
Professional biography for John S. Guagliardo.

Dr. John Salvatore Guagliardo III, is the current Executive Director of The World Public Library Association and its regional branches, The School eBook Library, and World eBook Library.  He is also the Director Project Gutenberg Consortia Center and Project Gutenberg Self-Publishing.  He volunteers for a number of organizations, such as The Library and Information Academic Advisory Board for the University of Hawaii, The Read America Challenge, and The Blue Ribbon Free Speech Campaign.  He was the 2001 President for the Hawaii Library Association, the state chapter of the American Library Association.  He is a member of ALA, AALA, HASL, HLA, and SLA.  Prior to his work in the Internet library field John was an English teacher, he has taught classes in California, Hawaii, Mexico, and China.  He received both a Bachelor of Arts and a Masters of Art in English literature from San Diego State University, and his PhD in philosophy from the International University of Cultural Studies in Washington D.C.  He pursued his second PhD in the field of Literature at the University of Hawaii at Mano and a Master’s in Education (M.E.D) at Chaminade University in Hawaii.  

General Information:

Among numerous publications he is the current writer for the World Public Library’s Blog.  

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The Adam and Eve Story : DeClassified pages: DeClassified pages

By: Chan Thomas

A declassified document discussing the topic of lost ancient human civilizations, and cataclysms that occurred on earth thousands of years ago causing them to vanish from the earth without explanation. This peek into Chan Thomas’s Adam and Eve Story that answers questions about why so much mystery surrounds our ancient past and discusses ancient enigmas like the pyramids of Giza, Easter Island, Tiahuanaco, Baalbek, and the lost city of Atlantis.

With a rumble so low as to be inaudible, growing, in recorded history. In California the mountains shake like ferns in a breeze; the mighty Pacific rears back and piles up into a mountain of water more than two miles high, then starts its race eastward. With the force of a thousand armies the wind attacks, ripping, shredding everything in its supersonic bombardment. The unbelievable mountain of Pacific sea- water follows the wind eastward, burying Los Angeles a...

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By: by John Salvatore Guagliardo

The Theory of Interpretive Relativity: A Unified Map of Literary Theory is a comprehensive study organizing and mapping all literary interpretive theory, from classical philosophy to postmodern theory, into one formulaic model. Interpretive Relativity uses analytic geometry for its method of organizational strategy, the philosophy of relativism to explain how all theoretical interpretation compliment one another rather than contradict one another. This thesis uses exte...

“The long concatenations of simple and easy reasoning which geometricians use in achieving their most difficult demonstrations gave me occasion to imagine that all matters which may enter the human mind were interrelated in the same fashion.” -- René Descartes

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