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Statistics for Hispanic-Owned Firms by Major Industry Group for States: 1997

By U. S. Census Bureau Department

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Book Id: WPLBN0000591994
Format Type: PDF eBook
File Size: 373,836 KB.
Reproduction Date: 2005

Title: Statistics for Hispanic-Owned Firms by Major Industry Group for States: 1997  
Author: U. S. Census Bureau Department
Language: English
Subject: Government publications, Census., Census report
Collections: U.S. Census Bureau Collection
Publication Date:
Publisher: U.S. Census Bureau Department


APA MLA Chicago

Bureau Department, U. C. (n.d.). Statistics for Hispanic-Owned Firms by Major Industry Group for States: 1997. Retrieved from

Statistical Reference Document

Excerpt: SIC code Major industry group All firms1 Firms with paid employees Relative standard error of estimate (percent)2 Firms for columnm (number) Sales and receipts ($1,000) Firms (number) Sales and receipts ($1,000) Employees (number) Annual payroll ($1,000) A B C D E F A B C D E F United States 1 199 896 ... 186274582 211884 158674537 1388746 29830028 ? 3 1 4 3 3 Agricultural services, forestry, and fishing 40 040 ... 2279397 5925 1309733 25955 416702 3 9 8 8 17 15 07 Agricultural services 36 872 ... 2 109 344 5 568 1 220 041 24 716 396 342 2 10 8 9 17 15 08 Forestry 334 ... 52 400 98 41 485 1 141 17 476 12 12 13 13 20 9 09 Fishing, hunting, and trapping 2 835 ... 117 652 259 48 207 98 2 885 9 12 45 28 24 10 Mining 1 909 ... 429 446 325 367 442 3 569 97 854 7 15 20 18 28 23 10 Metal mining 45 ... 3 982 20 2 657 67 2 572 35 8 75 13 53 67 12 Coal mining 9 ... 239 21 39 13 Oil and gas extraction 1 801 ... 390 240 278 330 216 3 126 84 994 8 16 22 20 32 27 14 Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels 55 ... 34 985 27 34 570 375 10 288 26 1 19 1 4 1 Construction 152 573 ... 21923384 31478 19146212 168873 4218419 2 7 3 8 8 7 15 General building contractors 16 345 ... 5248828 4984 4754034 27108 731864 3 5 5 6 9 10 16 Heavy construction, except building 2 643 ... 2827244 1308 2790331 20804 677687 3 6 5 6 6 7 17 Special trade contractors 132 656 ... 13 602 223 25 110 11 545 488 120 791 2 803 472 2 9 4 11 10 9 6552 Subdividers and developers, n.e.c 930 ... 245 090 78 56 359 169 5 396 16 26 21 9 34 45 Manufacturing 25 552 ... 28 684 759 10 173 27 719 404 171 738 4 549 598 2 17 3 18 7 11 20 Food and kindred products 2 207 ... 1 986 260 994 1 961 448 15 254 299 155 4 13 8 13 19 17 21 Tobacco products 23 ... D 5 D c D 73 D ? D D D 22 Textile mill products 409 ... 366 051 213 362 739 5 068 84 835 14 30 24 31 32 32 23 Apparel and other textile products 4 157 ... 1176700 1443 1098786 22994 328548 9 8 8 8 18 19 24 Lumber and wood products 1 715 ... 676 874 589 637 757 6 930 146 262 5 22 12 23 26 33 25 Furniture and fixtures 1 503 ... 548 908 596 518 846 6 476 125 710 4 13 6 13 11 11 26 Paper and allied products 206 ... 265 340 81 262 620 1 842 48 373 7 12 15 12 28 19 27 Printing and publishing 3 736 ... 865824 1413 803169 9031 244232 5 9 8 9 9 9 28 Chemicals and allied products 160 ... 418 559 115 410 705 1 239 45 269 15 30 21 30 13 15 29 Petroleum and coal products 12 ... 56 225 12 56 225 132 3 986 46 37 46 37 35 15 30 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 372 ... 725 071 305 722 346 6 869 168 219 9 15 8 15 15 15 31 Leather and leather products 397 ... D 91 D f D 11 D 22 D D D 32 Stone, clay, and glass products 746 ... 270 132 291 260 802 2 754 62 182 8 8 13 8 12 12 33 Primary metal industries 276 ... 659 807 94 650 191 3 220 104 124 15 47 16 48 37 34 34 Fabricated metal products 2 504 ... 1889844 1131 1848967 20124 517960 5 9 8 9 13 11 35 Industrial machinery and equipment 2 830 ... 2264904 1401 2214201 17393 559907 5 7 9 7 6 5 36 Electronic and other electric equipment 977 ... 15 265 009 351 14 769 489 40 546 1 508 553 6 33 10 34 32 33 37 Transportation equipment 289 ... 461 852 252 459 593 4 291 117 298 7 13 7 13 13 12 38 Instruments and related products 183 ... 186 814 142 183 634 1 810 56 631 15 15 19 15 14 25 39 Miscellaneous manufacturing industries 2 858 ... 539890 664 451969 5117 118470 5 9 7 9 9 17 Transportation, communications, and utilities 84 554 ... 8293935 12735 5605332 79682 1587106 2 6 9 8 15 14 41 Local and interurban passenger transit 14 063 ... 659 007 623 342 789 12 595 201 158 7 12 26 23 46 36 42 Trucking and warehousing 54 981 ... 4 686 480 7 541 2 697 455 36 786 736 393 3 11 14 16 32 29 44 Water transportation 308 ... 241 589 101 232 683 3 157 37 427 7 11 21 11 10 9 45 pt. Transportation by air3 856 ... 378 866 249 348 320 2 603 66 002 9 14 20 15 22 14 46 Pipelines, except natural gas S ... S S S S S S S S S S S 47 Transportation services 10 649 ... 1 349 374 3 538 1 132 772 18 439 384 254 3 11 8 12 11 15 48 Communications 2 935 ... 817 011 525 722 013 5 077 137 547 5 8 10 8 7 11 49 Electric, gas, and sanitary services 766 ... D 165 129 300 1 025 24 325 8 D 22 29 28 24 Wholesale trade 31 480 ... 40386625 14125 38746137 94281 2388988 3 9 6 9 8 6 50 Wholesale trademdurable goods 18 231 ... 18939767 8657 17833390 46803 1250623 5 8 7 8 7 6 51 Wholesale trademnondurable goods 13 251 ... 21 446 858 5 469 20 912 747 47 479 1 138 366 3 18 7 19 14 11 Retail trade 155 061 ... 32280310 48713 28599447 324474 3892182 2 5 3 6 4 5 52 Building materials and garden supplies 2 793 ... 638 260 1 069 579 469 5 191 91 260 5 7 10 8 10 11 53 General merchandise stores 1 867 ... 191 064 224 127 883 1 125 17 827 8 12 20 18 16 11 54 Food stores 18 063 ... 5483604 7806 4655236 37354 473075 5 8 7 8 10 8 55 Automotive dealers and service stations 10 950 ... 10 904 860 4 692 10 362 590 25 827 609 416 5 12 6 13 11 15 56 Apparel and accessory stores 9 585 ... 963 116 2 464 753 733 8 289 96 681 6 11 9 10 10 10 57 Furniture and homefurnishings stores 6 577 ... 1 536 536 2 966 1 391 817 12 032 195 093 6 10 11 11 15 11 58 Eating and drinking places 34 862 ... 7945774 21430 7411978 205446 1953014 4 6 4 6 6 7 59 Miscellaneous retail 70 413 ... 4 617 096 8 112 3 316 741 29 209 455 816 3 12 9 15 16 15 Finance, insurance, and real estate 56 629 6 644 826 9 944 4 728 312 34 783 949 006 3 12 6 14 10 11 60 Depository institutions 252 ... 880 287 246 D i D 12 44 11 D D D 61 Nondepository institutions 1 960 ... 355 485 901 325 313 2 866 83 173 6 20 8 21 15 19 62 Security and commodity brokers 2 057 ... 856 081 436 703 154 2 516 236 645 7 10 13 12 21 20 63 pt. Insurance carriers4 97 ... 117 044 51 D f D 32 43 27 D D D 64 Insurance agents, brokers, and service 11 915 ... 1 149 109 3 034 792 373 7 793 173 458 5 8 11 10 10 11 65 pt. Real estate5 39 060 ... 3 089 228 5 132 1 777 451 14 495 258 393 4 13 8 20 14 25 67 pt. Holding and other investment offices6 1 304 ... 197 591 161 134 411 879 33 997 6 12 22 14 10 10 Services 500 449 ... 39 177 767 70 838 30 406 573 463 889 11 297 362 1 9 4 12 5 9 70 Hotels and other lodging places 1 795 ... 323 505 571 276 971 6 458 77 746 6 12 7 11 19 16 72 Personal services 99 389 ... 2 296 098 9 596 932 445 22 829 258 808 3 9 18 16 17 15 73 Business services 157 907 ... 11 996 181 11 436 9 181 439 170 618 3 982 245 3 26 12 33 16 25 75 Auto repair, services, and parking 37 357 ... 3703521 11662 3060863 43534 782424 4 8 8 9 14 11 ...

Table of Contents


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