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Cross Sections for Collisions of Electrons and Photons with Atomic Oxygen

By Itikawa, Y.

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Book Id: WPLBN0000659986
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 1.34 MB
Reproduction Date: 2005

Title: Cross Sections for Collisions of Electrons and Photons with Atomic Oxygen  
Author: Itikawa, Y.
Language: English
Subject: Technology., Reference materials, Technology and literature
Collections: Techonology eBook Collection
Publication Date:


APA MLA Chicago

Itikawa, B. Y. (n.d.). Cross Sections for Collisions of Electrons and Photons with Atomic Oxygen. Retrieved from

Technical Reference Publication

Introduction: Recently the present authors published compilations of cross-section data for the collision of electrons and photons with nitrogen (N,) and oxygen (0,)2 molecules. These molecules are the major constituents of the Earth's atmosphere. Atomic oxygen (0) is also important in the upper atmosphere of the Earth, since it is the most abundant species at heights between 200 and 600 km. Furthermore, atomic oxygen plays a significant role in the atmospheres of other planets (e.g., Venus and Mars) and in various astronomic objects. As an extension of the previous work on N, and O, the present paper compiles the cross-section data for the collision of electrons and photons with...

Table of Contents
Contents 1. Introduction ....................................................... 2. Properties of Atomic Oxygen ............................. 2.1. Energy Levels ............................................ 2.2. Oscillator Strength and Lifetime ...... ......... 2.3. Polarkability ........ .............. . ................ ..... . 3. Photoionization .................................................. 4. Electron Collisions: Total-Scattering, Elastic and Momentum-Transfer Cross Sections . . ....... . 4.1. Elastic and Momentum-Transfer Cross Sections ........ ... .. . . ..... . . . ... . .. . . .. .. . . . .... . . .. .. .. . . . 4.2. Total Scattering Cross Section .................. 5. Electron Collisions: Electronic Excitations ....... 5.1. Fine Structure Transition in the Ground State ....... ...... . . ....... ..................-.....--..-.-...... 5.2. Excitations of 2p4 'D,'S States ........ ....... .. 5.3. Excitahons ot-Other States ....................... 5.4. Emission Cross Sections ............................ 6. Electron Collisions: Ionization .......................... 7. Electron Collisions: Attachment ........................ 8. Summary and Future Problems ......................... 9. Acknowledgments .............................................. 10. References .......................................................... List of Tables 2.1. Energy levels of atomic oxygen ............. ...... .. .... 2.2. Oscillator strengths of the dipole dowed transitions from the ground state ............................... 2.3. Transition probabiitics for the 611e struc~ure levels of 2p4 3P, ID, '5' .... . .................................. 638 5.1. Rate coefficients for the cooling due to the h e 638 structure transitcons in the ground state of 0 ... 638 5.2. Excited states of 0 for which Q,,, and Qe,, are 639 given .. .. . . ... .. . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . .. . .. . . ... .. . . ... .. . . ... .. , . .. .. . . . .. . 639 6.1. Parameters in the extrapolation formula for the 640 secondary electron energy distribution ............. 641 Lid of Fi~ures Energy diagram of atomic oxygen .................. Photoionization cross section .......................... Elastic and momentum-transfer cross sections for E, < 10 eV ................................................. Elastic and total-scattering cross sections ....... Cross sections for the transition of fine-struc- Lure Irvels in the ground state of 0 ................. Excitation cross sections for 2p4 'D, 'S ........... Excitation cross sections for 3s 'So and 4s 'So.. Excitation cross sections for 3p 3P and 4p 3P .. Excitation cross sections for 3d 3D O ............... Excitation cross sections for nd 3D0 65 1 (n = 3 - 7) ..................................................... 5.7. Excitation cross sections for 3s' 'D O ............... 5.8. Excitation cross sections for 3s 3P0, 2F2p5 3P0 and 4d' 3P0 ........ .. . .. ... . . . . .. . . . ..... . . ... .. . . .... . . . .... . . . 5.9. Excitation cross sections for 3s 'So ...........,..... 638 5.10. Excitation cross sections for 3p SP .................. 5.1 1. Emission cross sections for the lines 87.8,98.9, 639 102.7, and 130.4 nm ........................................ 6.1. Ionization cross sections ................................ . 640 6.2. Secondary electron energy distributions ......... 7.1. Radiative attachment cross section ................. @ by the US. Secretary of Commerce on behsKofthe United States. 7.2. Rate coefficient for the three-body attachment. This wpyright is assigned to the American Institute of Physics and the American Chemical Society. 8.1. Summary of cross sections for electron COUReprints available from ACS;s ee Reprints List at back of iaue. S ~ Ow~iSth 0. .................................................... o o ~ ~ - ~ 8 ~ ~ s ~ ~ o ~ u 6 ~ ~ - ~ 6 / ~ 0 ~ . u u 637 J. ~nysc. nem. ~ e io.a ta, vol. 19, NO. 3,1990


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