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New Relativistic Paradoxes and Open Questions

By Smarandache, Florentin

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Book Id: WPLBN0002828484
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.9 MB
Reproduction Date: 8/2/2013

Title: New Relativistic Paradoxes and Open Questions  
Author: Smarandache, Florentin
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Science, Theory of Relativity
Collections: Authors Community, Mathematics
Publication Date:
Publisher: World Public Library
Member Page: Florentin Smarandache


APA MLA Chicago

Smarandache, B. F. (2013). New Relativistic Paradoxes and Open Questions. Retrieved from

In chapter 1, following the Special Theory of Relativity, we generalize the Lorentz Contraction Factor C(v) to an Oblique-Contraction Factor OC(v, θ), which gives the contraction factor of the lengths moving at an oblique angle with respect to the motion direction. In the chapters 2-5 we show several inconsistencies, contradictions, and anomalies in the Special and General Theories of Relativity

Following the Special Theory of Relativity, Florentin Smarandache generalizes the Lorentz Contraction Factor to an Oblique-Contraction Factor, which gives the contraction factor of the lengths moving at an oblique angle with respect to the motion direction. He also proves that relativistic moving bodies are distorted, and he computes the Angle-Distortion Equations. He then shows several paradoxes, inconsistencies, contradictions, and anomalies in the Theory of Relativity.

1.3. Oblique-Length Contraction Factor The Special Theory of Relativity asserts that all lengths in the direction of motion are contracted, while the lengths at right angles to the motion are unaffected. But it didn’t say anything about lengths at oblique angle to the motion (i.e. neither perpendicular to, nor along the motion direction), how would they behave? This is a generalization of Galilean Relativity, i.e. we consider the oblique lengths. The length contraction factor in the motion direction is: C(v) = The square root of (1 – (v squared divided by c squared )(5) Suppose we have a rectangular object with width W and length L that travels at a constant speed v with respect to an observer on Earth.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Contraction and Dilation Factors in The Special Theory of Relativity: 15 Chapter 2. New Paradoxes for The Special Theory of Relativity: 38 Chapter 3. Other Paradoxes for The Special Theory of Relativity: 53 Chapter 4. Dilemmas for The General Theory of Relativity: 77 Chapter 5. Open Questions and Remarks: 101


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