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Star Soldiers

By Norton, Andre

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Book Id: WPLBN0000635941
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 1.44 MB
Reproduction Date: 2004

Title: Star Soldiers  
Author: Norton, Andre
Language: English
Subject: Science fiction, Fantasy & science fiction, Pulp literature
Collections: Science Fiction Collection, Baen Library Collection
Publication Date:
Publisher: Baen Publishing Enterprises


APA MLA Chicago

Norton, B. A. (2001). Star Soldiers. Retrieved from

Description: Andre Norton-Grand Mistress of science fiction-presents a grand tapestry of the far-flung interstellar future, in which the first starships from Earth have burst out into the universe . . . only to run straight into the restraining grasp of the stagnant alien federation known as Central Control.

Summary: Only as interstellar mercenaries can humans go to the stars; the aliens who already dominate the galaxy allow no other recourse. But when Swordsman Third Class Kana Karr and his comrades-in-arms are betrayed and abandoned on a hostile world by their alien masters, the warriors from Earth begin a desperate but glorious march across a planet whose every sword is against them. Their actions may doom humanity's future . . . or lead the way to an empire of their own! Four thousand years later, galactic civilization is collapsing, and the underfunded crew of an exploration starship is forced to set down on an uncharted planet: a mysterious, abandoned world that is achingly beautiful-and hauntingly familiar. Ranger Sergeant Kartr, telepath and stellar Patrolman, searches with his crewmates for the source of a beacon which may mean escape for them all. What he finds is far stranger: the first clue to what may become the greatest revelation in galactic history! The defining events of future historyas only Andre Norton could tell them!

Excerpt: Star guard introduction: the mercenaries when the dominant species of a minor nine planet system revolving about a yellow sun known as ?sol??situated close to the fringe of the galaxy?gained knowledge of space flight and came out into our lanes of travel there arose a problem which central control had to solve, and speedily. These ?men,? as they called themselves, combined curiosity, daring, and technical skill with a basic will-to-compete against other races and species, an in-born thrust to conflict. Their answer to any problem was aggressive. Had this ?will-to-battle? not been recognized at once for what it was and channeled into proper outlet, infinitesimal as their numbers were among us, we have been told that their influence might have torn asunder the peace of the stellar lanes and plunged whole sectors into war. But the proper steps were taken at once and the Terrans were assigned a role which not only suited their nature but also provided a safety valve for all other belligerents among the systems which make up our great confederacy. Having been studied and carefully evaluated by Central Control psycho-techneers the Terrans were appointed to act as the mercenaries of the Galaxy—until such a time as these too independent and aggressive creatures would develop for themselves some less dangerous calling. Thus there came into being the “Hordes” and “Legions” we find mentioned again and again in the various solar histories of the period. These organizations, manned by either “Archs” or “Mechs,” carried on a formalized warfare for any planetary ruler who desired to enhance his prestige by employing them to fight his battles.


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