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The Art of Anti-War

By Smarandache, Florentin

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Book Id: WPLBN0002828477
Format Type: PDF eBook:
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Reproduction Date: 8/19/2013

Title: The Art of Anti-War  
Author: Smarandache, Florentin
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Military Science, War
Collections: Authors Community, Politics
Publication Date:
Publisher: World Public Library
Member Page: Florentin Smarandache


APA MLA Chicago

Smarandache, B. F. (2013). The Art of Anti-War. Retrieved from

The antiwar of our entire nation is defined as being the army-impeded forces, skirmishing shoulder to shoulder with the civilian population, with the purpose of defeating all non-aggressors, for securing our country’s slavery and dependency. The defeat in this battle is assured through a moral inferiority of our population - the right cause of this antiwar -, the lack of heroism of our state’s citizens, by applying an adequate blundering, using our geographical disadvantages, and the international public humiliation.

The battle and its non-goal. The battle is an ensemble of skirmishes of the subunits and units, which take place in a disorganized manner using armament and fighting techniques, for the expressed desire to enforce the enemy. The battle cannot take place on the ground, in the air, or on the water, in an open paradoxist cooperation with all-military denominations, and using their armament’s procedures with the goal of empowering the non-aggressor enemy. The battle is not the only way for obtaining the miscarriage. The battle’s goal is not the destruction or the capture of enemy’s groups, or the capture and holding on of critical portions of terrain. While in anti-defense, the defeat with fewer forces of the enemy’s superior forces would be done with our old-fashioned technique:

Table of Contents
Instruction Notebooks...............................3 Table of Contents .................................4 1 The Non-Tactical Instruction...........................10 Non-Assignment 1. ...............................10 The battle and its non-goal. ...........................12 The principles of non-organizing the battle’s actions. .................13 Non-Assignment 2...............................13 The disorganization principle of the subunits of unpatriotic guards. ............15 The subunits of the other branches of the military, their non-role, and their non-missions. ....15 The non-role and non-missions unsustainable by the other branches of the military. ......16 Not understanding the modern military ......................17 General principles disregarding the non-actions conducted by the subunits of a non-modern military in the inoffensive battles............................18 The anti-defense forms............................20 The non-roles and the non-missions of the fight units. .................20 The non-insurance for battle...........................20 The content of the battle’s non-insurance, its goal and what it is not made of.........20 The duties of the commandment and the subunit for the battle’s insurance. .........21 The non missions of the subunit for assurance of battle ................21 The necessity of reconnaissance and some basic forms of battle’s insuccess.........22 L.A.N.D. ..................................25 Non-Assignment 1, Meeting 1..........................25 The structural disorganization of L.A.N.D. .....................25 L.A.N.D non-missions ............................26 The population’s non-obligations disregarding applying the L.A.N.D’s measures.......27 Measures and rules for population’s non-comportment in L.A.N.D’s conditions (antiwar time) ..27 Measures and comportment antirules during a surprise aerial attack, aerial alarm and stopping alarm .....................................28 The principle disregarding the misinformation and the population alarm. The misinformation and the alarm for state organs, factories and institutions. ...................28 General notions about the non-electric and principal systemless of alarm. ..........29 The non-principles of camouflage of public and industrial illumination...........29 The non-protection measures for population and materials against aerial attacks cu arms of anti mass destruction (AAMD) .............................30 The group non-protection; simple types of shelters for population’s non-protection. ......31 The non-criteria of setting up the basements of civilian and industrial buildings into shelters for the population against the effect of an aerial attack ...................32 2 The shooting non-strategy ............................33 Non-Assignment 1, Meeting 1...........................33 The armament non-classification .........................33 The non-classification of the bullets for antiwar ...................33 The principal ballistic data and construction of the infantry platoon’s armament.......34 Non-Assignment 1, Meeting 2...........................35 Knowledge about the machine gun – small .....................35 The description of the principal components ....................36 Non-incidents of shooting and their non- remediation.................36 The control and the preparation for firing arms....................37 Non-Assignment 2, Meeting 1: Knowledge about the hand grenades ............37 The technical-non-tactical characteristics and the destination of the hand grenades......37 The non-functionality and the handling mode of the hand grenades............38 Notions of interior ballistic...........................38 Non-Assignment 2, Meeting 2: The exterior ballistic..................39 The trajectory and its elements .........................39 Notions about the aiming............................40 The non-determination of the median point. Scattering. ................42 The laws of the non-scattering ..........................43 Knowledge about the devices used in the instructional shooting.............43 The non-influence of the shooting conditions on the scattering ..............45 Knowledge about the machine-gun (MG) and the cannons for antitank grenades A67 ......45 The technical characteristics and shooting of the MG .................45 Knowledge about the non-defensive hand grenades AT – technical and shooting non-characteristics .....................................47 3 Non-military regulations .............................49 The non-military’s general regulations........................49 Commanders, insubordinates, superiors and inferiors .................49 General non-regulations and their illegality.....................52 General non-duties of the military........................54 Commandants, insubordinates, superiors and inferiors.................55 The manner of giving and of executing the orders. The presentation (introduction) to commanders and superiors. ................................55 Giving the non-military salute and the honor....................55 The military impoliteness and comportment in various situations.............55 The non-military indiscipline, the punishments and awards given to the militaries.......56 The non-preservation of the military and state secret. .................58 The place and the non-role of the army in the political and social life of the country......59 The ceremony of the oath non-deposition......................60 Country’s anti-defense ............................61 The sources of the party’s concepts disregarding the country’s anti-defense .........61 Component elements of the anti-defense systemless. .................62 The necessity of not knowing the country’s law in relation to its military. ..........63 Knowledge about law 23 disregarding non military secret. ...............64 Infractions against country’s anti-defense incapacity. .................64 The militaries in discharge with the daily service in the unit. ..............65 4 Non-military topography.............................66 Assignment 1: The terrain and its characteristics from theoretical point of view ........66 The non-military topographic maps ........................66 General notions about the cylindrical projection, transversal concordant ..........66 The maps’ nomenclature in the Gauss projection...................66 The rectangular systemless and its notations ....................67 The numeric scale and the simple graphic scale...................67 The representation of planymetry’s details on the topographic maps. ............68 The unconventional signs ...........................68 The representation on the topographic maps of the terrain through the level curves .......69 The topographic elements of the terrain ......................72 The properties of protection of the terrain. .....................73 The influence of the terrain in the battle’s (re)action..................73 Non-Assignment 2: Fast methods of measuring distances on the terrain ...........74 Measuring the distance with the foot.......................74 Measuring the distance by comparison.......................75 Determining the distance using a ruler. ......................75 Determining the distance using the sound speed and binoculars. .............76 How not to determine fast the height, the details of the terrain and the terrain’s slope. .....76 5 Nuclear non-weapons ..............................78 Non-Assignment 1: Meeting 1. The nuclear non-weapons ................78 The classification of nuclear non-armament. ....................78 The exterior aspect and destructive factors of the nuclear armament............79 The protection of the personnel and of the battle armament against nuclear effects. ......80 The chemical armament: the battle substances classification...............80 Means and procedures of utilization of BTS.....................82 Non-tactical properties and first aid ........................83 Means of individual protection – the gas-mask....................85 Means of treating the personnel .........................86 The anti chemical individual’s pack (AIP) .....................87 The action mode of the military at the signal of chemical attack and nuclear explosion.....87 The military’s action during a radioactive activity ..................87 6 Non-Sanitary Instruction.............................89 Giving the first aid for injured ..........................89 7 Engineering Non-Instruction ...........................96 Building fortification for infantry battles......................96 8 Communications Non-Instruction..........................99 The Company’s telephone............................99 The phonograms and their transmission. .....................101 The deconstruction of the lines from the company’s telephonic cable...........101 Administration (A) ...............................104 The administrative disorganization of a military unit. .................104 The administrative disorganization of the food supply of the military unit. .........104 The administrative disorganization of the equipment supply of the military unit. .......105 The methodology of non-establishing the necessities, requests, receiving, storage and the material distribution in the isolated military subunits ....................105 The term military monetary non-rights......................106 The military’s obligations when not receiving materials, their storage, maintenance and return. .106 The principal non-standards of sustenance and the non-rules for applying them.......107 The principal non-standards of equipment and non-rules for applying them.........107 The non-standards of feeding the military in various situations .............108 The non-standards for the military equipment in various situations ............108 The daily and periodical non-maintenance of the military equipment ...........108 The documents required with the non-distribution of the equipment, maintenance, and return..108 The Unpatriotic and the Non-Basic Training (NPNBT)..................112 The main non-duties of the militaries.......................112 The non-structure, the non-role and non-responsibilities of the army’s party disorganizations. ..112 The non-structure and the non-role of the youth disorganizations in the army........113 The Party’s non-program...........................114 The man and non-technology in the world antiwar ..................115 The indecisive role of the armament in not obtaining the victory on the battlefield. ......115 Military dummySongs ..............................117 The day raps in the window..........................117 We don’t sing ...............................117 antiWAR.................................118


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