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Vital Statistics of the United States 1943

By Department of Health and Human Services

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Book Id: WPLBN0000047271
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 59.48 MB
Reproduction Date: 2005

Title: Vital Statistics of the United States 1943  
Author: Department of Health and Human Services
Language: English
Subject: Health., Medical research, Medical reports
Collections: Medical Library Collection
Publication Date:
Publisher: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


APA MLA Chicago

Of Health And Human Services, B. D. (n.d.). Vital Statistics of the United States 1943. Retrieved from

Part 1. This volume-Vital Statfstlcs of the United States, Part 11—containe official natality and mortality,statistics tabulated according to the place of”residence of the mother of the child, or the place of residence of the decedent. These tabulatione are complled from the same source material as the tablee publlehed “inpart I,both being derived rom transcripts of original birth and death certlficates received from registration offIcials of Statee and cities, agd of the outlying territory and possessions of the United States. The tables given in tMs volume should be interpreted with some caution since several factore enter Into the determination of the place of residence. The place of birth or $leath, In most cases, M clear-cut and definltely determinable. To determine the place of residence 1s much more difficult because. It la dependent upon the eflnltlona of residence and the completeness of the lnformatlon given on the certlf1cate. It has, therefore,been necessaryto adopt a set of arbitrary rulee for the proper coding In each fnetsnce. The data obtained by a reallocation of nonresidents. are obvlOUSIY dependent upon these rulee and cannot be correctly Interpreted unless the ruies are exactly and clearly stated.

Table of Contents
CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Page The value of vital.statistics tabulated by place of residence.... 1 Page FrEviOus tabulations by place of residence....................... z M~tmOtiality statistics...................................... .6 -ant mortality rates for urban and rural areas..:...4...... 8 Nonresident tabulations by State offices......................... z Definitions of nonresidents and’rules for coding................. 3 Infant mortality rates by States............................. 9 Deaths inhospitalssnd institutions............................. 9 Relation of geographic code to the identificationof Births allocated toplaoe of residence........................... 9 nonresidents., .............................................. 4 Slimnary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Rules fortheallocation of deaths........................... 4 NUmberof n-onresidsntbirths................................. I.O Rules for determiningplace of residence for deaths.......... 4 Effect of reiidence reallocation on urban and rural tiirth Special‘residenceinstructionsfor military personnel........ 5 statistics Rules for the allocation of births........................... 5 ................................................. 10 Eirths tihospitals ............................................... 11 Rules for determirhg place of residence for births.......... 5 lll.eSitimatebirths.............................................. X? Birth etnddeath rates by place of residence...................... 6 Stillbirth statistics............................................ 14 Comparison o: resident snd recordetifates by States.......... 6 Reporting of stillbirth.s... ......................’........... 14 Deaths allocated to place of residence........................... 6 Stillbitihs byperiod of gestation........................... 14 S~y ...................................................... 6 Nmberof nQmesldent aeaths................................~ 7 Effect of resiaence reallocation cm urban and fursl dea$h statistice.................................................. 7 . . RATE TABLE . ~ Table I.—Death rates for selecteflcauses: United States, each division and State, 1943.....................~............................. 16 . . ,- OENERAL NATALITY AND MORTALITY TABLES Hve Births ~ Table 1 .—Live births by State of occurrence distributed according to State of resi?ence: United States and each State, 1943............. 21 V. Table 2.—Births, deaths, cleathsunder 1 year, ant+stillbirths,urban and rural, by States ma counties, and by urban ~laces of 10,000 ormorc: Unitea states, lW ............................................................................................ 23 States and each State, 1943..................... 69 # Table 4.—Live births by age of mother, race, and nativity of white mother, urban ma rqel: UnitedStates and each State, 1P43.......... W # Table 5.—Live births by aee of mother, race, and “orderof btr’.h:UnitedStates and each State, 1%$3..................................... , Table 6 105 .—Live births by age of parents: UnitedStates ana each State, 1943.............................................................. lsl . / Table 7.–Zive,births by order of birth, race, a?uinativity of white rk.her: UnitedStates and eaoh State, 1943.......................... Us ti!able 6.—live births by 9peclfied race: UnitedStates nnileach State, lW3 ................................................l............. H Table 9.—Live births by month, sex, and race: UnitedStates end ka,chState, 1943........................................................ 135 .’ Table 10.—Cases of plural births by race, classified by number of children born alive and stillborn: UnitedStates and each State, 1943.. 14


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