenty-First century, before the Fall and the subsequent New Enlightenment, but none have focussed so completely on the human element as what we, the Publishers, proudly present to you here. The recent discovery of Adelaide Pemberton’s journal has provided us with some unique glimpses into t...

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