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The Buddha’s Gospel: A Buddhist’s Interpretation of Jesus’ Words

By Lindsay Falvey

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Book Id: WPLBN0002170332
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.6 MB
Reproduction Date: 2002

Title: The Buddha’s Gospel: A Buddhist’s Interpretation of Jesus’ Words  
Author: Lindsay Falvey
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Philosophy, Reference
Collections: Authors Community, Buddhism
Publication Date:
Publisher: Institute for International Development, Adelaide
Member Page: Lindsay Falvey


APA MLA Chicago

Falvey, B. L. (2002). The Buddha’s Gospel: A Buddhist’s Interpretation of Jesus’ Words. Retrieved from

Described as ‘unique and a great service to understanding’, this book is intended for three groups; Western Buddhists, that bulk of the West that have no religious affiliation yet know there is something more to life, and Buddhists in Asia who follow the encounter of the dharma with the West. It highlights the pervasive similarities in the teachings of Jesus and the Buddha as they were probably originally presented. In its six chapters and appendix, it compares the two great teachers, the Buddha and Jesus, briefly charts the process by which experts have produced words readily attributed to Jesus and presents a Buddhist ‘imitation’ of these words based on the hypothetical ‘Sayings of Jesus’. It then considers congruence between the Buddha’s and Jesus’ teachings before offering both Buddhist and Christian interpretations. An appendix re-presents the Buddhist imitation of Jesus’ words as a continuous text. Dr. Falvey introduces his work ... ‘Jesus speaking the Buddha’s words’ exudes audacity and ignorance, yet this work essentially wrote itself as a product of my socialization, a modicum of Christian theological study and its explication through three decades of casual association with Thai Buddhism. Differences between the two traditions – such as Christianity relying on a God while Buddhism denies the existence of a God proved themselves facile upon consideration of the metaphorical intent of teachings of both traditions.

Table of Contents
References Appendix TABLE OF CONTENTS Two Great Teachers Towards a Personal Gospel A Buddhist Imitation of Jesus’ Words The ‘Sayings of Jesus’ ‘Q’ Better Good News? A Christian Interpretation of Buddhism A Buddhist Imitation of Jesus’ Words – Continuous


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