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Information Technology : Treasury's Cyber-Based Critical Infrastructure Protection Implementation Efforts Remain Inadequate

By Ladner, Drew

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Book Id: WPLBN0000660506
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.5 MB
Reproduction Date: 2005

Title: Information Technology : Treasury's Cyber-Based Critical Infrastructure Protection Implementation Efforts Remain Inadequate  
Author: Ladner, Drew
Language: English
Subject: Government publications, Economics., United States. Department of the Treasury--Appropriations and Expenditures.
Collections: Government Library Collection, U.S. Department of the Treasury Collection
Publication Date:
Publisher: United States Department of the Treasury


APA MLA Chicago

Ladner, B. D. (n.d.). Information Technology : Treasury's Cyber-Based Critical Infrastructure Protection Implementation Efforts Remain Inadequate. Retrieved from

Government Reference Publication

Excerpt: The overall objective of this audit was to determine whether Treasury adequately implemented its cyber-based CIP plan under PDD 63. Fieldwork was conducted at DO, the Financial Management Service (FMS), and the United States Customs Service (USCS). In addition, a questionnaire was used to solicit information from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) and the United States Secret Service (USSS). A more detailed description of our objective, scope, and methodology is provided in Appendix 1.

Table of Contents
Contents Audit Report.................................................................................................. 3 Results in Brief............................................................................................. 4 Background................................................................................................. 7 Finding and Recommendations....................................................................... 8 Treasury Did Not Provide Adequate Guidance Or Effective Oversight On CIP Implementation....................................................................................8 Recommendations....................................................................................13 Appendices Appendix 1: Objective, Scope, and Methodology.........................................16 Appendix 2: Management Comments.........................................................17 Appendix 3: Major Contributors To This Report...........................................22 Appendix 4: Report Distribution.................................................................23 Abbreviations ATF Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms CIAO Chief Infrastructure Assurance Officer CIO Chief Information Officer CIP Critical Infrastructure Protection CIPAMS Critical Infrastructure Protection Asset Management System CIPO Critical Infrastructure Protection Officer COOP Continuity of Operations Plan DO Departmental Offices DHS Department of Homeland Security DOJ Department of Justice ECIE Economic Council on Integrity and Efficiency E-ITSPA Enterprise Information Technology Security Planning and Assurance FMS Financial Management Service FY Fiscal Year IT Information Technology MEI Minimum Essential Infrastructure OCIO Office of the Chief Information Officer OIG Office of Inspector General


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