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The Selected Rimes of Dante Alighieri

By Alighieri, Dante

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Book Id: WPLBN0002171603
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.1 MB
Reproduction Date: 11/5/2012

Title: The Selected Rimes of Dante Alighieri  
Author: Alighieri, Dante
Language: English
Subject: Fiction, Drama and Literature, Poetry
Collections: Authors Community, Poetry
Publication Date:
Publisher: A. S. Kline
Member Page: Tony Kline


APA MLA Chicago

Alighieri, Translated By Tony Klin, B. D. (n.d.). The Selected Rimes of Dante Alighieri. Retrieved from

Selected Poems from Dante's verse.

Table of Contents
‘Guido, i’ vorrei che tu e Lapo ed io’ Guido, I wish that Lapo, you, and I, ‘Voi che savete ragionar d’Amore’ You who know the languages of Love, ‘Io son venuto al punto de la rota’ I have reached that point of the circuit ‘Al poco giorno e al gran cerchio d’ombra’ - Sestina I have come, alas, to the great circle of shadow, ‘Amor, tu vedi ben che questa donna’ – Double Sestina Love you may see how truly this lady ‘Così nel mio parlar voglio esser aspro’ I wish my speech to be as harsh ‘A ciascun’alma presa e gentil core’ To every single gentle heart and loving, ‘Spesse fiate vegnonmi a la mente’ Frequently I muse within my mind ‘Amore e ‘l cor gentil sono una cosa’ Love and the gentle heart are one thing, ‘Io mi senti’ svegliar dentro a lo core’ Within my heart I felt the sudden stir ‘Gentil pensero che parla di vui’ There is a gentle thought that often springs ‘Di donne io vidi una gentile schiera’ Of ladies I saw a noble gathering, ‘Onde venite voi così pensose?’ Where are you coming from so pensively? ‘De gli occhi de la mia donna si move’ From my lady’s eyes there glows ‘Ne le man vostre, gentil donna mia’ Into your hands, my gentle lady, ‘Due donne in cima de la mente mia’ Two ladies in the depths of my mind ‘Voi, donne, che pietoso atto mostrate’ You, ladies, who pitying gestures show, ‘Un si venne a me Malinconia’ One day Melancholy came to me ‘Oltre la spera che più larga gira’ Beyond the sphere that wheels most widely


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