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World Health Organization : Regioinal Office for Africa ; Year 1993 ; Africa Region, Ap, No. 1 - in French: Rapport sur la Determination de la Pollution Bacteriologique de l’Air de Differents Types de Locaux en Haute-Volta

By R. Skalova, Dr.

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Book Id: WPLBN0000040962
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Reproduction Date: 2005

Title: World Health Organization : Regioinal Office for Africa ; Year 1993 ; Africa Region, Ap, No. 1 - in French: Rapport sur la Determination de la Pollution Bacteriologique de l’Air de Differents Types de Locaux en Haute-Volta  
Author: R. Skalova, Dr.
Language: English
Subject: Health., Public health, Wellness programs
Collections: Medical Library Collection, World Health Collection
Publication Date:
Publisher: World Health Organization


APA MLA Chicago

Skalova, Dr, B. R. (n.d.). World Health Organization : Regioinal Office for Africa ; Year 1993 ; Africa Region, Ap, No. 1 - in French. Retrieved from

Medical Reference Publication

A Seminar an Planning and Implementation of Teacher Training Programmes was convened in London from 23 to 25 May 1979 by the WHO Regional Office for Europe in collaboration with the Government of the United Kingdom. Held at the British Life Assurance Trust (BLAT) Centre for Health and Medical Education, it was ettended by 19 staff members of teacher training centres and representatives of national health services and education authorities from 13 countries, together with 9 temporary advisers and 3 WHO staff members.

Table of Contents
CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Framework for improvements in medical teaching 3. Planning improvements in teaching 3.1 What type of teacher should be produced? 3.2 How should the teacher be trained? 3.3 Within what organizational framework should the teacher operate? 3.L What evaluation ahould be undertaken? 5 . Recommendations Annex I Experience of the Regional Office for Europe in teacher training - Dr L.A. Judin Annex I1 Planning and implementation of teacher training programmes - Dr W.D. Clarke Annex 111 The medical teacher and educational innovations - Professor H. van den Bussche Annex IV Facilitating improvements at departmentallmedical achaol/university level - Dr H.R. Noack Annex V Incorporation of the achievements of pedagogicel ecience in teaching practice (unified methodological system) - Prafessor I.A. Sechenikov Annex VI Some worldwide examples of successful strategies for implementing innovations Dr J.E. d'Ivernois


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