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Poems on Serious and Sacred Subjects Printed Only as Private Tokens of Regard, For the Particular Friends of the Author

By Hayley, William

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Title: Poems on Serious and Sacred Subjects Printed Only as Private Tokens of Regard, For the Particular Friends of the Author  
Author: Hayley, William
Language: English
Subject: Literature & thought, Literature and history, Literature & philosophy
Collections: Classic Literature Collection, Project Gutenberg Consortia Center
Publication Date:
Publisher: Project Gutenberg Consortia Center


APA MLA Chicago

Hayley, B. W. (n.d.). Poems on Serious and Sacred Subjects Printed Only as Private Tokens of Regard, For the Particular Friends of the Author. Retrieved from

THE FEAR OF DEATH. Thou! whose superior, and aspiring mind Can leave the weakness of thy sex behind; Above its follies, and its fears can rise, Quit the low earth, and gain the distant skies: Whom strength of soul and innocence have taught To think of death, nor shudder at the thought; Say! whence the dread, that can alike engage Vain thoughtless youth, and deep-reflecting age; Can shake the feeble, and appal the strong; Say! whence the terrors, that to death belong? Guilt must be fearful: but the guiltless too Start from the grave, and tremble at the view. The blood-stained pirate, who in neighboring climes, Might fear, lest justice should o?ertake his crimes, Wisely may bear the sea?s tempestuous roar, and rather wait the storm, than make the shore; But can the mariner, who sailed in vain In search of fancy?d treasure on the main, By hope deceiv?d, by endless whirlwinds tost, His strength exhausted, and his viands lost, When land invites him to receive at last A full reward for every danger past: Can he then wish his labors to renew, and fly the port just opening to his view? Not less the folly of the timorous mind, Which dreads that peace, it ever longs to find; Which worn with age, and tost in endless strife On this rough ocean, this tempestuous life, Still covets pain, and shakes with abject fear, When sickness points to death, and shews the haven near. The love of life, it yet must be confest, Was fixed by Nature in the human breast; And Heaven thought fit that fondness to employ. To teach us to preserve the brittle toy. But why, when knowledge has improv?d our thought, Years undeceived us, and affliction taught; Why do we strive to grasp with eager hand, and stop the course of life?s quick-ebbing sand? Why vainly covet, what we can?t sustain? Why, dead to pleasure, would we live to pain? What is this sentence, from which all would fly? Oh! what this horrible decree?to die? Tis but to quit, what hourly we despise A fretful dream, that tortures as it flies.?But hold my pen!?nor let a picture stand Thus darkly colored by this gloomy hand: Minds deeply wounded, or with spleen opprest, Grow sick of life, and sullen sink to rest: But when the soul, possest of its desires, Glows with more warmth, and burns with brighter fires; When friendship soothes each care, and love imparts Its mutual raptures to congenial hearts; When joyful life thus strikes the ravish?d eye, ?Tis then a task, a painful task to die. See! where Philario, poor Philario! lies, Philario late the happy, as the wise! Connubial love, and friendship?s pleasing power Fill?d his good heart, and crown?d his every hour: But sickness bids him those lost joys deplore, and death now tells him, they are his no more. Blest in each name of Husband, Father, Friend, Must those strong ties, those dear connexions end? Must be thus leave to all the woes of life His helpless child, his unprotected wife? While thus to earth these lov?d ideas bind, and tear his lab?ring?his distracted mind: How shall that mind its wretched fate defy? How calm his trouble, and how learn to die? In vain would Faith before his eyes display The opening realms of never-ending day; Superior love his faithful soul detains Bound, strongly bound, in Adamantine chains. But lo! the gates of pitying Heaven unfold: A form, that earth rejoices to behold. 4 Descends: her energy with sweetness join?d, Speaks the bright mission for relief design?d: See! to Philario moves the flood of light; And Resignation bursts upon his sight: See! to the Cross, bedew?d with sacred gore, Humbly she points, and bids the world adore; Then sweetly breathing in his soul inspires A Christian spirit, and devout desires.?Hark! his last wish, his dying pray?r?s begun: ?Lord, as in Heaven, on earth thy will be done!? Calm is his soul; his painful struggles cease; He bows adoring, and expires in peace. O! Resignation; thou unerring guide To human weakness, and to earthly pride, Friend to Distress, who canst alone controul Each rising tumult in the mad?ning soul; ?Tis thine alone from dark despair to save, To soothe the woes of life, and terrors of the grave: Thro? this rough world assist me with thy power! Calm every thought! adorn my latest hour, Sustain my spirit, and confirm my mind, Serene tho? feeling, chearful tho? resign?d! And thou! my friend, while thus in artless verse Thy mind I copy, and thy thoughts rehearse; Let one memorial, tho? unpolish?d, stand Rais?d to thy friendship by this grateful hand! By partial favor let my verse be tried, and ?gainst thy judgment let thy love decide! Tho? I no longer must thy converse share, Hear thy kind counsel, see thy pleasing care; Yet mem?ry still upon the past shall dwell, and still the wishes of my heart shall tell: O! be the cup of joy to thee consign?d, Of joy unmix?d, without a dreg behind! For no rough monitor thy soul requires, To check the frenzy of too rash desires; No poignant grief, to prove its latent worth, No pain to wean it from the toys of earth; Thy soul untroubled can alike survey This gloomy world, and Heaven?s immortal day: Then while the current of thy blood shall flow, While Heaven yet lends thee to thy friends below; Round thee may pleasure spread a chearful scene, Mild as thy heart, and as thy soul serene! And O! when Time shall bid thee yield thy breath, and take thy passage thro? the gates of death, May that last path without a pang be trod, and one short sigh conduct thee to thy God!


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