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Summary of Federal Government Expenditure by State and Outlying Area: Fiscal Year 2002

By U. S. Census Bureau Department

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Book Id: WPLBN0000592046
Format Type: PDF eBook
File Size: 35,787 KB.
Reproduction Date: 2005

Title: Summary of Federal Government Expenditure by State and Outlying Area: Fiscal Year 2002  
Author: U. S. Census Bureau Department
Language: English
Subject: Government publications, Census., Census report
Collections: U.S. Census Bureau Collection
Publication Date:
Publisher: U.S. Census Bureau Department


APA MLA Chicago

Bureau Department, U. C. (n.d.). Summary of Federal Government Expenditure by State and Outlying Area: Fiscal Year 2002. Retrieved from

Statistical Reference Document

Excerpt: State and outlying area Total Retirement and disability Other direct payments Grants Procurement Salaries and wages United States, total 1 917 637 612 996 422 239 412 371 270 965 199 066 Alabama 34 291 11 717 7 086 6 344 6 035 3 109 Alaska 7 562 981 560 3 127 1 396 1 499 Arizona 34 761 11 471 6 193 6 664 7 291 3 142 Arkansas 18 372 6 777 5 202 4 047 1 095 1 251 California 206 401 59 256 45 166 48 084 34 753 19 143 Colorado 26 229 8 073 4 753 4 740 4 526 4 138 Connecticut 25 387 7 348 5 088 5 279 6 216 1 456 Delaware 4 766 1 851 1 121 1 121 207 465 District of Columbia 33 533 1 876 2 130 4 832 10 875 13 821 Florida 104 814 43 709 25 961 16 350 9 757 9 038 Georgia 51 336 15 945 10 160 10 500 7 364 7 366 Hawaii 10 474 2 899 1 435 1 835 1 621 2 684 Idaho 8 378 2 713 1 690 1 837 1 357 781 Illinois 70 275 24 068 20 223 14 975 4 664 6 344 Indiana 34 200 12 877 9 345 6 969 2 802 2 208 Iowa 18 839 6 570 6 169 4 060 955 1 084 Kansas 17 496 5 973 4 614 3 272 1 653 1 984 Kentucky 28 880 9 795 5 906 6 346 3 978 2 854 Louisiana 29 988 9 225 8 092 7 437 2 773 2 461 Maine 9 205 3 267 1 580 2 270 1 240 848 Maryland 49 537 12 789 7 285 6 312 13 488 9 664 Massachusetts 47 480 13 436 11 537 12 339 6 793 3 376 Michigan 55 909 21 241 14 564 13 279 3 539 3 286 Minnesota 27 056 9 225 7 089 6 492 2 228 2 022 Mississippi 21 308 6 688 5 000 5 046 2 734 1 840 Missouri 42 347 13 051 9 916 8 429 7 313 3 637 Montana 6 974 2 199 1 752 1 912 350 760 Nebraska 11 583 3 774 3 767 2 342 591 1 109 Nevada 10 737 4 425 2 126 1 840 1 250 1 096 New Hampshire 6 937 2 726 1 216 1 632 788 574 New Jersey 50 673 17 906 13 131 10 822 4 840 3 974 New Mexico 17 478 4 174 2 154 3 954 5 393 1 802 New York 128 994 39 201 31 389 42 461 7 417 8 526 North Carolina 48 180 17 971 10 369 10 939 2 923 5 978 North Dakota 6 437 1 384 2 643 1 425 329 655 Ohio 65 976 24 599 16 181 14 844 5 243 5 109 Oklahoma 24 355 8 393 5 187 5 108 2 515 3 152 Oregon 19 839 7 687 4 652 4 814 994 1 692 Pennsylvania 85 601 31 194 22 917 18 017 7 415 6 058 Rhode Island 7 503 2 479 1 650 2 094 495 786 South Carolina 26 103 9 708 5 063 5 592 3 105 2 636 South Dakota 6 315 1 702 2 099 1 506 378 631 Tennessee 39 276 13 196 8 309 8 658 5 912 3 200 Texas 123 431 37 324 27 648 24 858 20 581 13 019 Utah 12 302 3 723 1 869 2 697 2 084 1 929 Vermont 4 111 1 304 736 1 281 431 359 Virginia 74 537 18 634 8 515 7 714 26 170 13 504 Washington 40 218 13 063 7 994 8 296 5 586 5 278 West Virginia 13 361 5 460 2 780 3 298 602 1 221 Wisconsin 28 844 11 158 6 830 7 255 1 888 1 713 Wyoming 3 666 1 095 553 1 234 319 465 American Samoa 154 39 2 93 13 6 Fed. States of Micronesia 140 ? 13 126 1 ? Guam 1 114 198 78 251 308 279 Marshall Islands 203 1 ? 58 144 ? Northern Marianas 102 21 3 66 9 3 Palau 42 41 1 ? Puerto Rico 14 062 5 282 2 658 4 828 365 930 Virgin Islands 573 138 90 266 29 50 Undistributed 18 996 17 ? 65 15 844 3 071 ...

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