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World Health Organization : Regioinal Office for Africa ; Year 1993 ; Issue 9241602724 - in English: Evaluation of the Strategy for Health for All by the Year 2000

By World Health Organization

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Book Id: WPLBN0000185159
Format Type: PDF eBook
File Size: 15.1 MB
Reproduction Date: 2005

Title: World Health Organization : Regioinal Office for Africa ; Year 1993 ; Issue 9241602724 - in English: Evaluation of the Strategy for Health for All by the Year 2000  
Author: World Health Organization
Language: English
Subject: Health., Public health, Wellness programs
Collections: Medical Library Collection, World Health Collection
Publication Date:
Publisher: World Health Organization


APA MLA Chicago

Organization, W. H. (n.d.). World Health Organization : Regioinal Office for Africa ; Year 1993 ; Issue 9241602724 - in English. Retrieved from

Medical Reference Publication

Introduction The fourth annual meeting of European national programme managers on the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) took place in St Vincent, Aosta, Italy, from 20 to 24 May 1991. The meeting was made possible by the Government of the Aosta Valley Autonomous Region, as was the previous meeting in 1990. The participants comprised 58 representatives of 29 European countries, 13 participants from WHO. UNICEF and Rotary Inlernational, and 5 observers from other organizations and institutions (see Annex 5). The meeting was chaired by Dr H. Bijkerk. Dr G. da Villa was Vice-Chairperson, Dr H.C. RUmke Rapporteur and Dr 9. Bytchenko and Dr G. Oblapenko Co-Secretaries. Mr G. Bondaz, President of che Govenunent of the Aosta Vnlley Autonomous Region, opened the meeting. The main objectives of the meeting were to review progress in EPI during 1990; todiscussarevision of the content of national or subnational immunization programmes; to discuss a harmonized calendar of immunization; and to prepare recommendations for the achievement of WHO European health for all target 5. Discussion took place in four concurrent working groups. In addition, a satellite meeting discussed the acute problems for countries of central and eastern Europe of obtaining EPI vaccines. Another satellite meeting addressed the poliomyelitis immunization programme in Romania and advised on the continued use of externally produced oral vaccine (OPV) combined with close epidelniological and virological monitoring of suspected cases of OPVassociated paralysis.

Table of Contents
CONTENTS Introduction 1 Progmss in the Expanded Programme on Immunization 1 Success of the global programme 2 Surveillance of EPI target diseases 2 Attitudes agaim~ti mmunization 3 Poliomyelitis eradication and certification of poliomyelitisfree countries 4 Diphtheria 6 Mumps/measles/mbella 6 Pertussis 7 Hmonization of immunization schedules 8 EPI-related diseases 8 Hocmoplrilur influentat- type b (Hib) 8 Hepatitis B Severe constraints for immudzalion activities in eastern European countries 9 Reports of working groups 10 Report of the wotking group on surveillance of the incidence of communicable diseases and immunization coverage 10 National immunization programme: table of contents 12 Training of mid-level programme managers 12 General recommendation 13 Annex I List of working papers and background documentation 15 Annex 2 Report of the satellite meeting on acute financial problems in EPI in eastern European Member States 19 Annex 3 National imniunizalion Programme (NIP): table of contents 22 Annex 4 Report of the working Group on training of mid-level programme managers 24 Atrnex 5 Participants 29


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