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Evaluated Activity and Osmotic Coefficients for Aqueous Solutions

By Goldberg, Robert N.

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Book Id: WPLBN0000661891
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 4.84 MB
Reproduction Date: 2005

Title: Evaluated Activity and Osmotic Coefficients for Aqueous Solutions  
Author: Goldberg, Robert N.
Language: English
Subject: Technology., Reference materials, Technology and literature
Collections: Techonology eBook Collection
Publication Date:


APA MLA Chicago

N. Goldber, B. R. (n.d.). Evaluated Activity and Osmotic Coefficients for Aqueous Solutions. Retrieved from

Technical Reference Publication

Introduction: Previous evaluations have been performed for the uni-univalent electrolytes [I], calcium chloride [2], the alkaline earth metal halides [3], sulfuric acid [4], and the bi-univalent electrolytes, which include compounds of iron, nickel and cobalt [5], lead, copper, manganese, and uranium [6], and zinc and cadmium [7]. The evaluation procedures have been described [2,3,8] in substantial detail and a bibliography [9] giving the results of a search of the scientific literature for relevant sources of experimental data has been published.

Table of Contents
Contents Page 1. Introduction ..................................................6..7 2 2. Evaluated Activity and Osmotic Coefficients .672 2.1. Presentation of Data ............................. 672 2.2. Criteria for Choice of Number of Coefficients ........... ................................ 673 2.3. Evaluated Systems ................................ 674 (NH4)2HP04.. .... ................... .. .............. 674 (CN,H,),CO, ........ ................. ............... 676 C,H6S206 .............................................. 678 C,H,S,O, ...... .... .................... ................ 68 1 (NH4)2BloH,.,. ... .... .. ... ....... .. ... .. .... .... ... .683 Li2S04. .. ..... .. . .... . . . . .. . . .. ... ...... . . .... .. .. ..... . ,685 Li,C,H,S,06 ......................................... 689 Li2CI4Hl2S2O..,. ...... ... .. ...... .... . .. . . ..... .. 691 Na2S0, ................................................. 693 Na2S04 ................................................. 695 N&S,O, ................................................ 702 Na2S20, ................................................ 704 Na2S20, ................................................ 706 Na2HP04 .............................................. 703 Na2C4H204s, odium fumarare. ............. 7 11 Page Na2C4H,0,, sodium maleate ........ ....... .7 13 Na,CO ................................................ 715 Na,HAsO ............................................ .719 Na2C,H4S206 ...... . ... .... . .. .... . .. .. ..... . . ..... .721 Na2C6H4S20, ....................................... 723 Na2C,4H,2S20..6.. .. . .... .. . ... .. . ...... ... ..... ... 725 Na2C,,III2S20.. ................................. 727 Na2B12H,..,. ..................... .....................7 29 Na2Cr0, . ......................... .................. !. .73 1 N+W04 ............................................. 733 K,SO, ......... ..................... .................... 73 5 K2HP04 ................................................ 740 K2H2P20, .................................... ... . 7 4 2 K2HAs04.. ..........................................7. 44 K2Pt(CN), ....................... .................... 746 K,Cr04 ..... . . ... . .. .. .. ... . . . .... . .. .. . . .. . ... . . . . . 748 K,Cr,O ............................................... 750 Rb2S04.. ................................................7 52 Rb2S20, ................................................ 754 Cs2S04 ............................................... 756 CszS20.. ............................................... 759 2.4. Systems Not Treated ...........................7. 60 2.5. Previous Compilations and Evaluations 762 3. Auxiliary Data ............................................... 762 t. Acknowledgments ......................................... 762 @ 1981 by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf on the United States. This copyright is assigned to the American Institute of Physics and the 5. References ......... ................... . .... .................. 762 AII'IerlCaII Chemlcal Society. 6. Glossary of Symbols ...................................... 764 0047-2689/8 1 /03067 1 -94/$7.00 671 1. Phys. Cham. Ref. Data, Vol. 10, No. 3,1981


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