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The poems of the Hon. Mrs. Norton, with a notice of the author

By Norton, Caroline Sheridan

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Book Id: WPLBN0002351911
Format Type: PDF eBook :
File Size: 9.5 MB
Reproduction Date: 2012

Title: The poems of the Hon. Mrs. Norton, with a notice of the author  
Author: Norton, Caroline Sheridan
Language: English
Collections: American Libraries Collection
Publication Date:
Publisher: New York, Leavitt and Allen


APA MLA Chicago

Sheridan, 1808-1877Griswold, Rufus W. (Rufus Wilmot), 1815-185, N. C. (1857). The poems of the Hon. Mrs. Norton, with a notice of the author. Retrieved from

Rare book preservation notes: Due to the deteriorated condition of this book, there were limitations with the digital preservation of this books. There may be pages missing, narrow margins or page content running into the gutter. Because of the historic uniqueness of this book, the book has been selected to be included in the library even with its imperfections. 

Contributor: The Library of Congress. Digital scans produced from original paper book shelf at library. The digitalization of this book was sponsored by The Library of Congress


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